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邵洵美的新诗创作深受波德莱尔、魏尔伦和乔治.莫尔等人的影响,诗歌风格带有明显的象征诗派死亡、阴郁、颓废和放荡的基调,致使邵洵美的名字长期被排斥在主流的文学史书写之外。新时期以来,文学史的建构是以文学性和审美性作为视野的。邵洵美诗歌颓废的诗美特征及独特的诗体建设,使他有理由成为新诗建设中颓废诗派的代表,邵洵美也应成为一个被书写的名字。  相似文献   


The aim of the present study was to determine, through colorimetric analysis, whether school textbooks for children aged 5 to 7 years contained tasks requiring normal colour vision discrimination for their resolution. In addition, the performance of a group of observers with diverse colour vision deficiencies was evaluated while conducting the tasks under analysis.


Textbooks of mathematics were found to include 10% of tasks which, to an observer with colour vision deficiency, would be very difficult or impossible to solve. The level of difficulty of each task was influenced by the type and degree of colour vision deficiency and by the actual ambient illumination under which it was observed.


Some school textbooks need to be redesigned through an alternative use of colours and textures to take into consideration colour vision deficiencies. In view of the present findings, many Spanish editorial boards have committed to undertake these changes.  相似文献   
20世纪20年代中国象征派诗人的代表李金发、王独清、穆木天、冯乃超等人,受到了法国象征主义极大的影响,但这种影响主要来自于波特莱尔与魏尔伦,而另外几位重要诗人如马拉美、兰波等则对之影响甚微。本文从影响和接受的双重维度分析了出现这一厚此薄彼现象的原因。  相似文献   
Generalized Hamming Distance   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Many problems in information retrieval and related fields depend on a reliable measure of the distance or similarity between objects that, most frequently, are represented as vectors. This paper considers vectors of bits. Such data structures implement entities as diverse as bitmaps that indicate the occurrences of terms and bitstrings indicating the presence of edges in images. For such applications, a popular distance measure is the Hamming distance. The value of the Hamming distance for information retrieval applications is limited by the fact that it counts only exact matches, whereas in information retrieval, corresponding bits that are close by can still be considered to be almost identical. We define a Generalized Hamming distance that extends the Hamming concept to give partial credit for near misses, and suggest a dynamic programming algorithm that permits it to be computed efficiently. We envision many uses for such a measure. In this paper we define and prove some basic properties of the Generalized Hamming distance, and illustrate its use in the area of object recognition. We evaluate our implementation in a series of experiments, using autonomous robots to test the measure's effectiveness in relating similar bitstrings.  相似文献   
对击剑运动员视觉动作反应能力的分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
运用Auvision视觉动作反应测试系统对击剑运动员与普通大学生各8名进行视觉动作反应能力的分析研究,结果表明:运动时周围视觉能力与普通大学生没有差异,视觉动作反应的速度、精确度、灵敏性和运动时中央视觉能力均优于普通大学生。建议将上述4种指标作为击剑运动员选材的重要指标。  相似文献   
现代西方理性危机的文化批判,是整个20世纪以来西方社会全面危机的思想文化呈现。其批判的视界是:悲剧意识体验、文化形态史论、"新马克思主义"路径和后现代主义思潮;而其批判的视点却是:意识形态批判、技术理性批判、大众文化批判、性格结构与心理机制批判、社会功能批判、政治权力批判等。面对"现代化"和传统文化"整体性转型"双重境遇,中国"文化现代化"在超越现代西方理性危机的智识性努力中,自当具有深刻的启示。  相似文献   
运用文献资料法、访谈法、调查法等方法,对如何培养和提高学生参与体育课的兴趣,并以篮球课教学为例,进行了一学年的实践验证。发现通过建立浓厚的师生感情、从学生关注的几个焦点问题着手设计课程、抓住学生争强好胜的心理和增强她们的自信心等几个方面,可以在某种程度上提高学生体育课的兴趣。  相似文献   
视觉消费是当代消费社会的一个最重要特征,它直接影响着当代社会的文化生产。当代文化生产的一个基本原则就是欲望需求,广告是开发人们欲望需求的重要手段,而复制则是文化生产的基本方式。发展我国大众文化,必须在正确思想的引导下,制定适合我国国情的文化策略。  相似文献   
人的生命是自然生命力、精神生命力和社会生命力的统一。我国传统文化中的生命观所蕴含的价值在于,关切人的自然生命力,激扬精神生命力,升华社会生命力,孕育了自强不息的中华民族精神,启示我们在和谐社会的构建中,尤其要珍爱、尊重和升华生命。  相似文献   
“世界历史”早已形成以及直面全球化趋势以应对时代的挑战,无疑是将中国抗日战争置于世界历史的视界中加以认识的主要根据与目的,而一旦这样做,认识者肯定会具获若干以往难以得到的认识结果。  相似文献   
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