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上海市足球彩票消费者构成与消费特征   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
采用问卷调查等研究方法,揭示了足球彩票消费者的性别、年龄、收入等构成特征,购买地点、时间、方式、强度与频率等消费行为特征;以及购买动机、对足球彩票的认识、对玩法的态度、对足球彩票前景的判断等消费心理特征。  相似文献   
从呼叫中心向联系中心的转变和以产品为中心向以客户为中心的转变两个方面,阐述了电子商务环境下客户关系管理的两个转变,说明了CRM不仅给企业带来了新的管理系统,更带来了Internet时代企业发展的新思想、新视觉和新技术。CRM使企业全面观察客户,全面利用所有客户信息,从而成为推动企业腾飞的基本动力。  相似文献   
金融全球化在促进国际金融资本流动的同时,为金融市场带来了监管者恶性竞争、监管套利以及系统性风险。上述风险积累后引发金融危机,冲击了传统的金融监管标准、手段、模式,推动了金融创新发展。随着金融创新的深化,国际金融监管制度的效力从实体法角度和程序法角度都得到了提升,国际金融监管制度的结构开始向统一化、综合化、国际化发展,国际金融监管制度的价值取向也变成效率与安全并重。而我国应顺应上述潮流,强化宏观审慎的监管体系,协调其与微观审慎的关系;强化机构监管的同时,注重功能监管的建立与健全;并进一步完善金融消费者保护的相关立法。  相似文献   
为了解健身房青年消费者的体质状况,对皖江三地(芜湖、马鞍山、安庆)15家健身俱乐部的男女各150名会员进行随机抽样调查与研究。结果表明,健身房青年消费者的体质状况不容乐观,身体成分和体能测试各指标均不达标。其原因涉及到学校、家庭、社会、自身等多个方面。建议青年健身者针对自身的身体状况进行专门性的科学锻炼,加强锻炼意识,并从各个方面进行监督与保障。  相似文献   
Consumers can be disadvantaged and suffer detriment when information is withheld, when there is deception in the information provided, or when information is too difficult for consumers to obtain or evaluate. While information provision is often favored as a policy/regulatory tool to address “market failure,” it can have its own failings and drawbacks. For instance, the volume of information presented can contain its effectiveness. While the demand-side analysis indicates that actual consumer behavior exhibits systematic departures from the “rational” behavior assumed by conventional (neoclassical) economics, behavioral economics goes further in questioning whether additional information is always useful. It challenges some of the presumptions of conventional economics that consumers make their choices coherently and rationally. This article incorporates such considerations in proposing measures (including regulatory initiatives) that could improve the information made available to telecommunications consumers.  相似文献   
采用问卷调查法、访谈法对我国10个省(市)的404名女性彩民和610名女性非彩民(分为购彩高意向组和低意向组)的体育彩票购彩意向影响因素进行比较研究。研究发现:1)购彩认知可有效区分女性彩民和高、低意向女性非彩民。女性彩民的购彩认知得分最高、高意向女性非彩民次之、低意向女性非彩民最低。2)家人是否购彩可有效区分女性非彩民的风险偏好和外部信息作用。家人购彩的女性非彩民其风险偏好和外部信息作用得分显著高于家人不购彩的女性非彩民。家人是否购彩亦可有效区分女性的经济效用,家人购彩的女性其经济效用得分显著高于家人不购彩的女性。3)学历可有效区分女性彩民的经济效用。随着学历水平的提升,女性彩民的经济效用得分呈下降趋势。最后,针对女性购彩提出若干营销建议。  相似文献   
In recent years, multinational food and drink corporations and their marketing practices have been blamed for the global childhood obesity ‘crisis’. Unsurprisingly, these corporations have been quick to refute these claims and now position themselves as ‘part of the solution’ to childhood obesity. In this paper, I examine how and why corporations fund, devise and/or implement ‘healthy lifestyles education’ programmes in schools. By using a critical ethnographic research approach alongside Foucault’s notion of governmentality, I interrogate what those with the ‘will to govern’ (such as corporations) wanted to happen (e.g. fight obesity, change marketing practices and increase consumption), but also what actually happened when these corporatised education programmes met their intended targets in three New Zealand primary schools. I critically examine these programmes by focusing on the ways in which three technologies of consumption – product placement, transforming children into marketers and sponsorship – attempt to govern children to be lifelong consumers of the corporate brand image and their allegedly ‘healthy’ corporate products. Although students were not necessarily naïve and easily coerced into becoming mindless consumers of corporate products, students and their teachers readily accepted that sponsorship, product placement and marketing in schools were normal, natural, necessary and mostly harmless. Healthy lifestyles education programmes represent a new ‘brand’ of health, health education and corporation. The child-citizen is governed to become the child-consumer. Corporations’ anxieties about being blamed for childhood obesity are fused with technologies of ‘healthy consumption’: the consumption of corporate products, corporate philanthropy, the corporate brand and corporate ‘education’.  相似文献   
网络环境下消费者权益保护法律问题探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
如何保护网络环境下的消费者合法权益,增强消费者信心,以促进我国网络经济的健康发展,成为我们面临的亟待解决的问题。从网络消费活动的特殊性入手,立足于网上经营者与消费者之间的利益调整和经济进步的双重要求,从立法、执法、司法三个方面提出具体完善措施,为更好地保护网络环境下的消费者权益提供科学合理的建议。  相似文献   
作为相对于强大的"金融航母"的弱势群体,金融消费者所具有的弱质性是其受到特殊保护的基本前提,我国目前普遍存在的侵犯金融消费者信息权的情形从现实上倒逼了金融消费者信息权保护制度的完善,借鉴国外先进经验和照应国内现实,我国必须从法律制度设计、专门保护机构构建、诉讼渠道通畅、社会组织辅助等路径来实现金融消费者信息权的有效保护。  相似文献   
以中高档商业健身俱乐部的典型——力美健健身俱乐部(广州地区)的消费者为研究对象,以社会分层为主要理论视角,以个案研究及多元线性回归为主要研究方法,以社会阶层与体育消费之间的关系为主线展开研究。研究表明:社会阶层对力美健消费者的体育消费有显著影响,社会阶层对体育消费的影响其实是组织资源、经济资源和文化资源综合作用的结果,其中经济资源是最具有决定性意义的影响因素;性别、年龄、余暇时间都对力美健消费者的体育消费有显著影响;体育认知、体育情感只对力美健消费者的体育社会化有作用,而对体育消费不具有显著影响。  相似文献   
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