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卞丽  王玲 《图书馆建设》2007,(3):49-51,54
依据期刊联合目录建设主体,现阶段我国图书馆期刊联合目录建设可划分为自由联合体模式、图书馆联盟发起模式、图书馆与数据商合作模式、国家文献中心模式、书目供应体模式和分布式模式等。本文分别以CSDL全国期刊联合目录、CALIS联合目录、CCC、NTSL和CASHL期刊目次库、cnpLINKer及汇文虚拟联合目录等为各种模式代表,并对各种模式联合目录文献收录情况、功能特点等进行了分析和评价。  相似文献   
为了考察高校教师心理健康服务需求的现状,为提高高校教师心理健康服务水平提供实证依据,本研究对陕西省5个地市5所地方本科院校680名教师进行调查,调查内容包括教师对心理健康服务的态度、对心理健康服务机构的需求、对心理健康服务人员的需求、对心理健康服务内容的需求、对心理健康服务方式和途径的需求5个方面。调查结果发现:(1)教师对心理健康服务的态度不够积极,大多认为心理健康服务没有必要;(2)教师最希望接受学校心理健康服务机构的服务,而对民间机构需求程度最低;(3)教师最希望得到家人等非专业人员的服务,对私立机构专家等专业人员的需求程度不高;(4)教师对生计与生活适应、身心管理、人际关系、职业发展、婚恋及两性心理最关心,对危机干预及物质依赖需求度低;(5)教师最愿意与家人交流讨论、向同学同辈朋友咨询、接受健康教育和科普宣传,不愿意采用电话咨询等方式接受心理健康服务。地方本科院校的工会作为"教职工之家",应充分利用基层组织优势,积极发挥作用,创建"教师心灵驿站工作室",加强和改善教师心理健康服务质量。  相似文献   
坚持以人为本创新高校工会工作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校工会贯彻落实科学发展观,必须坚持以人为本,不断加强工会的自身建设;切实维护教职工的合法权益;不断强化人的主体地位;创新高校工作工会中途径;只有这样才能全面创新高校工会工作的新局面。  相似文献   
Artificial rugby union playing surface installation is increasing. This prospective cohort study aimed to examine the effect of playing surface on match injury types within 157 players of two UK professional rugby union clubs playing 209 matches (96 on artificial surfaces and 113 on grass) over three seasons. There was no difference in overall injury risk between the two playing surfaces with injury incidence on artificial 80.2 (CI 69.9–91.7) and on grass 81.9 per 1000 match-hours (CI 72.2–92.5), with an incidence rate ratio (RR) of 0.98 (CI 0.82–1.17). There was a higher rate of concussion (RR 0.52, CI 0.34 – 0.78) and chest injuries on grass (RR 0.26 CI 0.07, 0.95), and a higher rate of thigh haematoma (RR 2.25, CI 1.05–4.82) foot injuries (RR 4.12, CI 1.10, 15.40) and injury to players being tackled (RR 1.46, CI 1.00, 2.15) on artificial. Whilst there was no higher injury risk for matches played on artificial versus natural grass surfaces, the higher incidence of concussion and chest injury on grass, and the higher rate of foot injuries on artificial surfaces may be related to tackle and footwear-to-surface interface factors.  相似文献   
本文通过对竞争作为现代性观念内涵的揭示,进而把竞争分为社会层面和个体的层面来进行分析。竞争作而一个逐渐形成的具有传统意味的观念,对社会层面和个体层面都产生了巨大的影响。  相似文献   
工会是教职工群众自愿结合的组织,是教职工群众的家,全心全意为教职工群众服务是高等学校工会的基本职能.工会只有全心全意为教职工群众服务,工会才能真正发挥其作用.本文就高等学校工会的服务职能问题进行了探讨,以期促进高等学校工会工作的发展.党的十六大报告强调指出;“在任何时候任何情况下,都必须坚持党的群众路线,坚持全心全意为人民服务的宗旨,把实现人民群众的利益作为一切工作的出发点和归宿.“作为高校工会,要贯彻落实十六大这一精神,就必须突出服务职能,真正做到权为职工所用,情为职工所系,利为职工所谋,全心全意为广大教职工服务.  相似文献   
This study describes foot positioning during the final two steps of the approach to the ball amongst professional rugby goal-kickers. A 3D optical motion capture system was used to test 15 goal-kickers performing 10 goal-kicks. The distance and direction of each step, as well as individual foot contact positions relative to the tee, were measured. The intra- and inter-subject variability was calculated as well as the correlation (Pearson) between the measurements and participant anthropometrics. Inter-subject variability for the final foot position was lowest (placed 0.03 ± 0.07 m behind and 0.33 ± 0.03 m lateral to the tee) and highest for the penultimate step distance (0.666 ± 0.149 m), performed at an angle of 36.1 ± 8.5° external to the final step. The final step length was 1.523 ± 0.124 m, executed at an external angle of 35.5 ± 7.4° to the target line. The intra-subject variability was very low; distances and angles for the 10 kicks varied per participant by 1.6–3.1 cm and 0.7–1.6°, respectively. The results show that even though the participants had variability in their run-up to the tee, final foot position next to the tee was very similar and consistent. Furthermore, the inter- and intra-subject variability could not be attributed to differences in anthropometry. These findings may be useful as normative reference data for coaching, although further work is required to understand the role of other factors such as approach speed and body alignment.  相似文献   
高等师范院校学生体育态度变 化的实证研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以Bonnie L.Parkhouse的职业体育劳资关系为基本模型,以我国的中超联赛为例,对我国职业体育中的劳资关系结构和要素进行分析。指出在我国职业体育中劳资关系存在的问题,并提出了相应的应对策略,即清晰界定劳资双方和第三方;建立与国际接轨的球员工会;规范和完善体育经纪人制度。  相似文献   
韩旭 《科教文汇》2014,(36):184-186
高校招生规模的扩大、就业模式的转型、教学模式的革新等因素使得团学工作面临着新的挑战,而团学工作项目化管理所具备的创新高校团学工作机制、提升高校团学工作水平及提高团员的综合素质及综合能力等价值,以及独有的科学性、主动性及竞争性等三大特征,使其成为创新高校团学工作的方向。  相似文献   
联合基金是国家自然科学基金委员会根据国家对自然科学基金的定位而设立的。近年来,随着国家自然科学基金投入幅度的不断增长,国家也要求科学基金更好地发挥导向作用。基金委通过开展联合资助,协调多方合作与互助,推进研究资源共享,为国家创新体系建设发挥了积极作用。本文通过对承担过和申请过各类型联合基金的科学家进行问卷调查,对国家自然科学基金联合基金项目的实施情况进行描述性统计分析,对实施过程中存在的问题进行进一步的探讨和总结,并提出相应的建议。  相似文献   
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