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通过对普通高校器械体操教学重点动作单杠骑撑前回环动作的技术进行分析,并就该动作的保护与帮助方法在当前体操教学中存在的问题进行分析探究,进而改进保护帮助的方法,并进行了对比实验研究,研究结果表明改进方法后的教学效果实验组明显高于对照组。从而提出不拘泥于惯用的教法或教材教法,而进行切合实际的创新教法来努力提高器械体操教学效果。  相似文献   
中国古代北方少数民族骑射、赛马、角力等项活动,最初是在其游牧经济基础上发展的。其入中原后,因受汉族农耕经济的影响,生活环境和方式发生了变化,因此用于狩猎和骑战的骑射等渐趋式微,并逐渐退出了历史舞台。而普遍存在于岁时节日和宗教礼仪活动中的体育内容,则因其民族习俗的因袭力,承袭至近、现代。在其历史发展中,又不断吸收了中原汉族社会诸多体育内容,并成为其文化的一部分。近、现代北方少数民族传统体育活动多是在承袭古代北方民族体育文化的基础上发展的。  相似文献   
To improve the suspension performance and steering stability of light vehicles, we built a kinematic simulation model of a whole independent double-wishbone suspension system by using ADAMS software, created random excitations of the test platforms of respectively the left and the right wheels according to actual running conditions of a vehicle, and explored the changing patterns of the kinematic characteristic parameters in the process of suspension motion. The irrationality of the suspension guiding mechanism design was pointed out through simulation and analysis, and the existent problems of the guiding mechanism were optimized and calculated. The results show that all the front-wheel alignment parameters, including the camber, the toe, the caster and the inclination, only slightly change within corresponding allowable ranges in design before and after optimization. The optimization reduces the variation of the wheel-center distance from 47.01 mm to a change of 8.28 mm within the allowable range of -10 mm to 10 mm, promising an improvement of the vehicle steering stability. The optimization also confines the front-wheel sideways slippage to a much smaller change of 2.23 mm; this helps to greatly reduce the wear of tires and assure the straight running stability of the vehicle.  相似文献   
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to characterize pelvic displacement and cardiorespiratory responses to simulated horseback riding and walking in youth with cerebral palsy and to compare responses to youth without cerebral palsy before and after 8 weeks of hippotherapy. Method: Eight youth with cerebral palsy (Mage = 10 ± 4 years; Mheight = 137 ± 24 cm; Mweight = 32 ± 16 kg) and 8 youth without cerebral palsy (Mage = 11 ± 2 years; Mheight = 149 ± 14 cm; Mweight = 48 ± 15 kg) underwent a hippotherapy intervention. Participants completed simulated horseback riding at an intensity approximating a fast walk (0.65 Hz) and walked on a treadmill (1 mph, 0% grade) before and after hippotherapy. Pelvic displacement along the anterior-posterior, vertical, and medial-lateral axes, heart rate, oxygen consumption, ventilation, and blood pressure were measured at rest and during steady-state exercise in both exercise modes. Results: Kinematics and cardiorespiratory responses were similar between the 2 groups during simulated horseback riding (p > .05 for all) before the intervention. Significantly greater cardiorespiratory responses were observed in the youth with cerebral palsy compared with the group without cerebral palsy while walking before and after the intervention (p < .05, effect sizes 26% to 237% greater). Eight weeks of hippotherapy did not alter responses, but anecdotal improvements in gait, balance, posture, and range of motion were observed in those with cerebral palsy. Conclusion: These results contribute to our understanding regarding the efficacy of hippotherapy as an intervention to improve functional abilities in those with cerebral palsy.  相似文献   
草原体育文化蕴含着对生命价值的追求和对自由的渴望,在我国北方游牧文化中占有重要地位置。文章从人马结合角度出发,对草原体育文化尚马传统的成因、构成及特征进行研究。  相似文献   
先秦诸子分别从经济、人性、社会关系和制度等方面,深刻地揭示了产生犯罪的原因。由此提出了“富民防罪”、“教民以礼”、“兼相爱”和“以法治国”的具体主张。先哲们的所对犯罪原因的深刻归结,对预防犯罪具体措施上所体现的“综合为治”的辩证逻辑,是中国古代法律思想中的积极因素,是现在社会管理创新的可资借鉴之处。  相似文献   
"六艺"指礼、乐、射、御、书、数六门科目的教育。从古至今,人们对它的研究也是从各个不同角度进行的,如:六艺的人文思想、六艺的教育意义和六艺的特点等等。对"六艺"的语源义进行探求,是以求从新的方面,即古代汉语角度对"六艺"进行研究。得出:"礼"、"乐"、"射"、"御"、"书"、"数"的语源义分别是"有规则"、"美,好"、"舍弃,远离"、"禁止"、"把……明显化,表现出来"、"把一个整体的东西细分"。  相似文献   
研究自行车运动员在不同场地的骑行功率、阻力、速度及领骑尾随状态与场地条件之间的关系。用 5台德国产自行车数据收集分析系统 (SRM自行车仪 )收集 ,处理在南京、深圳、昆明、秦皇岛、香港、科罗拉多 (美国 )、卡里 (哥伦比亚 )等多个场地训练和比赛的生物力学数据后 ,按照不同场地和不同骑行状态计算在每个外在条件下运动员人车系统的阻力 ,并对其进行ANOVA分析。主要结论 :场地海拔和表面材质与骑行阻力有显著性关系。不论在什么场地骑行 ,领骑阻力与尾随阻力之间存在显著性差异 (P<0 .0 1)。在领骑时 ,阻力与速度有显著性关系(P<0 .0 1) ,而在尾随时阻力与速度没有表现出显著性关系。  相似文献   
作为执政党的中国共产党,不仅依法领导国家的最高权利机关——全国人民代表大会的工作,而且也领导作为最高国家权利机关的执行机关亦即国家的最高行政机关国务院的工作。如何正确认识和处理好党政关系,实行党政分开,是社会主义国家普遍存在的一个悬而未决的重大理论问题和实践问题。人们尽量避免谈这个问题,怕有否定四项基本原则之嫌,怕戴上脱离党的领导的帽子。因而正确的处理党政关系问题对于推进我国改革开放和现代化建设事业,特别是社会主义民主政治建设,具有十分重要的指导意义。  相似文献   
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