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除权判决系非讼程序中法院基于申请人的申请作出的一种临时性司法推定,在普通民事诉讼程序中并不具有实质既判力,当合法持票人在法定期限内提起普通民事诉讼的,无须先行诉请撤销原除权判决。合法持票人可以选择提起票据利益返还之诉、确认票据权利之诉或票据侵权损害赔偿之诉。公示催告程序本身的不足,导致了除权判决所确认的权利与合法持票人权利的冲突。完善公示催告程序的运行,有利于减少此类冲突的发生,规范票据流通秩序和交易安全。  相似文献   
任立庆  吕金明  曹英 《中国科技信息》2011,(22):113-113,123
胶带运输机是矿山原煤运输最基本的运输工具,在实际生产过程中可能会出现各种故障。如主滚筒不转、运输机闷车、胶带打滑等故障,本文对事故产生的原因进行了分析,并给出了判断故障的操作程序。为现场作业人员及时、准确判断事故原因提供一定的依据。  相似文献   
运用相关性分析、极差分析、方差分析等研究方法,考虑比赛评分过程中主要环节的检验问题,建立符合健美操竞赛特点的评分客观性检验程序,并以河北省第16届大学生运动会健美操乙组、甲组比赛为例,进行评分客观性检验的实证分析。数据总体显示,裁判员整体评分尺度相对一致,完成裁判相对艺术裁判评分表现要好。建议各级各类健美操比赛设立评分客观性的常规检验程序,使用已设定的Excel编程模板,简化评分检验步骤,提高评分检验时效,为客观评分、成绩申诉与比赛仲裁提供数据支撑。  相似文献   
从教育学的角度,探讨体育测量与体育评价的关系。体育测量属于事实判断,体育评价属于价值判断,测量为评价提供量化资料。素质教育下的体育评价强调体育的教育性功能,侧重于体育的目标评价与个体评价,评价的重点由终结性评价转向过程性评价,突出他评与自评的相互结合。  相似文献   
言意的问题,是中国古代哲学的一项重要论题。《周易·系辞》提出“言不尽意”的问题,庄子继而提出“得意忘言”的命题,他又进一步认为,只有达到“无言无意”才是最高的境界。庄子的理论思想,通过陆机和刘勰结合艺术实践和文学批评所进行的具体形象的论述,极大地影响了中国美学的发展道路。  相似文献   
体育新闻判断和体育形象表现是提高体育新闻摄影报道质量的两个重要方面, 也是衡量体育摄影记者政治素质和技术素质高低的一个重要标准。体育摄影记者只有下功夫提高体育新闻判断和体育形象表现的能力, 用“新”、“真”、“活”、“意”、“情”五个字的要求来作为奋斗目标, 才能拍摄出具有较高价值和表现力的体育新闻图片。  相似文献   
通过对乒乓球运动中的判断能力的分析与探讨,阐明了判断在乒乓球整个技术过程中的关键作用,并指出在理论上去理解它,实践中去掌握它,是提高乒乓球技术水平至关重要的因素。  相似文献   
Comparability between different educational qualifications is an important issue within policy discourse in the UK. In this context, the comparability of qualification demands has been explored through the use of expert human judgement. The involvement of human judgement in estimating assessment demands has consequences for methodology. This review considered the ways that the Kelly's Repertory Grid (KRG) technique has been used to compare assessment demands over recent years. The review involved the identification and analysis of research documents as well as consideration of the original theory on which the KRG method was founded. This article describes how the technique has been adapted as it has shifted from its original psychotherapeutic context to be used in educational assessment and comparability studies. The review also explored possible disadvantages that stem from these adaptations, leading to recommendations to ensure the validity of findings when using the technique in educational assessment studies.  相似文献   
铁路是人类科技创造的杰作,它的出现对人类社会生活及思想意识产生了巨大影响。在俄罗斯文学中,铁路主题也是随着铁路的产生而出现的。但俄罗斯作家对铁路的态度却大相径庭。俄罗斯著名作家普拉东诺夫因对铁路有着特殊情结,他有关铁路主题的创作也更加独树一帜。在他的作品中既有对铁路的崇拜之情,又有对铁路的冷静看待。  相似文献   
This article describes the development of judgement-based performance measures to support the instruction of students with additional learning needs. The focus of the research was the design of assessment materials and protocols to help teachers recognise and respond to students’ proficiency in foundational literacy skills. It drew on the expertise of special education teachers to provide all teachers with an evidence framework against which to observe their students’ learning. The assessment materials were trialled in 53 schools and used to monitor literacy learning for 547 students, who ranged in age from 3 to 18 years and represented children and young people with a wide diversity and severity of disabilities. The article reports a new approach to judgement-based performance measurement which directs teachers’ observations to meaningful shifts and transformations in foundational literacy skills for students with additional needs.  相似文献   
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