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Intervening early when young children experience difficulties with literacy has been highlighted strongly in recent international research, particularly for children from families who live in areas marked by poverty. This study, based in two schools, was designed to support four children judged to be most at risk of struggling with literacy through the provision of weekly home visits (and some extra support in class) during their first year at school. The evidence that the children benefited from this form of intervention is discussed, and it is suggested that the home visiting intervention framework adopted in this study is useful for helping ‘difficult to reach’ families.  相似文献   

Current knowledge of the integration of children with specific language impairment (SLI) is examined. The paper begins by defining this group of children and the nature of their difficulties. The heterogeneous characteristics of SLI children are discussed. It then addresses the educational provisions made for SLI children and the opportunities for integration present in different models of provision. Research on the integration of SLI children is evaluated with particular emphasis on the difficulties encountered by this group of children. The paper concludes with some thoughts for future research.  相似文献   
研究了文学理论课教学的特点。由于其内容较为抽象,概念、范畴等理性化文字呈现频率较为密集,给学生的认知和接受造成了一定困难,如:概念范畴理解障碍;体系观念的模糊;理论联系实际能力的缺乏等。提出了改进策略:施教者施教思路的调整——理论难点的形象性还原,理论生成背景的延展引进,体系性观念的确立与生成;对学习者接受方面的指导——畏难情绪的克服,由"背"到"悟"的学习方法的转化。  相似文献   
Incidence, severity and types of motor difficulties in children with severe behavioural and emotional problems were evaluated. A group of 6‐year‐olds (n = 29) with such problems and controls (n = 29) were compared on the Movement Assessment Battery for Children (M‐ABC). The groups were compared on total scores as well as manual dexterity, ball skills and balance. Individual M‐ABC profiles were compared with Teacher's Report Form profiles. It was found that 62.1% in the high‐risk group and 20.7% in the control group showed motor coordination difficulties. In the high‐risk group 55.2% fulfilled the criteria of the DSM‐IV for developmental coordination disorder, compared to 3.4% controls. The high‐risk group showed significant difficulties within all sub‐areas of the M‐ABC. There was a significant relationship between attention problems and manual dexterity difficulties. The combination of problems identified makes these children vulnerable with regard to school inclusion and in need of proper assessment and intervention.  相似文献   
高校家庭经济困难学生界定的方式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在高校大学生中有一个特殊的群体即家庭经济困难学生群体。随着高校的扩招,国家资助面的扩大,如何科学合理的界定出家庭经济困难学生这一群体,是做好大学生资助工作和保证教育公平的前提。  相似文献   
英语多媒体教学的误区与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近几年,计算机应用飞速发展,英语多媒体教学走向普及。但多媒体教学认识误区不断加深,问题日渐暴露,逐步陷入教学困境。要克服误区,走出困境必须树立好正确的多媒体教学理念;制作科学实用的多媒体课件;综合传统与现代的教学手段,发挥好两种教学模式的优势;建立科学的评价机制。  相似文献   
学习困难儿童观看图片的眼动研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文探讨了学习困难儿童(学困儿童)观看图片过程的认知加工及眼动特性。要求被试观看图片后回答相关问题,并对观看过程中的眼动情况进行记录。结果发现,与学习优秀儿童、学习一般儿童相比,学困儿童提取图片信息的效率低,完成认知任务的质量差;在眼动参数上,学困儿童的注视次数多,眼跳距离小,与其他两组儿童相比差异显著。结果提示,学困儿童认知加工效率低与眼动模式差关系密切。  相似文献   
In parallel with a national school policy on an inclusive school with a marked reduction in the number of pupils who, due to their disruptive behaviour, are referred to educational provisions outside of the ordinary school environment, a sharp rise has been seen in the number of children and teenagers who are given a clinical diagnosis, first and foremost that of ADHD (Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders). Over just a few years, the skyrocketing of diagnoses has turned notions of children and teenagers with emotional and behavioural difficulties upside down. From being young people who should ‘just pull themselves together and behave properly’ many have become pupils with a neurological dysfunction that requires treatment. The article provides insight into how diagnoses over very few years have come into focus in schools and in special needs education, and how this has made a deep impression and changed understandings of the best possible special and general educational provisions for children and teenagers with behavioural and learning difficulties. The article focuses on trends in Denmark and therefore builds primarily on Danish sources.  相似文献   
英语电影视听说作为高校大学英语扩展课程,有着传统听说课程不可比拟的优势,开设至今受到选课学生欢迎。在教学实践中,如何将电影这一综合艺术与语言教学进行有效结合,提高学习者二语习得的学习效率结合笔者所在院校在该课程开设过程中所发现的实际问题,探讨解决方法,旨在帮助学习者能够通过该课程切实提高英语学习效率、语用能力以及跨文化交际能力。  相似文献   
赋予科研人员职务科技成果所有权或长期使用权试点开展过程中,还存在着缺乏可供参考借鉴的模式、可赋权成果来源较少、国资管理等难点。通过对存在问题进行深入分析,在组织架构、规章制度、国资管理3个层面提出解决方案,并针对负面清单、人才培养、提高科研人员意愿以及国资管理方面提出4点建议。通过建立完善的规章制度,可有效降低单位负责人员的顾虑,提高科研人员的赋权和转化意愿,促进赋权试点工作顺利开展。  相似文献   
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