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We write as critical theorists, who consider that in terms of scoping out robust conceptual elaborations which are suitable for contemporary schooling, that physical education has ground to make up connecting theory with practice and practice with theory. We advocate that aspects of existentialism and phenomenology can provide a theoretically sound basis on which to argue that embodied learning should be the foundational cornerstone of physical education programmes. To avoid embodied learning becoming overly learner centric and insular, we advance Merleau-Pontian informed ideas on how learning could flourish when an individual and embodied focus merges with a school-wide physical culture agenda which is underpinned by social and moral theorizing. In developing our focus on merging embodied learning and physical culture, we draw upon MacIntyrean views on the goods which are internal to practice and extend thinking on how these goods could merge with the diverse aims and intentions informing the culture and ethos in schools. In pursuing these ambitions, we outline the constructive activist-based benefits of teachers working within subsidiarity-based school communities where pedagogical decisions are made at a level consistent with realizing whole schools aims. This is in spite of our acknowledgement that the lack of career-long professional learning adds to the difficulty of achieving these aims. In conclusion we argue that if physical education is to become a pivotal component of realizing a diverse range of whole school aims there is a need for greater professional engagement with pedagogical approaches that attempt to derive greater meaning from learners movement experiences and which help learners to understand better both their own identity and the ethos of the school context and environment they share with others. 相似文献
张兰仙 《楚雄师范学院学报》2010,25(6):45-49
"晒X"中的"晒"源自英语的"share"和广东话"晒命",并在沿用或借用共同语中已有的诸如"晒被子"、"晒粮食"类的"晒X"常用构词模式,形成其独特的搭配形式;在词语形式上,"晒X"多为三音节谓词性词组。目前人们对"晒X"结构的选择,既是经济性、新颖性用词原则的体现,同时又是人们彰显和诉求等社会文化心理的体现。 相似文献
彝族是我国西南地区的土著部落不断与南下的古羌人以及周边其他部落和外来人群长期融合而形成的民族共同体,在形成与发展过程中经历了以笃慕及其后裔为首的部落联盟与六祖分支、部落林立互不统属各自为政、各部落不断竞相吞并建立诸多地方政权、建立相对统一的南诏国、各部落臣属大理国、各地实行土司制、改土归流和土流并行、国民党及地方军阀和土司残余势力与革命斗争、民族平等与人民当家作主等不同的历史时期,并经历原始公社制、奴隶制、封建制、社会主义等重大社会变迁.彝族在自己的社会历史发展进程中创造了灿烂辉煌的民族文化,为学术提供了底蕴深厚、内涵丰富的研究客体和拓展空间. 相似文献
董强 《涪陵师范学院学报》2010,(6)
中国是灾害性公共危机频发的国家,人口因素、环境污染、资源浪费以及片面追求GDP的增长等诸多因素,使中国的灾害性公共危机面临潜在性的威胁,尤其是正处于转型时期的中国,更应当建立一整套行之有效的灾害性公共危机应对机制。合理有效的灾害性公共危机应对机制,应当以政府为主导,通过社会资本的参与,充分发挥媒体的宣传导向作用,才能够建立一套行之有效的灾害性公共危机应对机制。 相似文献
社会支持系统是个体、与个体日常生活紧密接触的近端支持,以及与个体有直接或间接联系的远端支持构成,并且这些支持能被个体感知、评价和利用。留守儿童不等于问题儿童,社会支持作为一种保护因素对留守儿童的身心健康有着积极的影响,但目前关于留守儿童社会支持系统的研究还停留在描述层面,干预研究欠缺。未来研究需要开发出较为系统全面的测量工具;同时需要从干预的灵敏性、适宜性和动态性上深入探讨社会支持系统的作用。 相似文献
陈静雄 《泉州师范学院学报》2012,30(5):80-87
社科学报的理想前景就是形成一个"专、特、大、强"的办刊格局,且以走"整合"、"联合"或"内涵发展"之路来实现此目标。规划前景是美好的,但在办刊实践中却不易实现。受整个知识生产体制和自身办刊体制的制约,在现行学术评价体制下,社科学报不仅渐渐演变成了一种提供统计研究者知识产品之指标的形式制度,而且在知识出版方式、知识生产方式与知识生产类型上为各种利益所规制,从而在一定意义上丧失了推进和引领我国学术发展的实质性作用。既然如此,期刊体制改革当以一种符合其整体构想的思路为切入点,解析办刊背后因学术与利益间的纠结而导致的转型困境与功能困境,并阐明引发办刊机制变异的制度诱因,可能会更为合理也更有说服力。 相似文献
大学生创业资金支持系统构建研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
创业资金是大学生创业中不可或缺的重要因素,也是制约大学生创业能否成功的主要瓶颈。文章从政策法规健全、创业专项基金设立、社会资金盘活等方面阐述和分析了如何持续、有效构建大学生创业资金支持系统,为大学生创业活动提供有力的资金保障。 相似文献
罗长斌 《绵阳师范学院学报》2014,(1):62-66
文学艺术是一个高层次的精神现象,它不是一个空泛、混乱的词,它具有具体的内涵、表现和使用的方式。文学艺术真正的内涵就是,文学艺术的创造者应该具有伦理道德之心,从而使得文学艺术也能够具有伦理道德的特质,以及教诲读者的作用。伦理道德的特质就是悲剧意识,因为只有悲剧才能够在人们的内心深处唤起共鸣和警觉。因此,真正符合伦理的悲剧艺术必是能够超越国界、超越宗教、超越种族、超越时代、超越党派的作品,它必然会在时间的长河中慢慢地被广泛承认和接受;它也必然能够对广大读者起到必要的道德教诲作用。 相似文献
Chris Coey 《Globalisation, Societies & Education》2018,16(2):208-223
ABSTRACTThis article explores knowledge outcomes of international researcher mobility in the social sciences and humanities. Looking in particular at international experiences of longer durations in the careers of European PhD graduates, it proposes a threefold analytical typology for understanding the links between the modes, durations, and outcomes of this mobility in terms of the exchange of codified knowledge; the sharing of more tacit knowledge practices; and the development of a cosmopolitan identity. The findings suggest that, under the right conditions, there can be an important and transformative value to longer stays, which can lead to enduring outcomes in terms of knowledge production and innovation and the spatially distributed networks that sustain it. 相似文献
在强调基本公共服务均等化的背景下,提高农村社会保障水平显得尤为必要。从基本公共服务均等化的内涵入手,分析了农村社会保障存在的问题,进而提出了基本公共服务均等化视角下农村社会保障的完善问题,并给出了解决方法与政策建议。 相似文献