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庄子思想中很多地方历来称为难解,如《齐物论》中"莫若以明"、"为是不用而寓诸庸"的思想意蕴,目前学界还没有令人信服的"正解"。之所以出现这种状况,主要在于没有把握庄子独特的思维方式——身体思维。这是一种比通常认识论思维更为源始的,具有自身明证性和确定性以及具体情境性等特征的,与认识论思维完全不同的思维方式。通过对这种思维方式的体察、辨析,便可对上述难解的庄子思想,进行较为合理、明澈的解释。  相似文献   
0.618神圣的黄金分割是世界上最美的数字,对0.618的研究可以追溯到古希腊时代。文章扼要阐述了0.618黄金分割的内涵,并介绍了0.618黄金分割在我们生活中的几个应用,使人们对生活、大自然、社会又有了另一层的理解。  相似文献   
教育和谐、教育主体和教育创新是高校面临的三个主题。强化平等教育,促进教学和谐,是社会主义和谐教育的基础。坚持以学生为主体的教育原则是教育的立足点。坚持教育创新,是推进高校持续发展的动力和源泉。  相似文献   
在对高职学生就业能力的内涵进行简要阐述的基础上,重点论述体育参与对高职学生就业能力的促进作用:体育参与有利于提升高职学生的职业身体素质,有利于提升高职学生的应聘抗挫能力,有利于培养高职学生的团结协作能力。最后,就如何激发高职学生的体育参与积极性简要提出若干建议。  相似文献   
运用中国知网(CNKI)检索库进行检索,共查找到期刊文献115篇,其中国内期刊65篇,硕士论文31篇。通过Cite Space和中国知网(CNKI)文献分析功能,对国内身体功能训练研究进行计量学分析。研究的基本特征表现为:研究机构多,文献期刊发表数量较少,核心期刊占比较少,论文质量与数量之间存在差异。研究热点以身体功能训练为主,并突显了“功能训练”“训练”和“体育工作者”等关键词,作者合作比较少,仅形成数个微小的作者合作网络。  相似文献   
珠三角地区的经济、社会发展的集聚效应像一个巨大的吸盘,吸走了粤东西北地区的人力资本。清远农业生产经营青年人才缺乏,成为发展农村电子商务的制约瓶颈。既然人才不可能短时间回流,应充分利用省职教基地的高校人力资本,通过在基地建立农村电子商务发展中心的形式,以高校智库资源为引领,凝聚科研院所、农业生产流通社会组织和规模龙头企业等形成发展联盟资源体,推进清远农村电子商务实现跨越式发展。  相似文献   
This article attempts to understand the subject formation of Chinese peasant workers by exploring the emotional dynamics of their struggle for social security, in particular, the new political possibilities created by emotional forces, and the complex ways they experience and articulate the distinctive kind of emotional politics that binds peasant workers with the state in their co-production of emotionally charged power relations, identities, and subjectivities. It formulates an analytical framework that explores the emotional politics of fear that plays out in the context of economic restructuring. In contemporary China, the conflict triggered by social insurance contributions has become a component of the ensuing social crisis, where many protest events are triggered by widespread outrage at the violation of legal rights to social insurance and other welfare security. This research focuses on the struggle of a group of peasant workers at a UNIQLO supplier in Shenzhen, exploring how their fears for the future are constituted, and how their emotional feelings of insecurity motivate collective action and reconfigure their emotional identity and subjectivity in the face of extreme risk. Informed by a relational understanding of emotions, this paper investigates the complex ways in which the proliferation of fear, as a result of an anticipated pain in the future, articulates the process of subject-making in the face of increasing instability and precarity. The study attempts to demonstrate the centrality of fear for China’s sociopolitical order and the radical action of labor resistance.  相似文献   
Wrist movements have been identified as an important factor in producing a successful golf swing, with their complex motion influencing both club head velocity and orientation. However, a detailed analysis of wrist angles is lacking in the literature. The purpose of this study was to determine kinematics across wrists and club head characteristics during the golf swing under weak, neutral and strong grip conditions. Twelve professional male golfers executed 24 shots using a driver under three grip conditions. A six degrees of freedom analysis of the hand with respect to the distal forearm was performed using a 10-camera three-dimensional motion capture system. Differences in joint angles were explored using repeated measures ANOVAs at key swing events (onset, top of backswing and impact), in addition club head velocity and clubface angle at impact were also explored. Main findings revealed significant differences in flexion/extension and internal/external rotation for both wrists at all swing events, whereas fewer significant interactions were found in ulnar/radial deviation across grips for both wrists at all events. Clubface angle only differed significantly between the weak and the strong and neural grips, presenting a more ‘open’ clubface to the intended hitting direction. This study is the first to explore tri-planar wrist movement and the effect of different grips, such analysis has implications for coaching knowledge and practice and should inform future research into different aspects of skill, technique analysis and may inform injury mechanisms/prevention.  相似文献   
思想政治教育生态与思想政治教育发展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文从思想政治教育生态出发,探讨了转型时期思想政治教育内容与方法发展的基本路径.指出信息社会中思想政治教育的有效性,需要思想政治教育把握多元利益主体的利益诉求,完善自身的传播功能,增强应对危机的能力,实现话语转换和内涵发展.推动思想政治教育发展,应解决好思想政治教育的动力机制问题,实现人们在利益和价值诉求上的认同,完善党对意识形态的领导.  相似文献   
目的:比较音、体、美、舞蹈专业教育对青春期女大学生体成分及骨密度(BMD)的影响.方法:采用双能X线吸收法和生物电阻抗法对232名岭南师范学院音、体、美、舞蹈及普通专业大一女生体成分和骨密度进行测试.结果:①体育生和舞蹈生腰臀比、体脂百分比低于音乐生、美术生与普通生,而体重、肌肉量却高于音乐生、美术生与普通生;音乐生与美术生的体重高于普通生,具有统计学差异(p<0.05).②体育生和舞蹈生前臂骨和跟骨的骨密度值均高于音乐生、美术生与普通生;美术生跟骨骨密度高于音乐生与普通生,差异具有统计学意义(p<0.05);体育生前臂骨跟骨骨密度与普通生比分别高出,13.63%,22.31%.结论:音、体、美、舞蹈专业教育对青春期女大学生体成分和骨密度的影响各有不同:经常参与体育与舞蹈锻炼,能增加去脂体重,有效提高骨密度;音乐与美术专业教育对女生形体美的塑造有一定作用,但却不能有效提高去脂体重和骨密度、减少体脂量及体脂在腰部的堆积.  相似文献   
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