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The role of chance in talent development appears in the gifted education literature and also in lay discussions of high ability. Nevertheless, chance as a factor in talent development is frequently misunderstood. This analysis scrutinizes some common beliefs and scholarly perspectives on the effects of chance in the development of high ability, and reveals some shortcomings of these conceptions. In addition various research initiatives are proposed that can redress the current lack of empirical evidence to support or refute particular actions and theories of chance. These initiatives should include the development of a taxonomy of chance events and of quantitative measures of the impact of chance on talent development processes. Overall, such work should generate more accurate conceptions of this fascinating causal factor.  相似文献   
作为"日本中间文学第一人"的渡边淳一在日本乃至世界范围内影响巨大,有些日本媒体评价他为"现代男人的代言人",但是他在文学作品中塑造了许多美丽动人、个性鲜明的女性形象,这些形形色色的女性形象都体现了渡边文学对现代女性的关注。基于此,通过对渡边文学中女性具体形象的分析,来探索渡边文学的精髓,进而从女性主义视角浅析渡边文学中男女两性地位及性别意识等问题。  相似文献   
连文杰  毛志雄  闫挺 《体育科学》2007,27(2):54-57,85
对国内、外运动领域完美主义研究的历史和现状进行了较为系统的回顾,对完美主义的心理结构、完美主义与目标定向、竞赛焦虑、整体自尊的关系研究进行了评介,同时介绍了完美主义的主要测量工具,以及完美主义研究中的跨文化观点;对国内该领域今后的发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   
目的:探讨竞赛过程中运动员的完美主义与竞赛焦虑之间的关系。方法:测量3组(共191人)运动员样本在竞赛中的完美主义和竞赛焦虑,并对其进行比较。结果:总体完美主义与认知状态和躯体状态的高度竞赛焦虑有关,而当把力求完美的动力作用与未达完美的消极作用分化开来时,发现只有后者与高度的焦虑相关,而前者则导致轻微的焦虑和高度自信。结论:提示运动员在竞赛过程中追求完美,并成功地控制未达理想而产生的消极影响,就可以减少焦虑并增强自信,发挥出色。  相似文献   

The authors attempted to examine how Taiwanese junior high school students’ perfectionistic tendencies and implicit theories of intelligence were related to their academic emotions and approach versus avoidance self-regulation, and to determine differences in contingent self-worth, emotions, and self-regulation among students with different subtypes of perfectionism. A total of 481 8th-grade Taiwanese students completed a self-reported survey assessing their perfectionistic tendencies, implicit theories of intelligence, academic emotions, behavioral self-regulation, and use of self-handicapping strategies. Results suggested that adaptive perfectionism enabled adolescents to experience positive emotions and to engage in behavioral self-regulation, whereas maladaptive perfectionism was positively associated with negative emotions and self-handicapping. In addition, the incremental theory of intelligence predicted positive affect and constructive coping. By contrast, the entity theory was positively correlated with negative emotions and self-handicapping. The authors also documented profiles of students with different perfectionistic tendencies. Findings showed that in general adaptive perfectionists displayed the healthiest emotions and self-regulatory styles. Implications for education and further research are discussed.  相似文献   
文章通过采用中文版完美主义量表(CFMPS)、自我接纳问卷(SAQ)、交往焦虑量表(IAS)对1156名高职大学生进行问卷调查。调查表明,高职大学生的完美主义对自我接纳、交往焦虑存在一定程度的影响。自我接纳在完美主义与交往焦虑之间具有完全中介效应。  相似文献   
目的探讨大学生完美主义与自恋的关系。方法采用訾非(2006)修订的《中文版Frost多维完美主义量表》与郑涌和黄藜(2005)编制的自恋人格问卷对313名福建师范大学福清分校的在校大学生进行调查分析。结果 (1)该校大学生普遍具有完美主义倾向,不同出生地、学科类别的大学生完美主义差异显著;(2)大学生完美主义总分与显性自恋总分显著相关(r=0.375),完美主义多个维度与显性自恋多个维度存在不同程度的相关(r=0.118-0.489),只有行动的疑虑与显性自恋相关不显著;(3)大学生完美主义总分与隐性自恋总分显著相关(r=0.549),完美主义多个维度与隐性自恋多个维度存在不同程度的相关(r=0.243-0.482),只有条理性与隐性自恋相关不显著;(4)完美主义中的条理性和个人标准对显性自恋具有一定的预测作用,担心错误、个人标准和行动的疑虑对隐性自恋具有一定的预测作用。结论大学生完美主义与自恋相关显著。积极完美主义与显性自恋关系更为密切,消极完美主义与隐性自恋关系更为密切。  相似文献   
The effects of meditation, specifically Transcendental Meditation (TM), on college students' experience of stress, anxiety, depression, and perfectionistic thoughts was investigated using 43 undergraduate students. Self-report measures of the variables were completed prior to the start of the study. Student groups were trained in TM and practiced the technique consistently over a two-semester period. Post-TM measures were administered at the end of the two semesters. The groups showed a significant decline on all variables. Suggestions for the use of meditation as an adjunct to treatment in a college population are discussed.  相似文献   
文章旨在揭示惊恐障碍个体完美主义的心理特征、主要影响以及形成机制,为心理干预惊恐障碍提供新的思路和启发。为了深入细致地回答研究问题,研究采用质性研究的方法,选取1名临床诊断的惊恐障碍高完美主义大学生作为研究对象,进行深入的访谈,主要采用类属分析法深入剖析惊恐障碍大学生的完美主义特征及成因。  相似文献   
完美主义教育观认为学校教育能够把任何学生培养成为完美个体,使学生个体具备完美的知识和道德素养。完美主义教育观无视社会其他因素对教育的巨大制约作用,将教师能力理想化地拔高,给教育制定了一个不可能达到的理想目标,同时把实现这个目标的全部责任和义务武断地压在教育和教师的头上,最终导致了教师的不堪重负。完美主义教育观在社会中的流行,造成了社会对教育理论简单化、教育实践理想化、教育评价功利化的判定倾向。教育完美主义论客观上引起了社会对教育的高度期待,但非理性的过高期待反而导致了现实中教育实践的无能印象。完美主义教育观导致教师严重的职业挫败感,导致学校整体持续紧张,并加深了社会对教育的浮躁心理。  相似文献   
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