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Lower limb dominance (or lateral preference) could potentially effect functional performance. Clinicians are often asked to make judgements as to when a patient has sufficiently “recovered” from an injury, typically using strength and dynamic performance outcome measures. The primary purpose of this study was to systematically review the literature in relation to limb dominance within active adult populations and discuss some limitations to current methods and relate this to current clinical practice. A search of MEDLINE and CINAHL and EMBASE databases and reference lists of those articles identified was performed. Eleven articles were selected for meta-analysis. There was no statistical effect of limb dominance for any of the functional tests: isokinetic quadriceps and hamstring tests, hamstring:quadriceps ratios, single-leg hop for distance, single-leg vertical jump and vertical ground reaction force following a single-leg vertical jump. Pooled symmetry values varied from 94.6% to 99.6% across the tests, above the clinically accepted benchmark of 90% used in clinical practice. Although the results of this study must be used with discretion, asymmetries in the tasks described in this analysis should be viewed as undesirable and remedied accordingly. Further research is needed to quantify asymmetries, particularly in relation to sport-specific contexts.  相似文献   
潘金莲悲剧成因新论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
潘金莲在被剥夺了人身自由、意志自由和婚姻自由的处境中,渐渐形成了刻意追求声色情欲满足的畸形性格,变成了那个社会中一件小小的装饰品,作用是供有钱有势的男人观赏、把玩和消遣。男权社会早在潘金链选择之前就做出了选择,她的“选择”不过是被选择,现实不会为她安排别样的生活与“幸福“。人性觉醒的社会思潮与僵死落后的规范化极不和谐,从而造成了潘金莲的畸形性格。  相似文献   
运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、统计分析等方法,对高水平男子跳高运动员专项力量训练手段进行统计研究,遴选出常用的、功效性高的专项力量训练手段18项,并将其分为爆发力、支撑力量、起跳力量、摆动力量和腹(背)肌力量5类,为男子跳高运动员专项力量的训练提供有价值的参考.  相似文献   
通过调查与分析表明。西安市部分高校中年男教师的健康状况和体育健身的现状令人忧虑.提出了如何唤起中年男教师对自身健康的重视以及自觉投入到体育健身队伍中的方法和手段.使他们以良好的精神面貌和健康的体魄为国家的教育事业做出更大的贡献。  相似文献   
《战国策》对女性人物着墨并不是很多,而且大多以反面人物为主,这鲜明地反映出封建社会男性作者的性别歧视。即便如此,我们仍可以通过这些女性形象,领略到战国时代进步的民主政治,感受到开放的社会风气,甚至被她们身上所体现出来的真实张扬的个性深深打动。  相似文献   
母爱的虚像——读高桥多佳子的《相似形》   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高桥多佳子是日本现代女性小说家,其作品对女性特有的感情偏执、意见分歧等进行了细致得描写和深入得思索。中篇小说《相似形》描写了一幅与传统母爱形象相背离的图画——“母亲厌恶女儿”,通过对母亲心理的细微刻画及其心理根源的探究,作者最终借文中人物之口对传统母爱图像的真实性提出了质疑。论文将对作者文中描述的母女图画进行解读,寻找母亲憎恨女儿的心理根源,最终探索隐藏其中的“母爱”真实图像。  相似文献   
女性情怀辉映男子气概——试论薛涛诗歌中的双重情感   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐代女诗人薛涛,一生命运坎坷,但她以诗作在文学史上留下了自己的足迹。薛涛的诗,是其经历的文学记录,更是其心声的表露。一方面,她的诗是其女性情怀的表露,这是她遭受男权世界压迫的曲折表现;另一方面,她的诗又表露出强烈的男子气概,这与她长期与男权世界中的精英人物酬唱有关。全面认识薛涛,应该认识到薛涛诗歌情感世界的双重性。  相似文献   
Ecofeminism is a theory that combines women’s unfair condition with nature’s overuse by human.It "argues that a strong parallel exists between the oppression and subordination of women in families and society and the degradation of nature through the construction of differences into conceptual binaries and ideological hierarchies that allow a systematic justification of domination by subjects classed into higher-ranking categories over objects classed into lower-ranking categories" (Miao 184). Tar Baby is the fourth work of Tony Morrison which explores African-Americans’ poor status, especially black women’s. From ecofeminism’s perspective, women and nature share same destiny. Being fed up with the bad condition, women has struggling against male world and tried to win their own happiness and identity, appealing to mutual respect and understanding.  相似文献   
竞技武术是武术的重要组成部分,是基于传统武术套路发展起来的武术运动.难度动作的完成情况是竞技武术套路竞赛中制胜的关键,采用文献资料法、录像分析法、比较研究法、数理统计法等研究方法,对2010年全国武术套路冠军、2011年全国武术套路锦标赛及2011年全国武术套路冠军赛中长拳、刀、枪、剑、棍共5个项目比赛成绩的前16名,共80名男子运动员在各项目比赛中的难度动作完成情况进行统计分析,对当前国内优秀男子长拳类运动员难度动作选做、扣分情况进行分析,发现竞技长拳类运动员在完成难度动作过程中出现的问题,对其问题解决对策进行分析探讨.旨在为提高竞技武术长拳类项目难度动作成功率提供借鉴和参考.  相似文献   
乔治·桑早期妇女小说是作者自身体验的写照,表达了对父权制社会中女性不幸命运的同情以及对作为压迫者的卑劣男性的谴责,并把获得美好爱情的希望寄托于理想男性。乔治·桑没有提出解决妇女问题的有效办法,却传递出了对理想生活的追求,反映了女性意识的觉醒。  相似文献   
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