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道德和法律分属不同的规范体系 ,二者即相互对立 ,又相互统一。通过探讨道德与法律以及“德治”与“法治”的辨证关系 ,可以看出“德治”与“法治”的结合是由两者内在矛盾交互作用而产生的必然结果。也只有走“德治”与“法治”的相结合的道路 ,才能更好地促进我国社会主义现代化建设事业的全面发展。  相似文献   
20世纪西方悖论研究是继古希腊和中世纪之后出现的第三次悖论研究的高潮时期 ,可划分为三个阶段 :1 90 1年罗素悖论发现至 30年代末为第一阶段 ,主要以集合论悖论研究为重点 ;4 0年代初至 70年代中叶为第二阶段 ,逐渐转移到以语义悖论研究为重点 ;70年代中叶至 2 0世纪末为第三阶段 ,回归到自然语言 ,在语形、语义、语用的统一中研究悖论问题。现代逻辑在悖论研究中得到了具体应用 ,悖论问题研究促进了现代逻辑的深入发展。  相似文献   
张建军教授的学术研究呈现“整体推进”的特征,明确指认逻辑悖论之语用学性质,构成其研究过程中一个重要的转折点,推动了逻辑悖论研究的语用学转向,促进了长期处于薄弱环节的关于悖论的一般方法论研究之深入展开,加深了对位于“高阶认知”致思层面的逻辑悖论研究之认识。在逻辑悖论与其他逻辑哲学难题长期探索的基础上,张建军教授近期致力于系统建构辅之以“情境实在论”和“悖境辩证法”的“逻辑行动主义方法论”,并已初步呈现其多方面解题功能。  相似文献   
开放经济下,一国实现宏观经济的内外均衡要求货币政策与汇率政策的协调发展,我国同样也面临着追求宏观经济内外均衡的政策目标。笔者根据“三元悖论”理论,得出我国需要货币政策的独立自主性,资本的有限流动和更加灵活的人民币汇率制度的结论,即货币政策完全独立 资本有限流动 汇率有限浮动。只有这样,才能促进我国经济快速、平稳发展。  相似文献   
姚皓然 《海外英语》2014,(3):190-191
Does the question to be or not to be for Hamlet is whether to continue to exist or not?Is Hamlet contemplating suicide?The meaning of this famous speech in Shakespeare’s Hamlet has been given numerous interpretations.This essay focuses on the paradoxical emotion of Hamlet and intends to make a comprehensive analysis of this soliloquy.  相似文献   
The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the dramatic consequences the application of cut‐off points can have in the practice of identifying gifted individuals. The paradoxical attenuation effect describes the frequent situation in which measurements of the gifts and talents individuals possess are lower than their true values. However, in assessing the results of a measurement, one should suspect that the talent being measured is in actuality even lower than the score representing it. The practical implications of the paradoxical attenuastion effect are taken under discussion, including how high α errors and β errors are for specific IQ cut‐off points. For example, among persons with IQs of 130 and above, and using reliabilities of .80, most of the persons measured to be gifted are actually not gifted at all.  相似文献   
独特的叙事风格是马克·吐温短篇故事在美国文学当中具有巨大吸引力的重要原因。其中故事《我怎样编辑一份农业报》便是马克·吐温采用悖论化叙事的代表之一。悖论,是一种看似充满矛盾的表面而内在却富含真理因素的表达方式。悖论化叙事与马克·吐温的创作意图具有密不可分的关系。分析马克·吐温的悖论化叙事特征在故事情节、人物塑造与语言表达三个方面,层层营造了故事的独特叙事及对现实社会深刻的讽刺与挖苦,从而揭示了马克.吐温短篇故事的魅力所在。  相似文献   
Traditional paradoxical games enable democratic social encounters as well as reflective skills to be fostered among students. The rules of these games, of which the game pelota sentada (sitting ball) is an example, afford players autonomy to decide either to cooperate with other participants (to release or keep others free) or to oppose them (to capture free players). The aim of this study was to investigate the reflection-on-action about decisions (strategies), relationships and emotions of the participants in the game sitting ball when in the role of free player in possession of the ball. Undergraduate degree students (n = 106) in physical activity and sport sciences took part. After the game, the players answered reflection-on-action open-ended and close-ended questions about their strategies, relationships and emotions. Four experts followed a validated directed and summative approach to the content analysis of 742 comments, using ATLAS.ti software. The findings highlight that decisions, relationships and emotions are distinct yet intertwined dimensions of the same phenomenon: motor conduct in the game pelota sentada (sitting ball).  相似文献   
“利奥塔把后现代知识状况描述为对思辨与解放“元叙事”的质疑,实质上是以“解合法化”与“悖论逻辑”对作为“共识”之公共游戏规则的消解,从维特根斯坦到利奥塔完成了对古典“游戏”说的颠覆。这与新实用主义罗蒂以“小”叙事达成的“共识”代替“大(哲学-哲学家)”,从不同的极端,在异质-多元的语言游戏中颠覆着真理,建立起众“小”的迪斯尼乐园,西方的马克思主义, 如杰姆逊、伊格尔顿等,对此进行了批判。从利奥塔提出的五点知识本性改变可见,后现代信息革命并没有改变知识的真理性本性。  相似文献   
道德悖论现象之恶不同于道德谴责公认之恶,也不同于人必有私的人的自然本性,多具有说不清道不明的特征,当人们视恶为恶时多处于见仁见智的认知状态。恶蕴含着促进社会与人的道德进步的逻辑张力,对于伦理学理论好道德建设的创新好发展具有重要的认识论意义,在社会处于变革时期尤其是这样。  相似文献   
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