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用惠斯登电桥测定杨氏模量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将光杠杆和惠斯登电桥联系起来,实现用惠斯登测量金属丝在不同应力下的电阻应变,研究应力、应变及电阻变化率的关系.  相似文献   
下腰痛是临床常见病,其病因复杂,诊治困难,病理机制不清,但生物力学的改变始终是一重要原因。大量的研究资料表明,下腰痛与坐位姿势之间存在着一定的相关性。本文旨在总结不恰当的坐位姿势,探讨比较合适的坐位姿势。  相似文献   
To study the dynamic properties of the concrete subjected to impulsive loading,stress-time curves of concrete in different velocities were measured using split Hopkinson pressure bar (SHPB).Effects of temperature and strain rate on the dynamic yield strength and constitutive relation of the concrete were analyzed.The dynamic mechanical properties of the reinforced concrete are subjected to high strain rates when it is at a relatively low temperature.But with temperature increasing,the temperature softening effect makes the strength of the concrete weaken and the impact toughness of the concrete is saliently relative to strain rate effect.So,strain rate effect,strain hardening and temperature softening work together on the dynamic mechanical capability of concrete and the relation between them is relatively corn plex.  相似文献   
通过对芜湖市部分高校排球爱好者发放问卷以及对国内相关文献资料的综合分析,了解高校排球爱好者在排球运动中髌骨劳损的状况,分析损伤原因和机制,并提出具体的预防措施.所以,髌骨劳损是影响排球爱好者进行锻炼的主要原因之一,应加以预防并在伤后采取适当的处理措施.  相似文献   
上帝在给予史铁生苦难的同时,也给予了他独特的感觉与独特的体悟,面对人生三大困境——孤独、痛苦、恐惧,他以自己残缺的身体,在生命体验散文中展现了最为健全而丰满的思想,让我们感受到了来自心灵最深处的颤抖。他用笔实现了自我的超越,为自己闯开了一条生命永恒之路。  相似文献   
借助于等体积分割法计算了各结构组分的体积百分含量,定量考虑各个织构组分的贡献,并以近真ODF的简便算法消除其误差;结合连续体力学法得出的相应取向的塑性应变比预估了O8Al深冲钢板的r值.结果表明:预估值与实测值符合得较好.  相似文献   
整株林木垂向抗拉试验研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在土壤地形条件相同的情况下,对整株树木进行垂直拉拔试验,结果表明,树木的根系分布形态直接影响根系的垂直抗拉效果.杜鹃水平根系发达,拉拔过程中根系整体被拉出,而冬瓜杨由于垂直根系较发达,拉拔过程持续时间较长,冷杉具有垂直和侧向主根,荷载-位移(P-S)曲线表现出多峰的特征.  相似文献   
测量一点的主应力的电测实验是材料力学实验中的基本实验。在该实验中,为了测量构件表面一点的主应力大小及方向,通常采用3个1/4桥路,测量该点沿3个敏感栅方向的线应变,根据平面应变状态分析和广义胡克定律求得该点的主应力大小及方向。该文通过对构件表面一种常见应力状态的分析,提出了只用1个1/4桥路和1个1/2桥路便可测得该点主应力大小及方向的简便方法,从而简化了实验过程,提高了测量精度。  相似文献   
The endochronic equations proposed by Valanis (1980) were extended to a finite deformation range. Jaumann's rate,Fu's rate and Wu's rate were incorporated into the endochronic equations to analyze simple shear finite deformation. Incremental equations and numerical solutions are deduced for three endochronic objective models. The results show that an oscillatory shear stress response to a monotonically increasing shear strain occurs when the Jaumann's rate objective model is employed for endochronic materials. The oscillatory response is dependent on the adopted objective rate. Compared with the Jaumann's rate, the Fu's rate and the Wu's rate satisfy the restrictions to elastic-plastic constitutive relations and are in agreement with the experimental results.  相似文献   
测量和检测问题广泛存在于各行各业,随着生产力水平与人类生活水平的不断提高,对测量和检测提出了更高的要求。在机电工程测试技术中,应力、应变测量技术应用极为广泛,本文就被测件在复杂受力状态下应力、应变测试方法进行了深入分析。  相似文献   
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