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本文运用电磁感应原理分析了雷电的电磁效应及产生原理,阐明了雷电感应具有大电流、高电压的特点和雷电所产生的电磁场具有高频电磁波的性质,论述了雷电损坏电视机的机理和避雷防雷措施。  相似文献   
This study examines cross‐cultural interpretations of icons and images drawn from US academic websites. Participants from Morocco, Sri Lanka, Turkey, and the USA responded to an online questionnaire containing 18 icons and images representing online functions and information types common on US academic websites. Participants supplied meanings for icons and images and selected a preferred image to represent each of four specific online functions. From three images of professors, participants chose one with whom they would prefer to study. Data were collected at the University of New Mexico, USA; in Internet cafes in the Middle Atlas region and at Al‐Akhawayn University, Morocco; the Open University of Sri Lanka in Nawala, Nugegoda; and at Anadolu University, Turkey. A qualitative analysis examines participants' perspectives and preferences for specific representations and identifies cultural themes in relation to Hofstede's dimensions. Implications for the design of images for cross‐cultural users are discussed.

L'interprétation culturelle de la signification visuelle des icônes et images utilisées dans la conception de sites Web en Amérique du Nord

La présente étude porte sur les interprétations transculturelles des icônes et des images extraites de sites universitaires américains. Des participants venus du Maroc,du Sri Lanka, de Turquie et des Etats Unis, ont répondu à un questionnaire en ligne contenant 18 icônes et images représentant des fonctions en ligne et des modes d'information que l'on trouve couramment sur les sites universitaires américains. Ces participants ont attribué des significations aux icônes et images et sélectionné l'image qu'ils (elles) préféraient pour représenter chacune des quatre fonctions en ligne proposées. A partir de trois images de professeurs,les participants en ont choisi une, celle avec qui ils (elles) préféreraient étudier. Une étude quantitative examine les perspectives des participants et leurs préférences pour une représentation donnée et elle identifie les thèmes culturels par rapport aux dimensions de Hofstede. On étudie les conséquences que cela peut avoir pour la conception d'images destinées à des utilisateurs interculturels.

Kulturelle Interpretationen der visuellen Bedeutung der Symbole und Bilder, die in Nordamerika Web‐Design benutzt werden

Diese Studie untersucht cross‐kulturelle Interpretationen von Symbolen und Bildern, die in akademischen US‐Websites benutzt werden. Teilnehmer aus Marokko, Sri Lanka, der Türkei und den USA bearbeiteten einen Online‐Fragebogen mit 18 Ikonen und Bildern, die Online‐Funktionen und – Informationen auf akademischen US‐Websites gemeinsamen sind. Die Teilnehmer benannten angenommene Bedeutungen der Symbole und Bilder und wählten ein bevorzugtes Bild für jede der vier spezifischen Online‐Funktionen aus. Aus drei Bildern von Professoren wählten die Teilnehmer eines aus, das denjenigen zeigen sollte, mit dem sie es vorziehen würden zu studieren. Eine qualitative Analyse untersucht Perspektiven und Präferenzen der Teilnehmer für bestimmte Vertretungen und Identitäten kultureller Themen in Bezug auf die von Hofstede aufgestellten Dimensionen. Auswirkungen auf die Gestaltung von Bildern für cross‐kulturelle Nutzer werden diskutiert.

La interpretación cultural del significado visual de iconos y imagenes utilizados en el diseño de sitios Web en América del Norte

