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Data collected from partners in a dyadic instructional setting are, by definition, not statistically independent. As a consequence, conventional parametric statistical analyses of change and influence carry considerable risk of bias. In this article, we illustrate a strategy to overcome this obstacle: the longitudinal actor-partner interdependence model (APIM). Participants included 60 girls and 100 boys enrolled in public middle schools, who ranged in age from 10 to 14 at the outset. Students worked in pairs assigned by teachers. At the beginning and end of the instructional period, students completed surveys rating the degree to which the partner was a friend, confidence in one's own computing skills, and computer programming knowledge. APIM analyses revealed partner influence over the acquisition of computer programming skills among friends but not nonfriends. Students with higher initial levels of confidence in their own computing skills were more apt to be influenced by friends. This association was especially strong when confident partners were paired with friends who knew relatively more about computer programming.  相似文献   
鲁迅与韦素园的交往是短暂而又真挚的,而这段交往由于种种原因却被遮蔽于现代文学史料中。二人的交往始于未名社的成立和对进步翻译文学事业的追求,由于同患肺病的特殊经历和相似的人生早年以及二人性格的相近,使得他们成为现代文坛一对年龄悬殊的知己。  相似文献   
首先探讨嵇康祟“友”意识的成因及其交“友”特点,认为“早孤”生活也是形成描嵇崇“友”意识的重要因素。而成年后进道母亲、长兄早逝打击,与二哥描喜无同志之谊,以及不重女色等,也使他崇“友”。注重择“友”、“每思郢质”,以对抗魏晋之际虚伪礼法、追寻审美化的生活方式,使嵇康崇“友”意识具有重要的化与审美价值。至于重“友”有甚于家人,连死都与“友”相关,则表现了嵇康重友的鲜明特点。其次探讨受祟“友”意识的深刻影响,“每思郢质”成为贯穿嵇康学创作的重要主题旋律。  相似文献   
从对元代画家王振朋《伯牙鼓琴图》的解读中,试图证明中国传统仕文化的一种样式,进而推论知音文化具有人类思想、情怀的普遍性。通过对画面的反复揣摩,提出先泰仕文化语境的特征,并从伯牙与子期相遇相知的人格魅力中,从一曲《高山流水》成为千古绝响的遗韵中,提炼传统哲学意味及人文价值。  相似文献   
在《星源甲道张氏宗谱》中发现了戴震的佚文《题二课居士兄弟〈怡怡图〉》(内含二首七律诗)和郑牧的佚文《张鲁池先生文集序》,对继续深入研究戴震提供了新的信息,又找到了戴震的文章知己张鲁池的资料,以及三人之间鲜为人知的日常交往佚事,为戴震坎坷一生的经历填补了某些空白。  相似文献   
南宋大诗人杨万里任提举广东常平期间 ,曾帅师至潮州平定沈师之乱 ,时在淳熙八年腊月。他居潮州二十来天 ,作诗 32首 ,从各个不同的角度记录了潮州的社会风貌。其中 ,描绘潮州饮食、海外贸易等诗作 ,尤具文献价值。他以“如今风物冠南方”一语评价当时之潮州 ,十分客观、公允。涉及潮人王大宝、刘涣的材料亦可补地方志记载之不足。  相似文献   
For you my friend... I believe-that we don't have to change friends if we understand that friends change. I believe-that no matter how good a friend is they're going to hurt you every once in a while and you must forgive them for that. I believe-that you can do something in an instant that will give you heartache for life. I believe-that it's taking me a long time to become the person I want to be.I believe-that you should always leave loved ones with loving words. It may be the last time you see them.I believe-that you can keep going long after you can't.I believe-that we are responsible for what we do, no matter how we feel.I believe-that either you control your attitude or it controls you. I believe-that heroes are the people who do what has to be done when it needs to be done, regardless of the consequences.  相似文献   
班级是学生成长的园地,是学生发展的沃土,是学生个性发展的乐园,是学生走向社会的起点.班级状况直接影响到学生对学校生活的感受与参与度,影响学生的健康成长和个性发展水平,影响到学校教育的成效和质量.因此班级管理的好坏,班主任的管理艺术就显得尤为重要。  相似文献   
In the post-Franco context of the 1960s in Spain, we asked ourselves what type of changes were necessary for the teaching profession to respond to the demands of a democratic society. This article reflects the discourse developed over many years within the personal experience of one of those young people who received John Elliott's seminal work back at that time and their intellectual influence in the years since. It is concerned to see to what extent action research makes sense in education, within the context of the cultural change we are immersed in today. The debate about who rules the change can be reformulated today again within the socio-political and cultural context of the present moment of modernity. But the paradox of the change dilemmas cannot be resolved, but constitute the essence of action research; they are its justification. It is argued that a central feature of this new state of modernity is the recognition of uncertainty and deliberation is seen as a basic means to face it. While the structure of the systems tends to reproduce through different means the conventional model of dual systems and professional models based on technical rationality, educational discourse very often emphasises the discourse which emerged in the new age of liquid modernity. This contradiction leads to three possible scenarios, each with important practical consequences on curricular development, on teaching professionalism and on the type of research required. Each of these is considered.  相似文献   
代艳 《科教文汇》2012,(11):30-31
构建朋友式的师生关系的策略:教师要提高专业知识和技能,体现教育的艺术性;要多途径了解学生、关心学生、平等对待学生和尊重学生;要换位思考,树立正确的学生观、鼓励学生,培养学生自信心。  相似文献   
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