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数字图像技术在女子举重技术诊断中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着举重运动的迅速发展,水平日益提高,差距逐步缩小,技术的正确合理就显得十分重要。我们采用数字图像处理系统,根据生物力学的原理,对我省女子举重队某队员的抓举动作进行了分析。着重研究了杠铃重心的轨迹及速度;肩关节、膝关节和髋关节的角度变化。发现该队员存在下蹲到上举阶段,杠铃偏向支撑面前部;发力瞬间,关节伸展不充分;上举的锁肩提肘动作太小。数字图像技术对于举重项目的技术诊断不失为一种有效的手段。  相似文献   
上挺技术是举重竞赛动作的一部分,也是挺举的重要环节,无论是高水平的国际或国内比赛中,上挺的失败总是很高,抓住上挺的主要矛盾,去处理好力量和技术上的相关问题,使二者有机地结合起来,拟解决上挺的成功问题。本文通过文献资料、专家访谈、现场观察等方法对上挺技术及提高上挺能力进行研究,发现直接影响上挺失败的原因有1.技术不正确;2.选材单一;3.体力与专项力量不足;4.赛前上挺能力训练的不足。  相似文献   
This study evaluated the contribution of lower extremity (hip, knee and ankle) net joint torques (NJT) to whole body power (WBP) output during the power snatch (PS). Ten experienced weightlifters (five males and five females) performed five trials of the PS with 60% of one repetition maximum. Lower extremity NJT and WBP were extracted through a three-dimensional motion analyses and used for data analyses. Pearson correlation coefficients were obtained to observe the relationship between lower extremity NJT and WBP. Multiple-regression (stepwise) analyses was also conducted to evaluate the contribution of lower extremity NJT to WBP during the PS with the hip, knee and ankle NJT being the independent variables. Hip NJT was characterised as a significant positive correlation with WBP (r = 0.47, p < 0.01), while knee NJT showed a significant negative correlation with WBP (r = ?0.34, p < 0.05). A significant inter-correlation was also observed between hip NJT and knee NJT (r = ?0.66, p < 0.01). Hip NJT was identified as a significant contributor to WBP during the PS. Practically, this study suggested that training skills allowing weightlifters to utilise hip extensor muscle action would help to improve WBP during the PS.  相似文献   
优秀举重运动员全程性多年训练的阶段性特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
优秀举重运动员全程性多年训练具有明显的阶段性特征.通过对中国、台湾地区、土耳其、俄罗斯等优秀男、女举重运动员以及43名高级举重教练员进行调查研究,提出基础训练阶段、专项提高阶段、最佳竞技阶段、高水平保持阶段四个阶段的年龄特征、训练的主要任务内容、身体训练、技术训练、心理训练、训练负荷的方法手段等特征进行了分析与探讨.  相似文献   
我国优秀举重运动员区域分布特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国举重运动的发展,从80年代初期开始有了一个新的突破。进入90年代,其发展幅度略高于我国体育运动的整体水平。到1997年该项已达500余人的规模。在近10年的发展过程中,逐步形成了3个阵容,第一阵容不论是从规模比重,还是调整力度、幅度方面均明显高于二、三阵容  相似文献   
采用文献资料法对1988~2008年有关举重的选材文献资料进行检索,发现目前举重选材问题研究的作者中基本很少有人对同一问题作出连续性、不断扩大研究深度和广度的研究;研究采用的研究方法相对简单,能对体育实践作出有效指导的研究结论还不多见;总体来看,有关举重运动员选材研究的深度和广度还远远不够,没有重视研究的方法学问题,研究的方法与指标的可行性、准确性与科学性有待提高。理论构想有待清晰。  相似文献   
A popular method to improve athletic performance and lower body power is to train with wearable resistance (WR), for example, weighted vests. However, it is currently unknown what training effect this loading method has on full-body explosive movements such as the power clean. The purpose of this study was to determine what effects WR equivalent to 12% body mass (BM) had on the power clean and countermovement jump (CMJ) performance. Sixteen male subjects (age: 23.2?±?2.7 years; BM: 90.5?±?10.3?kg) were randomly assigned to five weeks of traditional (TR) power clean training or training with 12% BM redistributed from the bar to the body using WR. Variables of interest included pre and post CMJ height, power clean one repetition maximum (1RM), peak ground reaction force, power output (PO), and several bar path kinematic variables across loads at 50%, 70%, and 90% of 1RM. The main findings were that WR training: (1) increased CMJ height (8.7%; ES?=?0.53) and 1RM power clean (4.2%; ES?=?0.2) as compared to the TR group (CMJ height?=??1.4%; 1RM power clean?=?1.8%); (2) increased PO across all 1RM loads (ES?=?0.33–0.62); (3) increased barbell velocity at 90% 1RM (3.5%; ES?=?0.74) as compared to the TR group (?4.3%); and (4) several bar path kinematic variables improved at 70% and 90% 1RM loads. WR power clean training with 12% BM can positively influence power clean ability and CMJ performance, as well as improve technique factors.  相似文献   

