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This paper explores multiple and complex relationships between football (soccer), politics, and the economy in postcolonial Zambia. Based on archival and oral sources collected in Zambia, the paper argues that President Frederick Chiluba’s government failed to support football development when it came into power in 1991 because it was elected on a platform of liberalizing the collapsing national economy. Chiluba privatized state-owned companies that were sponsoring the game resulting in the plummeting of the local standards and migration of talented footballers abroad in search of better livelihoods. Furthermore, the paper argues that while the exodus of talented footballers led to the deterioration of the standards of the local league, their transnational experience boosted the performance of the Zambia national football team. This led to the emergence of one of the best national teams the country has ever had. Unfortunately, this particular team perished in the Gabon air disaster in 1993 following the government’s disinvestment in the game. However, a few months after the disaster, the country managed to rebuild a national football team, which emerged as runners up to Nigeria in the 1994 African Cup of Nations final as a result of a large pool of local and foreign-based football players.  相似文献   
以2015喀山游泳世锦赛混合双人跳水的比赛视频和成绩为研究对象,综合运用数理统计、录像观察、文献资料等研究方法。研究认为,混合双人跳水比赛除较量运动员的动作完成质量之外,动作的同步性对比赛结果有着极为重要影响,此外动作组别、动作姿势、转体周数及翻腾周数的选择也是影响比赛制胜的因素。  相似文献   
通过对1989-2012年7届五人制足球世界杯的进球分析,结果表明五人制足球射门进球数多,进球方式多样,进球时间分布均匀,大部分进球集中在球门60°角,第二罚球点以内的区域,是一项需要注意力高度集中的运动项目。世界强队攻守兼备,在失球较少的情况下,拥有较强的进攻破防能力。  相似文献   
运用录像观察、数理统计和对比分析等方法,对中外女排在第17届世锦赛中扣球技战术运用情况进行研究。结果表明:中国女排是以两边拉开进攻为主并结合高度与速度等快变战术为一体的技战术打法;进攻战术的总体运用效果十分理想,与其他各国相比扣死率较高且失误率低;后排攻在比赛中展现出了强大的实力,但在强攻和快攻方面与巴西、美国等欧美强队相比还存在一定差距。建议中国女排应进一步加强对强攻能力的训练,尤其要努力丰富年轻队员的大赛阅历以保证其技术发挥的稳定性;在面对欧美强队时应努力提高一传到位率,并加强进攻队员之间的掩护配合,使各种快变战术能够在比赛中得到有效发挥,并尽量避免自身进攻方式及手段的单一化。  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been a wealth of research into how the game of association football developed. However, rather than establishing a common theme this research has led to competing theories with the debate dividing opinion on how the game of football was developed and propagated. While debate is healthy, the approach taken by some could lead to fellow academics looking to those engaged in sport history as unprofessional. This paper seeks to propose a way forward with academics working towards an all-encompassing history of the sport, by suggesting the adoption of a framework based on the work of Fernand Braudel, where indepth analysis of individual events is combined with the identification of transformational cycles. The paper concludes by suggesting that historians interested in soccer’s early history work together within the framework to develop a more detailed and all-encompassing early history of the sport. This framework will not claim that either the orthodox or revisionist view is accurate, instead it will determine how best to work those debates into an all-encompassing approach while searching for detailed evidence on what was actually occurring at local levels.  相似文献   
重读《平凡的世界》,仍然有一种强烈的穿越感,作品所反映的社会生活内容依然能够唤醒我们沉睡的记忆,引发精神上的强烈震撼。《平凡的世界》之所以今天仍然能够力透纸背,层层扩散波光,让人读懂、读出社会历史内涵,其根本原因在于小说真正切入现实,以及作者的史诗性写作和作品的史诗性特征。小说书写的农村改革史、农民创业史和青年奋斗史正好体现了20世纪80年代社会、家庭、个人等层面的发展、成长的历史。作品由双水村、石圪节到黄原、铜城大牙湾,由农村到城市,反映出了一个时代整体的社会风貌,具有丰富的史诗性价值。  相似文献   
本文在对不完全信息下的股东与经营者、经营者与生产者之间的动态行为进行了博弈分析,揭示了促使经营者尽力和生产者用心的机制。  相似文献   
长期以来,人们习惯于从“革命”和“启蒙”两方面去阐述“五四”新文化运动的起源与材质。第一次世界大战后中国特定的时代情绪才是这一运动爆发的直接导火线与触发剂,并以此为出发点重新梳理出“五四”新文学十年我国文学演进的脉络顺序与文学场景。  相似文献   
“9.11”事件之后,美国加大了向第三世界国家推行民主自由价值的力度。布什政府借“反恐”之机,向第三世界国家特别是所谓的“流氓国家”与“失败国家”实施“民主改造”战略,不但采取政治、经济、军事等各种手段对这些国家进行“政权变更”,而且企图主导它们的“国家建设”进程。布什政府的“民主改造”战略本质上是为美国霸权服务的,必将遭到第三世界国家的强烈抵制,最终难逃失败的命运。  相似文献   
20世纪初叶“亚洲的觉醒”革命风暴作为现代亚洲民族解放运动的序曲 ,对亚欧之间殖民地 (附庸国 )与宗主国的依附关系形成强有力冲击。两次世界大战更是对亚欧关系的演变产生决定性影响。如果说第一次世界大战大大削弱了欧洲对其亚洲殖民地的控制 ,那么第二次世界大战则成为欧洲殖民体系崩溃、亚洲民族新生的历史催化剂 ,使亚欧之间的不平等关系发生了根本性改变。此外二战期间亚欧大陆两端人民在反法西斯斗争中同仇敌忾、互助合作 ,则成为该时期亚欧关系的主要内容。  相似文献   
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