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The Anatomy Department at Tel-Aviv University Medical School offers its students an elective course of 26 didactic hours on human evolution. The course is open to students from all faculties, who must fulfill all academic requirements, without a prerequisite of a background in anatomy. Approximately 120 students attend annually, a third of them are nonmedical students who major in philosophy, archeology, and sociology. This article discusses the course's contributions to students' understanding of a scientific concept that a scientific theory can be contradicted by new evidence, because facts govern science. Also, research methods of applying scientific principles establish the understanding of the human body, which evidently contributes to health and medicine. In the classes, the students are divided into mini-groups of 2-3 students, while the lecturer moves among students to examine fossils. In addition, analogies, open-discussions, and explanations accompany the tangible experiences. The lecturer of the course is an experienced anthropologist-anatomist researcher. He is a role-model and a mentor, sharing with the students his belief that a scientist should be persistent in his research to overcome difficult circumstances. Students, regardless of their backgrounds, express high appreciation of the course in their feedback questionnaires. The message conveyed by this course is that not only knowledge counts but also its integration with scientific principles. This course teaches us that science can bring students from different areas to study together and share ideas. In conclusion, this is a unique course in the eyes of the faculty and students alike.  相似文献   
哲学诠释学的实用性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对哲学无用的指控可以追溯到西方哲学的源头,然而哲学有着其自身的实用性。伽达默尔哲学诠释学的实用性主要体现在:可以为人文科学辩护;导致了宽容;批评了科学方法并指出其局限性;对技术的有限性进行批判;探讨了对话的前提和本质。  相似文献   
李泽厚以工具本体论为核心的主体性实践哲学中的"主体性"其实就是关于人的主体性问题,这是基于社会实践观基础上将人的问题置于人类社会历史发展总体进程中进行思考的结果.在由工具本体论转向心理本体论之后,李泽厚力图突破唯物史观,从精神层面对人的生存问题进行更为深刻的哲学反思,但未能形成更为系统性的美学理论创造.  相似文献   
和谐的哲学宇宙观是中外哲学的一份重要理论遗产,也是科学发展观和建构和谐社会的重要思想源头。《易》就以物质的“气”的有序运动来阐释宇宙的整体的和谐运作,明代《幼学》又以“七政”等具体天象知识充实了《易》的“和谐宇宙”论。康德的星云假说使古希腊原子漩涡宇宙结构说推陈出新,从“开放宇宙”的新视角解决了宇宙总体的和谐发展源泉。马克思主义和谐宇宙观吸纳了康德的和谐宇宙观,解决了达尔文主义者未解决的人的起源与社会本质问题。新诞生的宇宙循环往复理论,不只推倒了宇宙第一次大爆炸假说,且以宇航数字化实测信息,在高新技术基础上实现向马克思主义和谐宇宙观复归。  相似文献   
中国共产党建党精神蕴含着丰富的哲学意蕴:坚持真理、坚守理想的精神蕴含了辩证唯物主义的认识观,践行初心、担当使命的精神蕴藏了辩证唯物主义的实践观,不怕牺牲、英勇斗争的精神体现了辩证唯物主义的矛盾观,对党忠诚、不负人民的精神折射了辩证唯物主义的价值观。伴随中国共产党诞生而形成的伟大建党精神,是中国共产党带领全国人民奋勇前行的强大精神源泉。  相似文献   
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