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古代分权制发展到现代遇到了主权论者的挑战,主权论者认为权力不可分割,即使在古代,权力也只掌握在一个阶级即贵族阶级手上。为应对主权论者的挑战,新的分权理论应运而生,它用于解释即使权力掌握在一个阶级手上,但它仍然制度性地分散到各个国家机构中去的现实,这就是现代西方的"机构分权"论。对于这一理论,洛克贡献了立法权与行政权的分立,孟德斯鸠贡献了司法权的独立,美国践行了三权分立原则。  相似文献   
廉价政府的思想源远流长,早期西方学者就探讨过廉价政府的建设。马克思批判地继承了西方古典自由主义关于廉价政府建设的思想,在总结巴黎公社实践经验的基础上,提出廉价政府必须是人民的、负责的、低成本的和节约型的政府。中国在总结中西方廉价政府理论和实践的基础上,结合自身的国情,需要优化政府职能,节制政府消费,降低政府运行成本,构建具有中国特色的廉价政府模式。  相似文献   
教育分权内涵再探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教育分权的内涵可以从其客体、授权主体和受权主体三个方面做出新的阐释。教育分权的客体是隶属于第三部门教育领域的一种公共权力,它包括国家教育权、社会教育权和学校自主权。教育分权的授权主体与权力来源主体一样,都是政府。消解政府在公共教育权力配置中的垄断地位,重新定义政府在教育领域的行为范式,是在新的现实条件下的迫切需求。教育分权的受权主体是社会与学校。从社会角度来讲,主要考虑建立市场参与教育事务的运行机制;从学校层面上讲,主要考虑赋予学校自主权的问题。  相似文献   
浅谈领导的授权艺术   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在当今复杂多变的社会环境中,领导的授权艺术在组织管理中的地位与作用将越来越重要和突出。正确把握授权的内涵,克服领导授权的各种障碍性因素,灵活运用各种领导授权的技巧艺术,对于实现科学有效的领导授权至关重要,而只有这样才能摆脱传统的领导方式,实现领导方式的现代化。  相似文献   
高校实验技术人员在学科建设和人才培养中起着至关重要的作用,与工资薪酬相关的绩效评价体系能够有效激发实验技术人员的岗位责任意识和创新活力。在“放管服”背景下,针对集实验教学、辅助科研、社会服务于一身的实验技术人员,采取定性与定量相结合、考核与聘岗相结合、业绩与人文关怀相结合的方式,建立了导向明确、科学合理、公平公正、可行性强的实验技术人员绩效评价体系,并在考核与聘岗工作中成功实施。该体系有效调动了实验技术人员的积极性、主动性和创造性,有效提高实验教学水平、技术创新能力和服务社会质量,为学校的人才培养和学科发展以及服务社会科技进步做出应有的贡献。  相似文献   
本文就图书馆的藏书布局如何适应合并后高校的办学规模、专业设置和学科建设的发展问题进行讨论,并提出解决办法。  相似文献   
公共服务体制是影响公共服务的重要因素,但集权与分权的非均衡、非理性状态严重影响公共产品的供给。调试集权与分权之间的矛盾,政府应当完善公民参与的制度化渠道,政府之间应当加强合作,合理配置权力,协商处理在权力运行过程中出现的矛盾,实现公共服务的均等化。  相似文献   
The Austrian ‘school autonomy policy’, which allowed schools to develop specific ‘curricular profiles’, is taken as an example for discussing processes and effects of school decentralization policies. Data from school case studies (based on qualitative interviews and document analysis) are used to analyse and interpret the processes by which schools and teachers take up policy innovations and translate it into action and structures on school and classroom level. These policy changes and the resulting governance regimes are examined from a perspective on changing modes of ‘action coordination’ between actors on different levels of a school system and from an attention to processes of ‘re-contextualization’ in multi-level governance systems. The main result is that the Austrian decentralization policy – although not explicitly based on a market approach – boosted principles of competitive coordination between schools. In consequence, it resulted in processes of differentiation and hierarchization of schools and classes and offered new legitimatory and practical opportunities for student selection.  相似文献   
Seth A. Agbo 《Interchange》2002,33(3):281-302
Fuelled by the concept of self-determination, efforts to improve schooling under the banner of decentralization are taking hold in First Nations communities throughout Canada. Proponents of decentralization hold the perception that decentralized systems are more likely to improve education than centralized systems. But is there a chance that local control can improve First Nations education? From the point of view of the realization of the decentralization values, the outcome is uncertain at best and gloomy at worst. To the extent that First Nations are alert to the emerging educational needs and problems and strong enough to mobilize First Nations resources on their behalf, we may entertain a cautious optimism on the resolution of some of the manifold contradictions of decentralization. I contend that unless there is a genuine devolution that entails the empowerment of First Nations communities to provide an education that is specifically suited to each community, schools for Aboriginal children will remain mediocre in quality. If decentralization is to sustain its momentum and advance productively in coming years, at least it should meet three conditions. First, certain constraints or contradictions internal to decentralization will have to be resolved. Second, Aboriginal scholars and First Nations school authorities need to employ appropriate change strategies by providing a framework for local control, and finally, First Nations communities and federal authorities need to find the key symbolic and structural characteristics of decentralizing First Nations schools.  相似文献   
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