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The purpose of this study was to evaluate two practical interval training protocols on cardiorespiratory fitness, lipids and body composition in overweight/obese women. Thirty women (mean ± SD; weight: 88.1 ± 15.9 kg; BMI: 32.0 ± 6.0 kg · m2) were randomly assigned to ten 1-min high-intensity intervals (90%VO2 peak, 1 min recovery) or five 2-min high-intensity intervals (80–100% VO2 peak, 1 min recovery) or control. Peak oxygen uptake (VO2 peak), peak power output (PPO), body composition and fasting blood lipids were evaluated before and after 3 weeks of training, completed 3 days per week. Results from ANCOVA analyses demonstrated no significant training group differences for any primary variables (P > 0.05). When training groups were collapsed, 1MIN and 2MIN resulted in a significant increase in PPO (?18.9 ± 8.5 watts; P = 0.014) and time to exhaustion (?55.1 ± 16.4 s; P = 0.001); non-significant increase in VO2 peak (?2.36 ± 1.34 ml · kg?1 · min?1; P = 0.185); and a significant decrease in fat mass (FM) (??1.96 ± 0.99 kg; P = 0.011). Short-term interval exercise training may be effective for decreasing FM and improving exercise tolerance in overweight and obese women.  相似文献   
为促进福建省青少年体育工作,运用文献资料法、实地调查法采集了福建省体育局青少处近几年工作总结文献资料,利用参与福建省后备人才基地评估机会开展实地调查,对全国青少年基础数据年度统计福建部分数据进行分析,研究发现福建省青少年体育近年来取得实质性进展,青少年体育公共服务体系初具雏形,后备人才在训规模基本稳定,并形成福建特色.研究提出了注重职能转变、有效动员社会力量以及推动体校转型发展等建议.  相似文献   
脊柱功能是衡量人体健康水平的重要指标,对人体保持高质量的学习、生活和工作状态产生直接的影响。如何运用有效的训练改善和提高人体脊柱功能,应引起高度的重视。以黑龙江省30名女大学生为研究对象,制定有针对性的训练方案,进行为期3个月的运动干预实验,分5个阶段进行训练监控及训练效果评估。结果显示:全体受试对象脊柱直背趋势最为显著,脊柱姿势、柔韧性、稳定性整体较差,脊柱疾病风险较高;通过动态拉伸、颈肩及腰等功能性训练对改善女大学生脊柱功能效果显著;实施训练方案后,在第30天改善效果最为明显。  相似文献   
目的:对立定跳远教学进行干预,采用儿童大肌肉群动作发展测试量表(以下简称TGMD-2量表)进行过程性测量,观察干预教学对儿童立定跳远动作发展的影响,寻求发展儿童下肢大肌肉群的有效途径。方法:1)干预前后使用TGMD-2量表对学生立定跳远动作进行评分,并测量远度,进行比较;2)对实验组立定跳远教学进行干预,对照组不做干预。结果:实验组立定跳远评分与远度测量显著提高;对照组评分显著下降,远度测量上升。结论:1)运动干预可以促进儿童立定跳远动作发展;2)儿童动作发展成熟之前可采用TGMD-2量表进行过程性评价。  相似文献   
六气法,是养生技术中重要的行气术,是以炼呼为主,配合默念字音,结合脏腑,保健养生,祛除病邪的一种吐纳法。《养性延命录·服气经》与《养性延命录·明医论》中的"六气"法,言语简明,借由疗疾功效与病症之间的对应,可以发现二者之间存在着内在一致性,很有可能《明医论》之"六气"由《服气经》之"六气"发展而来。《养性延命录》《胎息秘要歌诀》《幻真先生服内元气诀》《嵩山太无先生气经》所言"六气法",其主要功能都在于疗病治愈。《四气摄生图》中,"六气法"与四季有着较为明确的对应关系,并将"六气"理法完全确定下来。对"六气法"进行探究,具有文献价值和养生实用价值。  相似文献   
探究式教学是新课程标准的核心,科学探究性练习是实施探究式教学的一个方面.  相似文献   
Scarce research has examined the effects of carbohydrate composition on running stride characteristics. On two occasions, 14 males and 6 females completed a 120-min sub-maximal run followed by a 4-mile time trial. Participants consumed glucose (GLU) or glucose–fructose (GLU–FRU) beverages supplying 1.3 g/min carbohydrate. Substrate use, psychological affect [Feeling Scale (FS)], and stride characteristics (stride frequency, stride length, and contact time) were assessed. Effects were expressed as Cohen’s d (90% confidence limits [90% CL]). CLs for stride frequency differences at 53 min (90% CL = 0.04–0.21) and 113 min (90% CL = 0.02–0.24) did not cover 0, indicating a positive effect of GLU–FRU. However, effect sizes were small (d = 0.13) and likely-to-very-likely trivial. Energy expenditure differences at sub-maximal end were very likely trivial (d = 0.08; 90% CL = 0.00–0.17), while FS ratings were possibly higher for GLU–FRU at 50 (d = 0.19; 90% CL = ?0.10–0.48) and 110 min (d = 0.16; 90% CL = ?0.13–0.45). During the time trial, stride length was possibly higher with GLU–FRU (d = 0.13; 90% CL = ?0.08–0.33). Glucose–fructose co-ingestion has no significant effect on stride characteristics during constant-velocity running but may result in slightly higher stride length during self-paced running.  相似文献   
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate whether loads carried in a backpack, with a load mass ranging from 0 to 20?kg, causes respiratory muscle fatigue. Methods: Eight males performed four randomised load carriage (LC) trials comprising 60?min walking at 6.5?km?h?1 wearing a backpack of either 0 (LC0), 10 (LC10), 15 (LC15) or 20?kg (LC20). Inspiratory (PImax) and expiratory (PEmax) mouth pressures were assessed prior to and immediately following each trial. Pulmonary gas exchange, heart rate (HR), blood lactate and glucose concentration and perceptual responses were recorded during the first and final 60?s of each trial. Results: Group mean PImax and PEmax were unchanged following 60-min load carriage in all conditions (p?>?.05). There was an increase over time in pulmonary gas exchange, HR and perceptions of effort relative to baseline measures during each trial (p?p?>?.05). Conclusions: These findings indicate that sub-maximal walking with no load or carrying 10, 15 or 20?kg in a backpack for up to 60?min does not cause respiratory muscle fatigue despite causing an increase in physiological, metabolic and perceptual parameters.  相似文献   
幼儿体育活动不但是学前教育研究的一个课题,同时也是体育教育研究的一个方向.在阐明幼儿生理特点的基础上,对幼儿体育活动兴趣的培养,幼儿体育活动量化,幼儿体育活动中的卫生与安全分别进行了探讨,为完善我国幼儿健康教育提供参考.  相似文献   
运用文献资料研究法、问卷调查法、数理统计法,对韩山师范学院普通专业学生参加课外体育锻炼的现状进行调查分析,旨在了解学生参与课外体育锻炼的现状与存在问题,并提出改革的措施。  相似文献   
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