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Smart wheelchairs based on brain–computer interface (BCI) have been widely utilized recently to address certain mobility problems for people with disability. In this paper, we present SmartRolling, an intuitive human–machine interaction approach for the direct control of robotic wheelchair that jointly leverages EEG signals and motion sensing techniques. Specifically, SmartRolling offers two wheelchair-actuation modes for users with different physical conditions: (1) head motion only — people who are severely disabled but able to do basic tasks using eyes and head, and (2) head and hands motion — in addition to type 1, people who can use functioning hands/arms for extra tasks. The system issues operation commands by recognizing different EEG patterns elicited by motor execution (ME) tasks including eye blink, jaw clench, and fist open/close, while at the same time estimates users’ steering intentions based on their facing direction by leveraging inertial measurements and computer vision techniques. The experiment results demonstrate that the proposed system is robust and effective to meets the individual’s needs and has great potential to promote better health.  相似文献   
Adult overhead athletes without a history of shoulder injury show scapular adaptations. There is a lack of detailed assessment of scapular kinematics in junior overhead athletes. This study aims to investigate three-dimensional scapular kinematics in junior overhead athletes. We recruited a total of 20 junior tennis players and 20 healthy children without participation in any overhead sports in this study. Bilateral scapular kinematic data were recorded using an electromagnetic tracking device for scapular plane glenohumeral elevation. The data were further analysed at 30°, 45°, 60°, 90° and 120° during glenohumeral elevation and lowering. Statistical comparisons of the data between groups (junior overhead athletes and non-overhead athletes) and sides (serve dominant and non-dominant shoulders of the overhead athletes) were analysed with the ANOVA. Comparisons showed that, in general, the scapula was more upwardly rotated and anteriorly tilted in overhead athletes when compared to non-overhead athletes, however there was no side-to-side differences when serve dominant and non-dominant shoulders compared in junior overhead athletes. The serve dominant arm of junior overhead athletes had alternations in scapular kinematics when compared with the non-overhead athletes. These findings provide clinical evaluation implications and the need for clinicians to assess for potential adaptations in junior overhead athletes.  相似文献   
目的:寻找不同场地的制胜技术策略与场地转换过程中的技术策略变化特点。方法:运用较小时间单元的技术指标(盘数据),对2018年男子单打四大满贯公开赛,共计73场比赛的单盘数据,进行不同场地胜负者Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test检验分析,并用Kruskal Wallis Test检验(通过Bonferroni校正)对场地之间技术指标进行差异性检验及多重事后比较分析。结果:1)2018年四大满贯男子比赛,不同场地平均每场盘数:草场>红土>硬地;2)硬地与红土,ACE/%指标具有显著差异,2种场地的各项指标数据均值相差较小。红土与草地,6项技术指标具有显著差异,双误、一发进区率未见显著差异,2种场地的各项指标数据均值相差最大。草地与硬地,7项技术指标具有显著差异,制胜球未见显著差异,数据均值差异小于草地与红土的差异;3)不同场地之间显著差异指标的个数:硬地与红土1个,红土与草地6个,硬地与草地7个。结论:场地不同需要运动员采用不同的技战术策略,注重场地转换过渡期中技术策略思想转变。硬地转红土,注重战术策略趋同性特点变化,发球以限制接得分为主,控制非受迫性失误,整体技战术策略守大于攻。红土转草地,技术指标差异最大,技术策略调整最大,转变防守反击思想,草地发球相关技术更为重要,草地盘数多于红土,整体技战术策略攻大于守。草地转硬地,技术策略接近,硬地需要减少双误,提高一发进区率、二发得分率,注重技术的全面性,整体技战术策略攻守平衡。  相似文献   
新闻传媒时代下,乒乓球运动的传播渠道被拓展,影响力也逐年攀升。且该时期新闻媒体形态多元,印刷媒体、广播媒体及互联网媒体,都是新闻传媒的基本构成要素。而不同的新闻媒体,都成为乒乓球运动扩大影响力的平台,使得更多乒乓球运动的爱好者和群众可以从多元新闻渠道中感受到乒乓球运动的魅力。本研究从乒乓球运动的发展优势着手,为新闻传媒时代下乒乓球运动的发展指明方向,探索发展路径与方向。  相似文献   
通过运用多途径信息反馈对网球普修课的主要技术教学进行了实验对比.研究结果表明,多途径信息反馈教学方法可以充分发挥学生的主体作用,使学生的动作技术质量得到提高,改善网球教学质量.  相似文献   
对乒乓球削球打法的发展史进行了回顾,对丁松与朱世赫的技战术进行了对比研究,探讨了新规则对削球打法的影响.结果显示:削球选手发球抢攻和接发球抢攻的意识不强,在前4板的争夺中,得分能力明显下降;削球技术的使用率、得分率以及削球选手主动进攻的意识与能力,在第47届世界乒乓球锦标赛上比第43届有了很大提高;全面型的削球打法是削球发展的趋势.  相似文献   
绿色化学已成为高校化学教学的重点理念之一。乒乓球课在高校体育教学中一直广受欢迎。乒乓球运动自诞生之日起就与化学难分难解。在高校乒乓球教学中,如何采取有效的学习兴趣培养策略是亟待解决的问题。本文以中国石油大学(华东)的理工科学生为例,从绿色化学理念在乒乓运动中的应用作为切入点,使用跨学科整合教学的教学手段,运用教授法、讨论法等进行乒乓球教学,从而成功激发了学生的学习兴趣,极大提高了学习热情,为多元化进行大学体育课堂教学提供有利借鉴。  相似文献   
通过教学实验,把超等长训练法应用于网球的接发球教学,运用数理统计法对实验数据进行分析。研究结果表明:实验组和对照组的一发和二发的接发球成功率无显著性差异,但实验组的有威胁接发球的百分率、接发球的平均时速及比赛成绩均明显优于对照组。超等长训练法可以提高学生的接发球水平,提高爆发能力,增长自信心,有助于赢得比赛的胜利。  相似文献   
现代乒乓球运动是一项快速的运动,运动员必须在零点几秒的时间内完成对来球的判断、移动步法和出手击球等一系列动作。在比赛中往往是谁的速度占上风,谁就容易取得主动。因此,发展速度素质对乒乓球运动员技术水平的提高有着十分重要的意义。  相似文献   
在职业技术院校体育教学中,以程序教学法两种教学形式进行网球选项课的实验,取得了明显成效。程序教学方法在传统体育教学中起到了积极的组织和促进作用,与其它教学方法相比具有一定的影响力,特别是在以“升级”、“节节新”的组织实施下收到了良好的效果。  相似文献   
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