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原始生态建筑是珍贵的世界文化遗产和不可再生的旅游资源。在西部旅游大开发中,必须对原始生态建筑进行科学评价,有效保护,方能永续利用。  相似文献   
房屋安全鉴定是一项技术与政策相结合、局部和整体相结合、必须考虑诸多因素的技术工作,对房屋钢筋混凝土构件进行鉴定,自然离不开对其强度、刚度、抗裂性等进行定量测算,必要时还应通过荷载试验,但在实际工作中,往往是首先通过现场踏勘进行外观检查,这不仅可以在房屋安全鉴定中起到事半功倍的作用,提高办事效率,而且对如何鉴定裂缝、分析裂缝、控制裂缝也有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   
阐述了Oracle数据库的基本架构和Oracle数据库理论中的主要概念。Oracle体系结构由存储结构、内存结构和进程结构组成,其中,存储结构由物理存储结构及逻辑存储结构组成;内存结构由SGA和PGA组成;进程结构由用户进程和Oracle进程组成。  相似文献   
本文基于索长误差的概率分布模型,分析预应力索杆结构施工张拉的初始预应力偏差。首先讨论了索长误差的随机数学模型,建立了一种关于预应力索杆结构索长误差效应的计算方法。其次以实际工程为算例,考察不同的索长误差对结构初始预应力的影响,并比较不同的施工张拉方案对于减小索长误差影响的效果。分析结果表明,合理的张拉方案能有效减小结构的初始张力偏差。  相似文献   
《Sport Management Review》2020,23(4):576-587
More than 30 years has passed since the foundational works of the late Trevor Slack and his colleagues first appeared using design archetypes to explore change dynamics amongst National Sport Organizations. The scale and nature of change that has continued to occur in the operating environment for these organizations over the last three decades has resulted in NSOs increasingly being required to be more professional, to manage more complex sport delivery systems, and strategically adapt and change to be effective. In that context, the authors explore the contemporary nature of NSO design archetypes in order to better understand the current and emerging dynamics of change for these organizations. This conceptual paper reviews the theory and utility of design archetypes in helping to understand organizational change dynamics in relation to NSOs, revisits the work of Slack and others in order to identify ways to improve the representation of design archetypes for contemporary NSOs, and presents an argument for a renewed emphasis on design archetypes as a fundamental driver for future research efforts to help understand change within NSOs, and indeed, other sport organizations.  相似文献   
文章对“数据结构”课程教学过程中的教学问题、教学方法等方面进行了一些有益的探索,在教学过程中采用项目教学,注意培养学生的学习兴趣,注重理论联系实际,培养学生的创造性思维,最终提高了教学质量。  相似文献   
从耗散结构理论看竞技运动中熵的变化与兴奋剂效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
耗散结构理论作为一种新的科学理论和科学思想,已开始应用于自然科学和社会科学。用耗散结构理论分析运动中使用兴奋剂对人体机能的影响,认为人体的生命活动是高度有序的,兴奋剂在一定程度上可以提高局部组织的有序性,但对人体整体的综合影响则是促进有序向无序转化的熵增作用。  相似文献   
句法结构的偏离是《离骚》修辞句法的一种重要方式。单句的句法偏离主要包括:情态语前置、修饰语后置、修饰语悬空;复句的句法偏离包括:分句位序的改变、添加语气词以改变主从关系、句式的叠加与整合。句法偏离的修辞效果主要是:在内容上,强调和渲染了抒情主体表情达意的重心;在形式上,协调了音节声韵,满足了《离骚》节奏音组的韵律要求。  相似文献   
May Hamdan 《PRIMUS》2017,27(10):916-925
This paper reflects on a teaching experiment and presents details of a pedagogical technique where students periodically write down their clearest interpretation of the conditions imposed on various discrete mathematical subjects they are learning in class. Through iterations, students generate a more complete understanding of the material, one that they themselves can justify. This experiment was conducted in the Discrete Mathematical Structures course; as it contains several subtopics, each of which uses a discrete set of elements with specific conditions. The textbook does not mention how those conditions are effectively put to use, and often uses the natural numbers as the default domain. Students are required to identify in their journals the exact properties that the elements need to have, justify how they are being put to use, and in ambitious cases attempt to sharpen them if possible. This activity can be adapted to different contexts and is not specific to the topic of Discrete Mathematical Structures.  相似文献   
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