Este artículo examina las interpretaciones transculturales de iconos y imágenes procedentes de sitios académicos de los Estados Unidos. Participantes de Marruecos, Sri Lanka, Turquía y los EUA respondierón a un cuestionario en línea conteniendo 18 iconos y imágenes que representan funciones en línea y tipos de información que se encuentran frecuentemente en los sitios académicos de los EUA. Los participantes propusieron significados para los iconos y imágenes y seleccionarón la imágen que les parecía más idónea para representar cada una de cuatros funciones en línea específicas. Entre tres imágenes de profesores, los participantes seleccionarón una, la de la persona con quien les gustaría estudiar. Un análisis cualitativo examina las perspectivas y preferencias de los participantes para tal o tal representación específica y al mismo tiempo se analiza temas culturales en relación con las dimensiones de Hofstede. Se analizan también las consecuencias que esto conlleva para el diseño de imágenes destinadas a usuarios transculturales.  相似文献   
In 2011 we, a group of English-as-a-foreign-language teachers at a secondary school in Argentina, decided to investigate our teaching practices through collaborative action research so as to improve our students’ learning opportunities and thus revitalise English-language teaching in our context. We implemented and evaluated the integration of content and language learning in our classrooms through the development of our own materials. The experience revealed a growth in professional development and how our motivation and autonomy influenced our students’ motivation and language development. In our attempt to disseminate our experience as a group, this report particularly focuses on the evaluation facets of our collaborative action research project so as to encourage other teachers and teacher-researchers to adopt collaborative action research to improve their own practices.  相似文献   
This article examines the views of staff employed in UK higher education institutions (HEIs) about how those institutions are dealing with the impact of recent UK equality legislation and related European employment directives. Assumptions underlying current approaches to equality in UK HEIs are examined, particularly the notion of meritocracy, which advocates job selection and promotion based on normatively and culturally neutral measures of merit. The article is based on a project funded by the Higher Education Funding Council for England, using qualitative case studies of six English, Welsh and Scottish HEIs. The project data suggest that equality policies for staff and students are in tension with each other, that staff policies may clash with other institutional policies, for example on research excellence or enhancing the student experience, and that the rhetoric of equality policies is not always matched by the day‐to‐day experience of staff. The article suggests that the case study UK HEIs, with their continued focus on meritocracy and excellence, have not yet adapted to the new climate of employee equality legislation and perhaps need to consider a different approach than the meritocratic one.  相似文献   
This essay posits that masculinity can be usefully understood from a communication perspective, and it specifically defines masculinity as a social and symbolic construct. In this view, the meanings and associations attributed to masculinity are a product of the enduring images and characteristics people have ascribed and assigned to men in groups over time. Based upon a survey of contemporary published research regarding masculinity, it is concluded that masculinity is now a multidimensional construct which attributes ten traits to people viewed as masculine which are examined in terms of: (1) physiological energy; (2) physical characteristics; (3) gender‐related sociocultural roles; (4) idealized gender; (5) gender preferences; (6) subjective gender‐identity; (7) gender‐related age identity; (8) gender‐related racial and national identities; (9) lust; and, (10) male eroticism. Specific questionnaires used to measure these dimensions are reviewed, and based on the responses of 562 subjects, the reliability and validity of one of these questionnaires is examined in detail. The essay concludes by recommending the use of the Perceived Masculinity Questionnaire 47, and it outlines some of the uses that can be made of a Perceived Masculinity Scale, especially some potential classroom uses.  相似文献   
城乡建设用地增减挂钩项目实施后节约集约用地效益评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以仪陇县一个灾后重建的城乡建设用地增减挂钩项目区为研究对象进行实证研究,比较了项目区在挂钩项目实施前后农村居民点用地的节约集约利用情况.结果表明,项目区在城乡建设用地增减挂钩项目实施后,节约了农村居民点用地面积,优化了农村居民点空间结构与配置,增加了土地利用强度及土地产出效益.同时,保障了建设用地的需求,保证了耕地总量动态平衡.  相似文献   
目前小学语文阅读中开放性题目的设计及教学对情感态度价值观目标的实现并不是很理想。新课标要求"培养学生高尚的道德情操和健康的审美情趣,形成正确的价值观和积极的人生态度,是语文教学的重要内容",但是小学语文阅读中存在着阅读文本陈旧、提问方式单一、讲解刻板等问题。所以在阅读教学中需要教科书编写者及教师共合作让阅读文本生活化、问题设计多样化,问题呈现情境化及教师鼓励多样化。同时家庭、学校和社会共同合作帮助学生树立正确价值观。  相似文献   
农村籍大学生是国家新的家庭经济困难学生资助政策的受益者,他们受助后的社会责任感如何,已经成为一个社会关注的问题。文章以四川省4所高等师范院校的860名在校农村籍大学生为研究对象,采用问卷调查和统计分析,从社会责任感的五个维度:集体责任感、家庭责任感、同伴责任感、道德责任感、社会关注度进行分析,并提出了值得借鉴的“政府引导、高校指导、社会倡导、家庭善导、学生主导”的“五导”社会责任感培养体系。  相似文献   
通过对我国体育赛事志愿者发展现状进行分析与研究,得知体育赛事志愿者的主力军是高校大学生,队伍呈现单一化与年轻化的特点,建立了比较完善的宣传、招募、培训与激励机制,建立了不计其数的非营利性志愿者组织机构,但是相关政策法规不健全,组织管理比较混乱,重复设置、资源浪费的情况比较严重。建议:完善体育志愿服务的法律法规,做好体育赛事志愿者队伍的专业化建设与组织管理的转型,加快体育赛事志愿的宣传、招募、培训与网络平台建设,完善体育赛事志愿者保障与激励机制,注重志愿精神的培养。  相似文献   
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