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《Africa Education Review》2013,10(3):478-492

The expectation in education today is that pre-service teachers should graduate from teacher education adequately prepared to teach with Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) that have potential to enhance curriculum delivery, hence improving quality of education. However, research shows that pre-service teachers are graduating from teacher education underequipped to teach with ICTs. The aim of this study is to understand why, given the deployment of ICTs for teaching and learning in teacher education, the new teachers remain underprepared to teach with ICTs. Qualitative research approach was employed in this study, whereby randomly selected pre-service teachers were interview respondents. Written reflections on their preparation to teach with ICTs also formed part of the data collected. Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) theory was embraced to guide the study. Analysis of the data shows that the main contributing factor of the new teachers’ under-preparedness to teach using ICTs is the quality of instruction they receive during their training.  相似文献   
A simple extension of the DeFries and Fulker multiple regression model for twin analysis is applied to the problem of detecting linkage in a quantitative trait. The method, employing sib pairs, is based on that of Haseman and Elston. Reading data from 19 extended pedigrees were analyzed employing RLFPs as markers on chromosome 15 and using the widely available statistical applications software package, SAS. A number of possible linkages were detected, indicating that this approach is both powerful and effective, especially in the case of selected samples. Detecting genotype-environment interaction and the issue of power are briefly discussed. The programs used are available upon request.  相似文献   
本文着重从学前一体化教育的管理、筛查、评估与安置、一体化的教育策略等方面介绍虹口区学前一体化教育的实践。最后,对一体化教育的成效加以分析,得出研究结论  相似文献   
唐山工业遗产与文化创意产业融合呈现出多样化趋势,文章在分析两者融合的条件因素的基础上,总结出两者融合主要的三种模式:即博物馆暨创意产业园模式、工业遗产旅游模式和公共文化空间模式,并提出了"一点一线一面一创新"的发展思路:即以工业遗产为出发点,完善产业链,建立产业集群,利用科技创新。  相似文献   
毕业设计、顶岗实习和就业一体化,是实现人才培养目标极为重要的综合性实践环节。辽阳职业技术学院制药类专业实施"一体化"工作机制,通过"双线并行,三结合",使学生由择岗到定岗,再到驻岗,进而实现顺利就业,提高了毕业生就业率和就业质量。  相似文献   
深化文艺美学研究 弘扬中华美学精神   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美学不仅是一门学问、一门学术,更是一种精神、一种智慧。当代美学研究要实现从知识和学问向精神和智慧的提升,传承与弘扬中华美学精神是必由之路。中华美学是世界上最重视生命价值与精神追求的美学形态,传承与弘扬中华美学精神是当代美学研究的一个重要理论课题,文艺美学理论工作者责无旁贷。"兴"是中华古典文艺美学中最重要最具民族特色的基元性范畴,"兴"论美学是中华古典艺术和美学的文化原型,也是中华美学精神最生动的集中体现,"兴"论美学研究对于彰显中华美学精神具有重要意义。立足文艺美学研究角度,以中华古典兴论美学为例,探讨如何深化文艺美学研究,实现兴论美学的现代转化,使之成为中国当代文艺美学的重要理论基础,从而传承与弘扬中华美学精神。  相似文献   
目的:在解读“课内外一体化”教学模式提出背景的基础上,结合淮南高校“课内外一体化”教学模式的实践,从教学内容体系、教学组织形式、教学管理和运行机制、教学评价体系等方面对“课内外一体化”教学模式进行了构建,分析了实施“课内外一体化”教学模式的影响因素,提出建议,为改进“课内外一体化”教学模式下高校《公共体育》课程教学提供参考。结论:《公共体育》课程“课内外一体化”教学模式的构建必须以“健康第一”、“素质教育”、“终身体育”等教学指导思想为依据,着力解决场馆器材设施的缺乏、教师的教学理念没有及时转变、课外体育活动管理的合力形成不够、其它学科和课外体育活动产生冲突等问题。建议:加强体育设施经费的投入;以学习研讨方式促进教师改变教学理念;加强课外体育活动管理合力的形成;课程安排时需要给学生预留课外体育活动时间。  相似文献   
新媒体作为人们网络信息交流和人际交往的新平台,给社会主义核心价值观教育提供了新机遇,促进了核心价值观教育的显隐性转变,丰富了教育的内容,拓展了教育范围,促进了教育方法和手段创新。但它也给核心价值观教育载体、教育内容、教育方式及教育实践体系带来了新的挑战。本研究从四个方面提出了新媒体视域下推动社会主义核心价值观融入高校教育教学体系的基本思路:第一层次是融入理论教学过程,建构教育教学理论,作为理论支撑;第二层次是融入实践教学过程,作为关键环节;第三层次是融入媒介新社区,作为阵地支持;第四层次是融入教育工作者队伍建设,作为队伍保障。  相似文献   
由于高科技的发展,世界经济的一体化,特别是我国加入WTO后,“跨化交际”更加显得突出和频繁,章论述了“跨化交际”在这种形势下的必要性,重要性,紧迫性,对在“跨化交际”中公外教师应有的化素质作了比较重要的探讨。  相似文献   

Endurance athletes who realise that they are falling short of important personal goals during competition are expected to experience competitive suffering. As a negative affective state with implications for performance and personal experiences, it is important to understand how endurance athletes cope with competitive suffering. Thus, the purpose of this study was to investigate differences in athletes' momentary coping function use over time during a competitive suffering episode. Twenty-six runners (mean age: 35.8 years) completed a 5-km running time trial that evoked an experience of competitive suffering using false failure-oriented feedback. Momentary assessments of goal attainment feelings and coping function use were completed immediately following the running time trial using video-mediated recall. Pooled time series analysis was used to predict coping function use across several points in time (i.e. earlier and later stages of a competitive suffering episode) and at different ratings of goal attainment feelings. Analyses revealed that negative feelings about goal attainment moderately predicted problem-focused coping use, and strongly predicted emotion-focused coping use. Although it was not predicted by goal attainment feelings, avoidance coping use was decreased over time throughout suffering episodes. Overall, this study supports propositions that the coping process is continually adapted to competitive demands and identifies the roles of distinct coping functions within the total coping effort.  相似文献   
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