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随着“史上最难就业季”的来临,高校毕业生就业又成为社会舆论的焦点。一方面是大量高校毕业生找不到合适工作,另一方面是企业找不到优秀毕业生,造成这种“冰火两重天”现象原因很多,其中之一就是目前我国培养的大学生应用能力与企业现场需求的应用型人才有一定的差距。以黑龙江工业学院为例,介绍了学校与龙煤集团鸡西分公司双河煤矿进行校企合作联合培养模式,该模式解决了大学生培养只注重知识的理论性和科学性,缺少现场应用性解决问题的培养,实现了毕业生与企业用人单位的“无缝对接”,探索出了一条独特办学思路。  相似文献   
一位成功的随班就读数学教师的个案研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以质性研究的方法,通过与教师、家长、随班就读工作管理者的7次深度访谈,并结合资料采集、分析,对一位成功的随班就读教师进行个案研究。揭示了随班就读教师的心路历程,并从成功的随班就读教师特征,随班就读教师取得成功的外因,有效的教学策略,有效的班级管理策略等方面展示了成功的随班就读教师所具有的能力,还揭示了随班就读教师面临的压力与当前随班就读工作存在的问题。  相似文献   
中国古人讲求“天人合一”,主张与大自然和谐相处。这种思想体现在治水方面,就是努力探索“以水治水”的方法和途径,力求达到变水害为水利的目的。从传说中的大禹到以后的历代治水专家都为此作出过努力,而都江堰则是“以水治水”最成功的范例。都江堰利用水的习性和自身能量,成功实现了排洪、灌溉、除沙三大目标,并且实现了可持续利用和发展。应该建立“都江堰学”进行深入研究。  相似文献   

Background: Interaction, participation and collaboration are thought to be important factors for supporting successful second or foreign language learning. The use of Interactive Groups (IGs) is regarded as helpful in creating the conditions in which interaction, participation and collaboration are increased to create effective dialogic learning. However, there is limited understanding of the role of IGs in supporting second or foreign language learning.

Purpose: The aim of the present study was to explore the opportunities that IGs generated for supporting interaction, participation and collaboration in a situation where students were learning English as a foreign language.

Method: A communicative methodology was used to collect and analyse observational and interview data from three classrooms where teaching and learning was organised through IGs, each in a different school in Spain involved in Schools as Learning Communities: Successful Educational Actions (SEAs). Across the three classrooms, there were 58 students, three teachers and 14 volunteers, whose role was to support and encourage communication. The schools served low SES communities. We conducted eight classroom observations and 17 semi-structured interviews. The data were analysed qualitatively.

Findings: The thematic analysis suggested that, in the classrooms that were studied, there was evidence that participants and observers felt that IGs promoted effective conditions for the inclusive participation of all learners, created a favourable climate for collaborative interactions regarding the target language and raised learning expectations for all students. In addition, the contribution of the volunteers was identified as crucial to the successful functioning of the IGs.

Conclusion: This small scale, qualitative study highlights the potential for IGs to create favourable conditions for the learning of English and other languages as a foreign language. More extensive studies are needed to determine the best way to use IGs for the teaching and learning of foreign languages in other contexts.  相似文献   
职业基本素质包括敬业爱岗、踏实肯干等职业道德和习惯的养成。一名合格的德才兼备的学生,除了具备娴熟的专业技能,还应当具备良好的职业素质。通过分析当前高职学生职业素质存在的问题,面向市场,以就业为目标,提出拓展和训练学生的职业素质的必要性,并提出了以就业为导向,拓展与训练学生的职业素质的几点建议。  相似文献   
延安文艺在民族危亡的关头,充分发挥了文艺团结人民、唤醒民众的巨大作用,为抗日战争和解放战争的胜利,做出了重大贡献。其成功经验值得今天军队基层文化建设借鉴:军队文化工作要突出鲜明的思想性、强烈的战斗性、广泛的群众性和充分的愉悦性。  相似文献   
美国对外干涉是其维护世界霸权的重要手段。二战后初期,美国对危地马拉阿本斯政府改革进行的以"成功行动"为代号的干涉,就是一个被美国奉为经典的对外干涉行动。通过回顾美国对危地马拉改革干涉的原因、过程、手段和结果,分析美国对外干涉的实质,以期有助于我们理解当今美国在世界上采取干涉活动的本质理念。  相似文献   
成功的语言模因具有长寿性、多产性和复制的忠实性三个特征。文章以全球语言监测机构公布的年度热门词汇榜单体现出的语言现象为例论证成功的语言模因还具有领域性、时效性和贴近性三个特征,增强了模因论的解释力。  相似文献   
In this article the author reviews and discusses John Hattie’s book Visible Learning. In this book Hattie presents the results of a meta‐meta‐analysis on the conditions of successful teaching and learning in schools. Hattie’s work is based on more than 800 meta‐analyses, and these meta‐analyses are substantiated by more than 50 000 empirical research studies. Among the six groups of factors influencing successful learning in schools—student, home, school, teacher, curricula, teaching—the factor ‘teacher’ seems to have the strongest effect. Hattie not only evaluates empirical research but also places the results in a theoretical context of a theory of teaching and a certain concept of teacher professionalism. The author discusses Hattie’s approach to combine empirical research and conceptual work on teaching and on teachers’ work. The limits of meta‐analyses and future meta‐meta‐analyses are pointed out.  相似文献   
实施成功教育,是受教育者健康成长、加快成才、走向成功的助推之器,是教育者持续成长、协调发展、打造成功的创新之举,是教育事业科学发展、不断提升、铸就成功的可行之策。实施成功教育有15个方面的基本内容。实施成功教育的基本途径有课程教学、媒体宣传、环境渲染、校园活动、模拟训练、社会实践。实施成功教育的基本方法有系统教育法、专题教育法、渗透教育法、个别教育法、案例教育法、活动教育法、实践教育法、示范教育法。实施成功教育的基本保障,一是调控政策舆论导向,二是创新考核评价机制,三是提升师资队伍素质。  相似文献   
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