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当前高校中的家庭经济困难学生的数量与日剧增,家庭经济困难学生问题成为我国高校普遍存在的一个突出问题,这不仅仅是物质问题,更重要的是精神问题。因此把握他们的心理和思想特点,通过思想教育、心理疏导、真诚的关爱等使他们深刻的体会到我国社会主义制度下高等教育的指导思想和工作特色,对学校的整体发展乃至整个社会的繁荣稳定有着深远的意义。  相似文献   
本文对大学生就业困难群体进行了界定,分析了大学生就业困难群体的主要特征、类型及其构成,并归纳出大学生就业困难群体的不良效应,以期社会各方更为关注大学生就业困难群体并对其进行深入的研究。  相似文献   
小学是学生接受系统教学的初级阶段,小学教师不仅要在这一关键时期帮助学生掌握各学科的专业知识和技能,还要帮助学生形成正确的人生观、价值观,丰富学生的核心素养,帮助学生更好地应对未来更为繁重的学业压力。教师要重视中等生和学困生,尤其是在五年级这个关键时期,教师应该着重将中等生的成绩提高,让学困生有大幅度的进步。  相似文献   
霍卫红  王超 《科教导刊》2019,(12):174-175
近年来,从应助尽助,到精准资助,再到资助育人,资助工作不断取得新的进展。家庭经济困难学生的认定作为精准资助的基础和重要内容之一,意义至关重大。而就家庭经济困难学生认定工作,自2007年国家发布教财〔2007〕8号文后,时隔11年才再次出台教财〔2018〕16号文,使得各项工作的开展有了具体的依据可以参考。本文拟就教财〔2018〕16号文的指导意义进行解析。  相似文献   
大数据时代的高校资助信息化管理存在方法新、效率高、针对性强等特点。在取得明显成效的同时,网络信息化管理的困境也日益凸显。学生信息泄露、贫困造假、资助公平性、后续教育等直接影响到资助工作的实效性和精准度。网络信息化管理作为构建资助育人平台的重要驱动力,切实促进资助工作内涵发展,实现思维方式向大数据思维的转向,努力提高资助信息管理规范化、科学化水平,进一步落实精准资助,促进资助育人功能的发挥,保证资助的质量。  相似文献   
从学生在学习过程中遇到的困难入手,提出了相应的克服困难和训练听力技能的方法。  相似文献   
外贸公司的进出口业务会计核算与国内商品流通业务会计核算的内容相近,主要围绕着商品购进、储存、销售三个环节进行。其主要特点表现在六个方面:难点在出口销售收入和进口成本的确认及商品库存核算、汇兑损益的确认、出口退税的核算等三个方面。  相似文献   
Research findings indicate that there appears to be a relationship between poor motor skills and self-esteem, however this relationship is ambiguous. This review examines the effects of poor motor skills on global and/or domain specific self-esteem. Four databases, Google Scholar and the Manchester Online library were searched for articles focusing on motor skills and self-esteem in children and adolescents. A date range of between January 2000 and July 2015 was specified to ensure sufficient overlap with the most recent meta-analysis. From the database searches, 26 potentially relevant studies were identified and from these 26, eight studies met the inclusion criteria. A synthesis of the studies reveals that there appears to be a relationship between motor skills and self-esteem, however this relationship is complex and likely to vary depending on age, gender and co-morbidity. Implications for educational psychology practice are discussed.  相似文献   
This article examines the purposes of education with a particular focus on young people with severe learning difficulties (SLD). The topic is explored with reference to a specific case, whereby some of the key findings of an evaluation of the first year of ‘The Greenside Studio’, an English special school’s vocational teaching resource for young people with SLD, are presented. A conceptualisation of different ‘sides’ to the Studio is discussed in relation to the purposes of education for these learners in which the view of vocational learning as a stepping stone to paid employment and independence is presented as problematic. With a broader interpretation of vocational education this stepping stone is reconfigured as a bridge to life after school, whatever form that takes. It is argued, however, that the nature of this life must be viewed aspirationally.  相似文献   
Learning difficulties have been found to dilute the possibilities that young adults have in their educational careers. However, during the last few decades, education has become increasingly important for employment and overall life satisfaction. In the present study, we were interested in the effects of mathematical and reading difficulties and socioemotional and behavioural problems (measured at age 16) on three educational situations at age 21: delayed graduation from upper secondary education, short educational trajectory and not being engaged in education, employment or training (NEET). The participants (N = 597; 304 females, 293 males) were one age cohort of ninth graders in general education classes, who were followed for five years after completion of compulsory education. This time frame included two different transition phases: first, from comprehensive education to upper secondary education, and second, from upper secondary education to further studies or to working life. Structural equation modelling was used as analysis method. The findings show that mathematical and reading difficulties as well as socioemotional and behavioural problems had significant long-term effects on the participants’ educational careers. New in part was that these learning difficulties seemed to have somewhat divergent emphases on the three investigated life situations: (1) mathematical difficulties, more strongly than reading difficulties, caused the students to attain lower levels of education, (2) mathematical difficulties and socioemotional problems predicted a student ending up in the NEET group and (3) reading difficulties and behavioural problems predicted delayed graduation from upper secondary education.  相似文献   
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