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浅论幼儿园课程目标的确定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
幼儿园课程目标的确定是幼儿园课程建设的关键一环,但目前幼儿园对此缺乏足够的重视与研究。幼儿园应了解课程目标的层次、研究课程目标的基本来源、明确课程目标的价值取向,才有可能确定适宜的课程目标。  相似文献   
新疆农牧区多是少数民族聚居区,幼儿园双语教育缺乏必要的汉语言环境。幼儿园教学中存在以教材为中心、课堂为中心、教师为中心的弊端。幼儿在汉语学习过程中缺乏主动性和积极性,缺少愉快的情绪体验。游戏作为幼儿生活和成长中的重要组成部分,与双语教学有机结合,对于激发幼儿学习汉语的兴趣,培养汉语的语感和运用汉语口语交际的能力有积极的作用。  相似文献   
在分析民族地区幼儿园课程发展的制约因素的基础上,立足多元文化理论和人本主义理论对民族地区幼儿园课程建设提出几点建议,以期推动民族地区幼儿教育向科学化、合理化的方向发展。  相似文献   
刘桂宏 《科教文汇》2013,(26):17-18
分级阅读正在我国推行开来,教师是其中的关键因素之一,教师的角色定位无疑是影响教师如何开展分级阅读活动的,因此对开展分级阅读活动也是至关重要的。幼儿教师在分级阅读中是因材施教的关怀者,善于思考的观察者、灵活应对的引导者、积极有效的沟通者。  相似文献   
陈琼 《科教文汇》2013,(6):156-157
科学活动重探究的特质将它与其他领域的课程区别开来,如何衡量幼儿园科学活动集体教学的有效性以及提高有效教学的策略,已成为众多教育研究者的追求。本研究通过中国托幼机构教育质量评价量表对10个科学活动进行分析,描述幼儿园科学活动集体教学活动的现状,期冀能为科学活动的有效实施提供新的思考路径。  相似文献   
目前我国幼儿园教育"小学化"问题十分突出,严重影响了幼儿的健康成长。究其原因有三:一是幼儿教师专业素养低下,二是规范幼儿园办园的法规和制度缺失,三是国家和教育行政部门的监管缺位。建立健全幼儿园办园的法规和制度,加强幼儿教师的职前教育、在职培训和自我学习的制度建设,是解决幼儿园教育"小学化"问题的重要途径。  相似文献   

We examined the progress made by 132 six-year-old French-speaking children in their preliteracy skills during four kinds of interventions. Three of these interventions concerned invented spelling, where the children tried to spell words. In the first condition, they were encouraged to reflect on conventional spellings. In the second condition, they reflected on spellings that were slightly more complex than theirs, while in the third condition, they reflected on increasingly complex spellings that eventually led to the conventional spellings. The fourth condition (control) consisted of phonological training. We assessed the children’s phonological awareness, letter knowledge, spelling, and decoding skills, controlling for vocabulary and nonverbal cognitive ability. Posttest results indicated progress in each condition. The greatest progress was observed in the second condition for decoding, spelling, letter-name knowledge and syllable awareness, and in the control condition for phoneme awareness. Overall, results showed that all kinds of interventions led to very similar levels of progress, but that improvements were greater for interventions that focused on the children’s initial invented spellings - in other words, when they adopted a Vygotskian perspective.  相似文献   
郑轩  王芬  王春燕 《幼儿教育》2012,(12):11-15
本文通过问卷调查的方式,了解幼儿园教师对儿童、教师、课程等的隐喻性表述。研究者通过对这些资料的深入分析,梳理出幼儿园教师的儿童观、教师观与课程观。研究者认为,教师有必要树立科学的儿童观,珍视儿童当下的生活;也要正视自身的角色,将科学教育观念转化为教育行为;还要致力于树立科学的课程观,倡导生命对话,促进儿童发展。  相似文献   
幼儿园家园合作的新方式:母亲会所   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
家庭教育对人的成长意义重大,母亲作为家庭教育的主要承担者,其地位与作用更是显而易见.当今社会随着时代的发展,越来越多的母亲开始走出家庭,投入工作,教养子女不再是其主要的生活内容,同时目前很多的年轻家长本人即是独生子女,如何做一名合格的家长对他们来说是极具挑战的任务.在此家庭教育的新形势下,幼儿园日渐成为幼儿教育的主要承担者,这使很多幼儿园在家园合作中采取居高临下的态度与独断专行的方式,不仅不利于家园交流与合作,也难以完成向家长传播科学育儿理念与方法的任务.为此,幼儿园应根据时代发展需要创新家园合作方式,如组建以民主、平等为组织原则、以提升母亲教育教养水平为目的的母亲会所,以最大限度地吸引家长参与幼儿教育,并充分发挥母亲对孩子健康成长的积极作用.幼儿园组建母亲会所可以采取多种策略,主要措施包括打造有形会所,吸纳母亲主动参与;设置"自助套餐",让妈妈们自主选择;确定主题类型,提供多样性话题;提升会所理念,打造"没有专家只有大家"的学习共同体.  相似文献   
This study reports an analysis of how children in a Japanese kindergarten are scaffolded when facing the challenge of collaboratively retelling a kitsune story they have been told. What is referred to as a kitsune story is an example of a trickster tale with foxes as anthropomorphised animals. The participants were ten 5-year-old children and their teacher. Told a story by their teacher, the children were asked later to collaboratively retell it. How this retelling activity is supported – theorised in terms of the metaphor of scaffolding – is analysed on the basis of recordings. The findings show the nature of this evolving process. The conclusion is that the metaphor of scaffolding may require some contextual specification to remain a functional conceptual – and in extension, pedagogical – tool in activities fundamentally different from the activity studied in Wood, Bruner and Ross’ founding 1976 study.  相似文献   
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