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少数民族传统体育突出的娱乐性和健身性,可使全民健身活动以人民群众喜阐乐见的形式进行,在竞技中娱乐,在娱乐中健身,从而达到身心愉快、强身健体的目的。  相似文献   
翻新、累积与传播——中国古代诗词传播现象研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
诗词翻新是古典诗词创作的重要手段之一,通过翻新,诗词得到更广泛传播。同时经过后继者不断地翻新,诗词也相应地容纳和增添了新的因素,从而产生出新的内涵和意义,使其文化内涵得以不断累积。诗人们进行翻新创作的主要方式有:用其成句,增减字词,翻换言语,提炼文意等。而诗词翻新在传播过程中多选择名家名句使其易于获得名家效应。并且诗词翻新的相对优越性和相容性较高,复杂性较低,可试性和可观察性较好,这些特性使其既容易为创作者掌握,又易于被阅读者接受。这些是诗词翻新促进诗词传播的原因。  相似文献   
巴蜀好游嗜赌,自古风尚相沿。早在《隋书》就记载蜀中士人悠闲聚会喜欢意钱等博戏。清代“湖广填四川”后,大量南北移民人四川,各种博戏入巴蜀,赌戏更是南北兼融。在巴蜀地区来看,清代赌风最盛,当为成都平原一带。古今巴蜀地区赌风尤盛,但经济意义上豪赌大博并不明显,民间博戏的休闲娱乐功能更明显。  相似文献   
中国具有5000年的文明史,文化遗产十分丰富。对传统文化,毛泽东一贯主张推陈出新,古为今用。他不但是这一理论的倡导者,也是这一理论的实践者。从其用典上便可看出他对中国传统文化的重视和创新。毛泽东用典,总是能剔除其糟粕,吸取其精华,在内容和形式上都艺术地加以改造,使传统文化旧意翻新,焕发出新的生命力。  相似文献   

This case study examined how the agency of a fifth-grade pupil appeared across different learning environments in the primary school context. In this study, agency is defined as the initiatives taken by an individual in interactive situations. The research question is: how does a pupil’s agency manifest and vary through taking initiatives across different learning environments within curriculum-based education? The empirical data consist of 50 video episodes including learning activities in a classroom, in a vegetable garden and on a nearby farm. The findings show that the pupil’s agency varied across learning environments, manifesting itself through complementing, supportive, constructive and challenging initiatives. When developing pedagogy that supports learning across formal and informal learning environments, it is essential to enable pupils to take different kinds of initiatives and to exercise their agency in versatile contexts.  相似文献   
二郎神是古代的一位民间神,在流传过程中他被屡易其姓,成为诸神中较为独特的一个。从梳理二郎形象演变入手,探讨《西游记》对二郎原型在神通广大和宗教归属方面的改造,并联系明代社会思潮分析《西游记》中杨二郎劈山救母和听调不听宣的独特行径,揭示其既桀骜不驯又恪尽职守的融抗争与顺从为一体的复杂个性。  相似文献   
歌唱者是通过歌唱艺术来表达作品的内容和人的情感的。为了更好地达到歌唱艺术的审美目的,必须使歌唱具有一定的风格。歌唱者将自己对生活和作品的感受、体验和理解融入到演唱之中,对作品进行独特的艺术处理,并形成独树一帜的艺术风格,就能大大提高表演质量,丰富演唱的表现力,从而发挥出艺术审美的作用。  相似文献   
This exploratory study was conducted to illuminate aspects relevant to the emergence and evolution of informal roles in a group during a canoe expedition. Following tenets of ethnography, the first author collected observational and interview (conversational and focus group) data while participating as a member of the expedition. Three general dimensions were revealed with regards to emerging and evolving informal roles: context aspects; role occupant aspects; and group member aspects. Informal roles were found to be important structural components which contributed to group productivity and harmony. Findings are discussed in relation to the broader literature while questions are raised regarding how informal roles have been conceptualized. Implications include considering how informal roles relate to individual (e.g. satisfaction) and group (e.g. cohesion) level constructs and how outdoor leaders may benefit from understanding how informal roles emerge and evolve.  相似文献   
通过对服装市场的调查与研究,分析了当今服装发展的五大趋势及产生的原因。运动休闲、环保、民族风情、材料的重组及高科技面料的运用等体现了当今人们对生活质量的追求。  相似文献   
汤显祖的《牡丹亭》问世以来,被视为反道学的经典,受到离经叛道者的推崇。杜丽娘成为几代女性追求的楷模。今天,以当代女性的眼光回望,穿越历史解构的合理性和当然性,对杜丽娘的喜剧命运进行女性的思考。  相似文献   
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