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机构是维系组织运转的基本功能构件,大学就是建立在一套独特且相互关联的机构之上的。在校内如何进行合理的机构布局,以适应治理能力提升的需要,就成了大学治理现代化新阶段面临的一项重要课题。论文选取了21位受访人(专家)并对其进行了深度访谈,对获取的文本资料进行了三级编码,就此建构了大学机构布局的理论模型。研究发现,大学的机构布局状态受制于高层作用、部门工作、合作关系、人员管理以及资源汲取等五个维度,也影响乃至决定着大学治理能力的高低。进一步分析发现,设置在校内的各个机构,实质上就是场地、编制、职位、经费等要素在某个组织层面的组合及其体现,机构布局则可理解为要素在时间、空间、数量三个向度上不同配置后的呈现。要素的配置程度或效率,不仅直接反映大学的机构运行效能,也代表着大学治理能力的高低。这一研究发现可以为新阶段下的大学机构改革带来重要启示。  相似文献   
合伙企业的财产独立性是法律赋予合伙企业民事权利能力的主要事实基础和前提,合伙企业的权利义务独立性是合伙企业具有民事权利能力的法律依据,合伙企业法律责任的相对独立性是合伙企业具有民事权利能力的合理延伸及实现方式。  相似文献   
通过对1块普通混凝土板、1块拼接叠合板和1块加强拼接叠合板进行静力载荷破坏性试验,深入研究各试件的破坏特性、承载能力、变形能力及刚度等,并将3块板进行对比分析。试验结果表明,在拼接缝处有可靠的连接构造情况下,拼接叠合板的承载能力较普通现浇板要明显提高,说明结构设计合理。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare the ‘anaerobic threshold’ (AnT) of subjects determined during a continuous 2‐min incremental exercise test until exhaustion and the ‘maximal lactate steady‐state’ (BLaSsmax) determined during prolonged exercise at constant loads corresponding to the subjects’ AnT and/or 5–25% above and below it. Seventeen subjects performed an incremental exercise test and 1–5 prolonged exercise tests on a cycle ergometer until exhaustion at intervals of 1 week, and work rates, oxygen uptake (VO2) values and brachial venous blood lactate (BLa) levels were measured. It was proposed that when exercising at a constant workload below AnT, BLa would fall after having reached its peak; at the level of AnT, BLa reaches maximal steady‐state (BLaSsmax); and above AnT, BLa increases continuously. Altogether, in 34 of 45 tests with a constant workload between 80 and 125% AnT, BLa values were as expected. In those cases in which BLaSsmax was reached, BLa increased on average by 3.8 mM from resting levels. This increase was 2.0 mM greater than that seen between resting levels and AnT during incremental exercise. There was no correlation between BLa values at BLaSsmax and at AnT, both when expressed as an increase in BLa (ABLa) and absolute BLa concentration. Altogether, 81% of the variation in BLa concentration at BLaSsmax could be explained by the subjects’ age, the percentage of slow‐twitch fibres and BLa levels at rest. The AnT and BLaSsmax did not differ significantly, and these values were correlated (r = 0.83). Together, AnT and age accounted for 85% of the variation seen in BLaSsmax. The BLaSsmax did not correlate with AnT when fixed at a BLa concentration of 4 mM (AnT4mM). The three hypotheses tested in this study were confirmed, and the present results demonstrate that AnT correlates with BLaSsmax. The few exceptions to anticipated BLa kinetics were small in magnitude and could be explained by physiological variations.  相似文献   
通过使用心肺功能仪、高速跑台对两名男子竞走运动员一次性极量运动中心肺功能指标的检测、分析结果显示,运动中受试者达到最大摄氧量水平时,竞走运动员的心肺功能指标值多高于普通受试者,表明前者运动能力强于后者;达到极量运动时,竞走运动员的心肺功能指标值均高于普通受试者,表明前者的心肺功能优于后者。  相似文献   
The present study aimed to investigate positional differences in 744 high-level soccer players, aged 8 to 18 years. Players were assigned to six age groups (U9–U19) and divided into four playing positions (goalkeeper (GK), defender (DEF), midfielder (MF) and attacker (ATT)). MANOVA and effect sizes were used to examine anthropometrical and functional characteristics between all positions in all age groups. The main findings of the study were that GKs and DEFs were the tallest and heaviest compared with MFs and ATTs in all age groups. Further, between U9–U15, no significant differences in functional characteristics were found, except for dribbling skill, which MFs performed the best. In the U17–U19 age groups, ATTs seemed to be the most explosive (with GKs), the fastest and the more agile field players. These results suggest that inherent physical capacities (i.e., speed, power, agility) might select players in or reject players from an attacking position, which is still possible from U15–U17. Apparently, players with excellent dribbling skills at younger age are more likely to be selected to play as a MF, although, one might conclude that the typical physical characteristics for different positions at senior level are not yet fully developed among young soccer players between 8 and 14 years.  相似文献   
曹阳 《湖北体育科技》2012,31(5):562-563
阐述马拉松运动员的专项体能训练特征,对有氧能力训练和速度能力训练提出建议,为进一步提高马拉松运动员体能水平提供参考。  相似文献   
本文在讨论了小倾角平板电容的静电特性的基础上,给出了这种电容计算的方法和结果。  相似文献   
本文基于产业演化及创业合成相关理论,从新兴产业创业合成的宏观、中观、微观方面的影响因素切入,在文献分析的基础上运用德尔菲法确立了由宏观经济、市场规模、行政制度、科技金融、产业集聚、技术创新、人力资本、资金资本、资源整合9个维度共23个指标构成的新兴产业创业合成能力评价体系。基于网络层次分析法建立新兴产业创业合成能力评价模型,确定各指标权重,其中产业集聚区规模、协同创新、知识产权、市场成长性等二级评价指标权重较高。依据各指标的重要性为政府提升新兴产业创业合成能力及新兴产业内企业发展提出对策建议。  相似文献   
本文对800米跑的特点及其训练手段进行了生理学剖析,提出充分挖掘磷酸原供能潜力,延长糖酵解供能时间,提高有氧代谢供能质量,重视提高产生乳酸的能力、耐受乳酸的能力和消除乳酸的能力,可在短期内突破800米跑成绩的障碍。  相似文献   
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