In the first visit by American athletes to the Soviet Union since World War II, the U.S. weightlifting team included 340-pound Paul Anderson who startled the sports world in June of 1955 by pressing a world record 402 pounds, exceeding that of his Soviet adversary by 77 pounds. The admiration evoked by his colossal size and strength encouraged the State Department to send Anderson and other weightlifters on goodwill tours to counter Soviet expansionism in the Middle East and South Asia. The first tour evoked praise from President Dwight Eisenhower and Vice President Richard Nixon, but the second tour proved disappointing when Anderson was unable to perform as expected and Coach Bob Hoffman made disparaging remarks about local customs, thus inadvertently planting seeds of ill-will. The 1955 weightlifting tours illustrated the likelihood of unanticipated consequences and limitations of using athletics as a Cold War strategy to counter Soviet influence in non-aligned countries. Previous accounts have provided chiefly macroscopic views with only a vague notion of what transpired on the ground during goodwill tours. This study provides a closer view of how they were conducted, examples of interaction between visitors and locals, and their failure to fulfil the strategic aims of the Eisenhower Administration.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the validity of a smartphone app to measure biomechanical barbell parameters during the snatch. Ten collegiate NCAA division I athletes performed two repetitions each at 40, 50, 60, 70, and 80% of their 1-repetition maximum snatch. Barbell motions were simultaneously recorded with a motion capture system and the smartphone app. The motion capture system recorded the 3-D position of a reflective marker attached to the end of the barbell while the smartphone app was used to record sagittal plane video and track the shape of the weight plate from which the barbell center was derived. Peak forward (PFD) and backward (PBD) displacements and peak vertical displacement (PVD) and velocity (PVV) were calculated from both sets of data. Significant, strong to very strong Pearson’s product-moment correlation coefficients between both systems were noted for all parameters (r = 0.729–0.902, all p < 0.001). Small significant biases between systems were observed for PVD (ES = 0.284, p < 0.001) and PFD (ES=0.340, p < 0.01), while trivial to small, non-significant biases were observed for PBD (ES = 0.143) and PVV (ES = –0.100). Collectively, the results suggest that the app can provide biomechanical data of barbell motions similar to a 3-D motion capture system.  相似文献   
全国举重冠军伍超抓举154kg的技术特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过SIMI°Motion三维录像分析系统,对2011年全国举重冠军赛冠军伍超的抓举技术动作进行运动学分析,揭示其抓举154 kg的技术特征。结果显示:伍超的身体重心和杠铃重心距离较近,并在整个提铃过程中杠铃重心的垂直速度呈上升趋势;膝关节角、躯干角、髋关节角、杠铃中心点垂直速度随时间变化曲线符合抓举的技术特点;从整体上看,伍超的技术较为合理,且有较大的提升空间。  相似文献   
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