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The paper addresses the contrast between different elements in thinking about the appropriate educational placement for children with special educational needs. In particular, it is concerned with the tension between the widespread expressions of support for the principle of inclusion and a continuing level of support for separate special school provision. Evidence from interviews with education officers and headteachers of both special and mainstream schools in the UK demonstrates the support for inclusion as an ideal but also the relatively limited influence of such an ideal on education policy. Considerable reservations were expressed about the feasibility of inclusion, based on the types and severity of children's difficulties and the capacity of mainstream schools to meet them. Contrasting with support for inclusion was a set of views which stressed the primacy of meeting children's individual needs as overriding an ideological commitment to inclusionist ideals. Themes within utopian thinking, in particular, the distinction between hope and desire and the different functions which can be served by utopian ideals, are used to explore tensions and contradictions in the interview responses and in educational thinking more generally.  相似文献   

In this paper, we build on recent work on the role of the ‘utopian pedagogue’ to explore how utopian thinking can be developed within contemporary higher education institutions. In defending a utopian orientation on the part of HE lecturers, we develop the notion of ‘minimal utopianism’; a notion which, we suggest, expresses the difficult position of critical educators concerned to offer their students the tools with which to imagine and explore alternatives to current social and political reality, while acknowledging the contingent ethical constraints of the system within which they and their students are working. While agreeing with utopian theorists such as Darren Webb who have defended the need for ‘blueprint utopias’ in education in the face of the reduction of the idea of utopia to a purely process-oriented pedagogy, our focus here is on the prior educational task of providing the conceptual and communicative tools for utopian thinking to emerge. The collaborative nature of this paper is reflected in the interdisciplinary sources on which we draw in developing our ideas, including moral philosophy, literary theory, political philosophy, anarchist theory and utopian studies.  相似文献   
撇开具体的社会物质生活条件,撇开特定的社会历史形态,一些论者把科技伦理定义为全体科技当事人服务于全体人类。这种科技伦理“全员”论只不过是“想象的主体的想象的活动”,等于运用现象学还原的方法把社会历史因素存入了“括号”之中,充其量只是谢林的“理智直观”或胡塞尔的“本质直观”的产物,是地地道道的“唯心主义的非理性主义”;超现实、超历史、超阶级、超国家的科技伦理只是一种主观的虚妄;资本主义私有制生产关系下的科技活动及其异化、资本主义国家价值取向的“单向度”性,决定了科技伦理“全员”论不但是“认识论的贵族主义”,而且是“抽象的乌托邦主义”。唯物主义的科技伦理观的科学性就在于:从科技活动的现实出发、从现存的社会历史形态出发,去说明和解释科学技术的发生、发展及其伦理蕴含。惟其如此,我们的科技伦理学才能立足于“自己思维的此岸性”———不但帮助人们“解释世界”,而且指导人们“改变世界”。  相似文献   
自陶渊明《桃花源记》发表以来,关于《桃花源记》的原型问题一直受到历朝历代文人骚客和地方政府的关注。为了将桃花源属地据为己有,全国先后有30多个地方在“据理力争”。湖北省竹山县武陵峡谷内风景与《桃花源记》中所述十分相近,北京、武汉等地20余名专家实地考察后,认为无论从自然生态特征还是从历史文化底蕴上讲,这里疑似桃花源原型。但拿认定人类自然文化遗产的历史性、自然性、现实性、发展性、人文性和人本性、尊重和保护性等六个原则来考量,可以发现,最后真正认定哪一处武陵源、桃花源究竟谁是谁非并不十分重要,至为重要的应该是对一个地区人民的历史和创造、现实的福利和未来的发展有着起码的尊重和关切,有着长远的深思和熟虑,更应该是在兼顾本地和兄弟地区人民利益、共生共荣和共同发展的前提下,以联手合作为手段,以大力宣传东西南北武陵源、桃花源为契机,同时高歌东西南北武陵源、桃花源,对东西南北武陵源和桃花源进行有效的资源整合,并积极寻求武陵源、桃花源历史文化游的路径,力争实现地区经济社会的共同快速发展,携手并肩,谋求地区人民福利最大化,最终作圆、作美世人千年不醒的桃花源大梦。  相似文献   
"干预生活"这一口号的提出本身具有一定的模糊性,但倡导者们的理论旨归却有着很大一致性:文学应该直面现实,揭示为大多数人所讳言的社会"阴暗面",使之成为"干预生活"的武器."干预生活"文学所要干预的是建国后一直处于整个社会关注中心的政治生活和经济生活.作品的批判锋芒不仅指向社会政治经济生活中的不合理现象,而且其隐形结构完成了对整个乌托邦时代的批判.  相似文献   
赵智 《培训与研究》2004,21(3):8-11
无名氏有着深深的宗教情怀,他试图创立一种新信仰以融合中西宗教的精华,这种新信仰实质上是中国历代圣贤们的乌托邦理想。本文从他的宗教文化信仰和乌托邦理想以及他对死亡的理解来阐释他的宗教文化信仰。  相似文献   

We are living in and beyond two massive changes in the world, both of which must be addressed by education, the caretaker of memory. First is the geological era of the Anthropocene—a crisis of nature and mankind, a fundamental geo-trauma. While climate change is a reality which we are belatedly just beginning to understand as we increasingly experience its changing weather patterns, the Anthropocene remains unknown or invisible for many. As a concrete case in point, the 2011 nuclear accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant in the Tōhoku region of Japan remains an ongoing but largely invisible crisis. Indeed, there is a sense of collective disavowal regarding what we must do in its wake, for it is a crisis which effects not only the contemporary but future generations. The second is equally momentous. The advent of mass access to the Internet in the 1990s and its effects on learning, knowledge, societal relations and psychical life are also just beginning to be understood. For Bernard Stiegler the ecological crisis and the technological question go hand in hand. To explain this position we are naming Stiegler not only a utopian thinker in the classical sense but also a utopian thinker who offers practical ‘negentropic’ weapons to contest entropic becoming in the digital world. We are arguing Stiegler’s oeuvre and pharmacological method has much to give to the philosophy of education as it seeks to account for the crisis in education.  相似文献   
修辞幻象是语言制造的幻觉,广告是其典型形式之一。广告修辞通过语言向消费者承诺,引导人们走向语言营造的幻觉空间,这既是广告修辞以驱动消费为目的的“话语阴谋”,也是修辞幻象的魔力。修辞幻象与语言乌托邦、乌托邦语言、话语兴奋剂、审美幻象等相关概念,有联系也有区别。辨析这一组相关概念,可以减少跨学科对话的话语阻隔,使对话各方拥有一个意义共享的讨论平台。  相似文献   
张新 《教学与研究》2007,1(7):17-22
恩格斯的共产主义思想以对资本主义社会的科学考察和对人类社会发展规律的科学认识为基础,是被无产阶级的实践证明了的科学体系.恩格斯晚年没有放弃马克思主义的根本原则,没有抛弃共产主义目标,没有绝对放弃暴力革命的思想.恩格斯始终是坚定的共产主义者,而不是什么民主社会主义者.必须实事求是地理解和评价恩格斯的共产主义思想.  相似文献   
“野”本义“郊外”,指远离文明的空间,但随着“文”的僵化,古代文人以“野”的质朴平淡对抗“礼”对人性的制约,“野”由文明的对立物转变为文明的反叛者,而在现代文明中,“野”又成为现代人的乌托邦,以自在、神秘、生动的特性受到青睐。“野”的文化内涵的演变反映了人类文明异化的轨迹,同时也表现出人类对审美文化、审美人生的一贯需求。  相似文献   
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