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体育彩票消费过程中消费者认知偏差的定量研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用问卷调查法,探讨体育彩票消费过程中消费者的认知偏差现状及其对博彩行为的影响.结论:体育彩票消费者以中低收入的年轻人为主,学历结构较高,彩龄不长;消费者的总体认知偏差状况良好,购彩趋于理性,但也存在部分严重问题彩民;有近60%的消费者持有冷热号码偏好,迷信思想差异性较大;认知偏差对消费者的购彩行为影响显著,是导致问题博彩行为的内在心理机制.  相似文献   
广告翻译作为一种重要的实用翻译文体,同时又是一种跨文化的交际活动,已经渗透到社会生活的各个领域。因此,广告翻译在全球化背景下的作用就尤为突显,然而,广告翻译的受限因素太多,从文化角度讲,在多文化视角下对中英文广告翻译的研究就显得至关重要。  相似文献   
"学生消费至上"理念的形成是高等教育走向市场的必然趋势。从微观领域入手,针对大学课程最直接的消费者——大学生参与学校课程发展的主体地位缺失问题,提出大学课程消费者的四个基本权利与三个基本义务,从而有利于课程质量的提高和解决传统意义上学生群体作为被动者在课程编制过程中的角色定位问题。  相似文献   
品牌从本质上说传递的是一个信息,它本身代表了企业某个品牌的名称、声誉、价格、属性和利益等丰富内涵。消费者在购买、使用商品的过程中总是伴随着一系列的心理活动,而品牌在消费者购物行为中是发挥了怎样的作用,它满足了消费者哪些心理,又是怎样满足?文章探讨的就是这样一个课题,从品牌的价值、文化、个性等角度说明品牌如何满足消费者心理需求。  相似文献   
企业社会责任的本质、形成条件及表现形式   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
企业社会责任不是抽象的道德和义务.而是社会环境和企业互动关系客观变化的历史趋势。以往被看作单纯追求利润最大化的企业现在何以自动地通过“生产守则”等形式“承担起”社会责任,其原因应该从企业利益实现机制的客观变化等因素中寻找。本文在此方法基础上定义了企业社会责任的本质。充分发育的市民社会、充分发展的垄断以及共有制的普及是企业社会责任的形成条件,三者关系的不同格局产生企业社会责任的三种表现形式;企业社会责任是历史性的存在,在其发展的第三个阶段将扬弃其自身。这时,企业的边界与社会大众的边界重合或融合,作为外部压力的企业社会责任最终成为企业自身的追求。  相似文献   

The values of higher education (HE) are undergoing a disruptive shift. How the rising cost of higher education is being shared between the student and society is driving many of the changes within HE. External pressures on institutions of higher education include reduced public funding, wider student participation and increased competition. These external pressures are influencing the current environment within HE. Academic capitalism encourages institutions to focus on efficiencies and outcomes. Administrators are increasing in numbers and in influence. Students in HE have more choice and are viewed as customers instead of apprentice learners. These collective changes are influencing faculty employment, working conditions, and teaching practices. Institutions are turning to a tiered faculty system. Academic work is being unbundled as paraprofessionals develop and deliver classes. Tenure’s influence is dwindling and an increasing number of faculty are hired as contingent employees. This article will address the external pressures and changing expectations of universities in Australia, the UK and US, and how changing values are influencing faculty, staff utilization and teaching practices.  相似文献   
有明一代,苏州地区商品经济发达,人才辈出,尤其在书画领域创造了举世瞩目的成就。由此也促成了浓郁的书画收藏之风。民间的私家收藏,无论从数量、品种还是从质量上说,苏州地区都堪称海内之冠,而且形成了收藏家群体,共同赏鉴,互通有无。明代苏州书画市场的日益发展和成熟,突出地表现在书画消费市场层次的多样性。其消费的群体大致分为两大类:“鉴赏家”、“好事者”和其他身份的消费者;从其消费的目的来看,主要分为收藏鉴赏、附庸风雅、装饰房屋、艺术投资以及斗富等。明代苏州消费群体的形成与苏州繁荣的商品经济密切相关,在形成过程中及其收藏活动中所体现出来的消费心态、审美要求以及处事观念无不打上商业社会特有的烙印。这种消费群体的多样性正是明代苏州地区书画市场日益活跃的表现。  相似文献   
关于消费需求制约因素的分析   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
有效消费需求,不仅指有支付能力的消费需求,而且还指现实消费需求即实现在商品或服务购买上的消费需求。制约有效消费需求的因素主要有:居民收入量及其变动,收入分配状况,消费者预期,供给状况等。  相似文献   
体育彩民购彩意向影响因素问卷的编制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用文献资料和专家访谈法,分析我国体育彩民购彩意向的影响因素,并编制问卷。对湖北省7个城市的531名体育彩民第1次实测并进行探索性因素分析,结果表明:影响因素主要包括购彩认知、外部信息作用、经济效用和风险偏好。对我国4个省市的930名体育彩民第2次实测并进行验证性因素分析、相关分析和方差分析,结果表明:所提取的4因素结构模型拟合度较好,对效标效度有较好的预测作用,问卷具有较好的信度和效度。  相似文献   
This paper aims to reflect on some key issues linked to the production of digital objects in business settings. In doing so, it problematizes current social science scholarship, which emphasizes the analysis of digital data and analytics, and reinforces the magnitude of its consequences and ‘data power’. The paper proposes making three corrective ‘movements’ that might enrich our approaches to how databases and analytics are assembled in business settings. The first movement involves the problem of ethnographic access to data-making practices. We propose taking seriously the issue of fabricating an ethnographic encounter where the process of making digital objects is exposed. The second movement concerns the visibility and the type of politics taking place in data practices. We argue for the need to displace attention from data impacts and results to the myriad of mundane practices and devices through which these objects are assembled. The third movement we suggest requires a focus on examining error and failure as key aspects of the manufacturing of consumer databases. Each of these movements is illustrated by ethnographic vignettes from a 9-month ethnographic experiment that involved participating in the first stages of the manufacturing of an online financial retail company's consumer database.  相似文献   
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