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According to the stress–injury model (Williams & Andersen, 1998), personality factors predisposing athletes to elevated levels of stress may increase the risk of injury. As perfectionism has been associated with chronic stress, it may be one such personality factor. So far, however, no study has investigated the relationships between perfectionism and injury utilising a prospective design. Therefore, the present study examined perfectionistic strivings, perfectionistic concerns and injury in 80 junior athletes from team and individual sports (mean age 17.1 years; range 16–19 years) over 10 months of active training. The results of logistic regression analyses showed that perfectionism positively predicted injury, but only perfectionistic concerns emerged as a significant positive predictor. The likelihood of sustaining an injury was increased by over two times for each 1 SD increase in perfectionistic concerns. The findings suggest that perfectionistic concerns may be a possible factor predisposing athletes to an increased risk of injury.  相似文献   
大数据环境下用户隐私顾虑日益加深。尝试从用户对威胁的评估以及组织的隐私政策方面研究当下隐私现状,有利于企业在保护个人隐私的前提下更好地发展。基于保护动机理论,实证研究威胁评估、网络隐私顾虑和组织隐私政策(重要性认知)的关系及其作用机理。研究结果表明:威胁评估和组织隐私政策都对网络隐私顾虑起正向影响作用;组织隐私政策作为调节变量,在威胁评估与网络隐私顾虑间的调节作用并不显著,只在威胁评估与隐私控制的关系中起显著反向调节作用。  相似文献   
Recent research found perfectionistic strivings to predict performance in a novel basketball task among novice basketball players. The current study builds on this research by examining whether this is also the case for performance in a familiar basketball training task among experienced basketball players, and whether achievement goals mediated any observed relationships. Perfectionistic strivings, perfectionistic concerns, and 3?×?2 achievement goals were assessed prior to basketball training performance in 90 basketball players (mean age 20.9 years). Regression analyses showed that perfectionistic strivings predicted better performance. Furthermore, mediation analyses showed that other-approach goals (e.g. beliefs that one should and can outperform others) accounted for this relationship. The findings suggest that perfectionistic strivings may predict better performance in both novel and familiar athletic contexts. In addition, beliefs about the importance and ability to outperform others may explain this relationship.  相似文献   
纳米伦理起源于人们对纳米技术风险的恐惧和担忧.迄今为止,纳米伦理经历了从最初的梳理纳米技术的伦理问题,到反思这些问题的可能后果,再到对反思的反思3个阶段,研究内容不仅涉及现实的、具体的层面,也包括未来的、概念性的以及评估的和管理的3个层面.文章指出,对纳米技术风险的恐惧与担忧源于纳米技术的中介性和不确定性,纳米伦理学的任务在于探索和构建纳米技术活动的伦理规范,促进纳米技术在全球伦理的框架下健康、可持续的发展,以让人们走出担忧和恐惧,寻求一个安全的未来.  相似文献   
网络环境和信息技术的发展使个人隐私面临巨大挑战。本文从组织内部员工信息隐私关注的角度,研究其对组织信任、组织公民行为和员工满意度的影响。结构方程模型分析的结果表明,员工信息隐私关注对其组织信任有显著的负向影响;信息隐私关注通过组织信任对组织公民行为有一定的影响;信息隐私关注不仅对员工满意度有直接的影响,也通过组织信任对其有间接的影响。  相似文献   
The professional development of teacher educators is gaining increasing interest globally. However, not so many studies have been carried out in the Finnish context, which is somewhat surprising considering that the Finnish education system and teacher education has gained so much interest worldwide. This study investigates Finnish teacher educators’ concerns, beliefs and values. The results show that teacher educators experienced a variety of concerns in their work, in the beginning mainly dealing with the position and being a novice, and later they became more concerned with heavy workloads and practical teaching-related matters. The teacher educators studied considered the students’ education to be the most important aspect of their work. The research-based nature of teacher education was also felt to be very important, along with its community aspects, and their own specialization. In general, Finnish teacher educators considered their work to be important.  相似文献   
在中国学史上,盛唐诗人的生活态度是比较独特的,这是一群既有强烈的社会责任感、远大政治目标的理想型诗人,又是一群有着深深生存忧患的苦闷型诗人,在他们的生平经历和诗歌主题中,生存忧患表现得相当普遍,这种忧患感来自于诗人理想的幻灭,情感的失落,造成这种现象的主要原因是来自外在的“反实现”因素及诗人与生俱来的政治先天不足。  相似文献   
空门情关两无依——妙玉悲剧形象简论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人与人的璀璨生命与价值的揭示,是曹雪芹在《红楼梦》中最为倾心的一个主题。曹雪芹通过妙玉这个极为特异的悲剧艺术典型,表达了他所执著追求的辉煌而坚定的信念:在清规佛戒尚猛的时代,当是发乎情,不必止乎礼义,要从欲为欢,而不必以多欲为苦。美就是生活,在苦难的生活中勇猛地挣扎与执著地追求,这便是曹雪芹对人生的终极的关怀。  相似文献   
在我国人科学的名学,徐中玉学术精神最为引人注目的便是以强烈的介入现实体现出儒家的“忧患意识”。这种忧患意识,对于徐中玉来说,不是一种潮涨潮落的时尚,而是一种与生俱来的人情结。由此而表现出鲜明的问题意识、批判态度、独立人格的学术践行和打通学科分界的学识基础。  相似文献   
In the day-to-day workplace teachers direct their own learning, but little is known about what drives their decisions about what they would like to learn. These decisions are assumed to be influenced by teachers’ current professional concerns. Also, teachers in different professional life phases have different reasons for engaging in professional learning. In this study, we explored the professional concerns underlying teachers’ learning goals in order to understand variation in professional learning over a teacher’s career. In this qualitative study, we administered a semi-structured interview and a card sorting task to 15 secondary school teachers to elicit teachers’ learning goals and current professional concerns. By conceptually combining teachers’ learning goals with professional concerns in concern-goal pairs, we sought to understand the different reasons for teachers’ learning. These concern-goal pairs were characterized in three different types of reasons: continuous, growth and improvement, and work-management. The results showed that early career teachers have mainly growth and improvement concerns, whereas mid- and late-career teachers have both continuous and growth and improvement concerns. Work-management concerns differ for early- and late-career teachers. Results are further discussed in terms of professional life phase models and teachers’ developmental tasks throughout their career.  相似文献   
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