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人的全面发展的关系,是人的全面发展理论的内容之一。在构建社会主义和谐社会的新形势下,人的全面发展的关系主要体现为:人与自然界之间的和谐关系、人与社会之间的协调关系以及个人与他人之间的合作关系。  相似文献   
教学"泛娱乐化"是教学活动在"泛娱乐化"思潮的濡染与裹挟中所展现出偏离其所承载的崇尚科学、追求理性、秉承超越以及所具有的批判性,扭曲甚至丧失自身价值负载的非理性样态。造成教学"泛娱乐化"的原因在于教育消费主义思潮扭曲了教学的独特性;"快感文化"之于教育的全方位渗透褫夺了教学的严肃性;后现代知识观的"解构主义"扰乱了教学的真理性以及教育变革中所推崇的"拿来主义"动摇了教学的厚重性。化解教学"泛娱乐化"隐忧要以捍卫教育的相对独立性为前提,扎实践行教育的教学性;积极重建教学知识观,坚守教学的真理性;回归教学"寓教于乐"的初衷,恪守教学活动的严肃性以及以"双创"精神面对本土教学遗产,深植教学的厚重性中予以达成。  相似文献   
The trend towards inclusion in mainstream Australian schools has seen the numbers of students with disabilities educated in regular schools grow significantly. This trend has been supported by legislation such as the Disability Discrimination Act and the Education Standards. For inclusion to be successful, a number of factors are vital and teacher support for the programme is crucial. While there is research in the area of teachers’ concerns at the primary school level, little research has been conducted at the secondary school level. Research in this area is needed as the secondary school has differing factors from the primary sector that need to be explored.  相似文献   
Computing resources are essential to foster the productivity of employees in organisations; however, non-work-related computing (NWRC) in the workplace has recently become a serious concern because employees often spend too much time in the personal use of computers. To deepen our understanding of employees' compliance with NWRC rules, we developed and tested a research model that focuses on the formation of procedural justice and moderating role of privacy concerns. The results indicate that employees are more willing to comply with NWRC rules when they believe fair procedures to be in place during the design and implementation of the rules. In addition, accuracy, consistency, and ethicality were found to enhance employees' belief in procedural justice. Further, we found that the effect of procedural justice on compliance intention is moderated by privacy concerns that arise from the implementation of NWRC rules.  相似文献   
叶维廉的诗歌创作经历了从现代到古典、从西方到东方的转变和回归。跨时代、跨文化的双重视角,为他的比较诗学理论开拓了思路,并寻求到诗学理论的据点:"文化模子"理论。随着国际性文化境遇的恶化,叶维廉感到强烈的文化忧虑,进而走向文化批评的诗学理论建构期,这显示了他深沉的人文情怀和知识分子的责任感。  相似文献   
This paper reports the results of a review of 33 journal articles chosen from 87 empirical studies on learner identity in Chinese as a foreign/second language (CFL/CSL) education, published during the years 2005–2019. By analyzing the co-occurrence of keywords in these Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) journal articles, this review identifies the theoretical perspectives and topical trends of CFL/CSL education research on learner identity. The review shows that while such post-structuralist theories and notions as capital, identity and investment model have continued to play a predominant role in CFL/CSL identity research, interdisciplinary perspectives seem to also demonstrate their theoretical value and interpretive power. Furthermore, the review found that researchers explored a wide array of topical issues in relation to learner identity involved in the complex linguistic and social ecology of Chinese language learning. The review concludes with suggestions for future projects to consider that expand the thematic and theoretical scope by exploring intersections between different social categories and learner identities in societal contexts.  相似文献   
本主要介绍和分析当代美国华裔作家任碧莲在短篇小说“谁是爱尔兰人?”中的体构建特征,通过对该小说中叙述声音及其变化的分析,意在阐明作借助不同叙事方式来表达作品主题的写作意图,并试图解释作家通过该作品所传达的对美国社会化中现实问题的关注及其意义。  相似文献   
The purpose of the study was to explore a conceptual structure of graduate teaching assistant (GTA) teaching concerns. Results indicated that GTAs experience five distinct, inter-related types of concerns: class control, external evaluation, task, impact and role/time/communication. These ‘teaching concerns’ were further analysed by examining their relationship with the value placed on them by the GTAs and the confidence in dealing with the teaching-related issues of concern. The results revealed that GTAs tend to have concerns about self, task or role/time/communication-related issues when the nature of the concerned issues is perceived as being valuable but challenging. On the other hand, GTAs are more likely to have concerns with impact-related issues when the nature of the issues is perceived as both being valuable and manageable. Several GTA characteristics, such as teaching experience, teacher efficacy, participation in professional development and values on teaching practices, were examined as predictors of GTA teaching concerns.  相似文献   

Demand for English-taught courses (ETCs) is growing exponentially in non-English speaking universities. These courses require new teaching competences of lecturers, most obviously English language proficiency and intercultural skills. Given the high workloads academics are currently burdened with, it can be expected that this form of teaching is presenting them with a considerable challenge. Despite this, little is known about their ETC teaching experiences. This study addressed this issue by examining and comparing beginning and experienced ETC lecturers’ perspectives on their practices. The study was conducted at a university in Taiwan. Ten academics were interviewed in-depth, some two to three times over a two-year period. The study found the two groups’ experiences were polar opposites. This paper argues an awareness of English as a lingua franca accompanied by student-centered teacher concerns led to the senior cohort’s positive ETC teaching experiences, while a lack thereof gave rise to the beginning lecturers’ unfavorable experiences.  相似文献   

Adjunct faculty use in higher education has been on the rise since the 1970s, with adjuncts teaching 58% of United States community college classes. Yet, adjuncts are consistently excluded from the professional development opportunities offered to their full-time counterparts. For institutions to ensure their students are receiving the best education possible, it is vital to provide resources, access, and points of engagement that enable adjunct instructors to build collegiality. Mentoring is an effective way for institutions to support their adjunct population. I highlighted points of consideration for mentoring programs within higher education by examining the implementation of a mentoring program at a community college in the United States. The purpose of my qualitative case study was to document adjuncts’ experiences while entering a new mentoring program.  相似文献   
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