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受应试教育的影响,传统的语文教学崇尚以知识为本,以能力为辅。为了促进以学生发展为本的教育改革理念。本文提出了在语文教学中应授学生以“法”的观点,教师应让学生学会正确开启知识之门的金钥匙,唯有如此,才能使我们的语文教学真正焕发出生命活力。  相似文献   
为学习者创造语言使用的情境,通过在情境中教语言,能更好地培养学习者的语言交际能力,而这也正是现代英语教学的根本目标。小组协作、角色扮演、师生互动问答、多媒体模拟情境等课堂教学活动的有效进行可帮助学习者在更真实的语言交流环境中学习使用英语,以达到运用该语言进行成功交流的目的。相应地,这也从各方面提高了对教师自身的要求。  相似文献   
从新世纪开始,我国已进入加快推进社会主义现代化的新的历史阶段.迈入新世纪新阶段的普通高等学校(以下简称高校)成人高等教育如何更好地适应社会主义现代化建设的新需求,抓住新机遇,迎接新挑战,重要的是坚持以人为本的科学发展观,适应时代发展需要,全方位确立高校成人高等教育现代化的战略目标;加大改革创新力度,全方位推进高校成人高等教育现代化.  相似文献   
为全面深入了解全日制职教专硕职业能力的培养现状,采用问卷分析法对广西师范大学职业技术师范学院2016级、2017级全日制职业技术教育专业研究生进行调查研究。调查分别从职业知识、职业技能、研发能力、综合应用能力四个方面提出问题,并对调查结果进行了细致分析,探究了当前职教专硕职业能力培养存在的利与弊,为进一步提高职教专硕职业能力培养质量提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   
Over the past decade the scholarship ofteaching has received considerable attention inthe higher education literature as a reactionto the widely cited Carnegie Foundation'sreport ``Scholarship Reconsidered'; however, theconcept has remained devoid of a unifieddefinition. A recent Delphi study conductedwith a selective group of scholars whoseexpertise lies in the area of universityteaching and learning indicated the extent towhich these ``experts' agreed with each other onimportant features and unresolved issues theyassociate with the scholarship of teaching. Building on the results of the Delphi study,the present article discusses the results of asecond survey comparing these ``experts' 'conceptions with those of a larger group ofscholars whose expertise lies in a differentacademic field (``regular academic staff'), inorder to identify the similarities anddifferences in the conceptions of thescholarship of teaching held by each of the twogroups. While regular academic staff werefound to associate the scholarship of teachingmore with good or effectiveteaching ``experts' pointed to notions such aspeer review and scholarly standards. Thediscussion of the results focuses on the notionof consensus reached within and betweenthe two groups. It is argued that in order topromote changes in policy with respect to whatis to count as scholarship, identifying andreporting ``experts' ' conceptions, thoughclearly necessary for promoting moreenlightened discussions on the issue, willremain insufficient. Policy change in academeis more likely to ensue as a result of thewider academic community reaching consensus onthe meaning, and nature, of the scholarship ofteaching. The wider academic community includes``experts', as well as colleagues in departmentsand disciplinary associations. The articleconcludes by exploring the notion of consensusthrough the lens of critical social theory.  相似文献   
一题多变是充分发挥学生思维的主动性、能动性,从而培养其思维能力的重要方法。  相似文献   
科学计算中辅助技术是计算机科学发展到一定阶段而提出的一个很有实际意义的课题.本文针对科学计算过程探讨了工程数据库技术和可视计算技术  相似文献   
“授人鱼,供一餐之用,授人渔,则享有不足。”只有教给学生学习方法,使其自已会学习,才是教育的目的,培养学生自学能力,要注意三点:即明目的,授方法,重实践。  相似文献   
文章认为国内高职院校单片机教学注重理论的系统性及实验的验证性,介绍了“产品研发法在单片机课程中的应用”的教学研究项目、组合式单片机教具、部分教学实例及使用该教具后的教学效果,介绍了单片机组合教具的销售及国内其他高职院校的使用情况,提出了“学、研、产”教学研究模式。  相似文献   
在如今五年制的大专师范学习中,掌握阅读能力是不容轻视的,大专师范生若是想要在毕业后更好的从事教育工作,就一定要实现学习和工作的无缝连接。鉴于此,本文将从如何培养大专师范生阅读能力入手,希望对大专师范生的教学能力提高有所帮助。  相似文献   
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