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高职院校应用写作课是一门实用性很强的公共课,本应是一门学生乐意学习的课程,然而教学情况并非如此,其中一个很重要的原因就是学生对该学科认知不足,学习动机缺乏。本文从奥苏贝尔的学习动机理论、高职应用写作课堂学习动机激发的必要性、高职院校应用写作学习动机激发策略几个方面进行阐述,以求有效解决高职院校应用写作课学生学习积极性不高,学习效果较差的问题。  相似文献   
语文教科书是影响学生社会化的重要媒介之一,它对学生社会化发展的作用机制主要体现在符号刺激,选择性注意,选择性知觉加工,以及语文教科书与学生间的互动等三个环节一个互动上。  相似文献   
 本土公司在相对于外方母公司处于弱势的情况下,如何对设立在本土的国际合资公司(IJVs)进行有效的管理控制,以提升IJVs的学习能力及组织绩效是相关研究的前沿问题。文章从IJVs获取隐性知识和IJVs内部知识整合两个方面,研究了知识管理对IJVs管理创新影响的过程和效果,以及本土公司对IJVs管理者采取的激励措施对这个过程的影响,并以华南地区的96家IJVs为样本进行实证研究。结果表明本土公司对管理者采取激励措施有助于IJVs从母公司获取的隐性知识转化为IJVs的管理创新。  相似文献   
穴位刺激提高田径运动员快速力量的实效性研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用穴位刺激等实验方法,探讨提高田径运动员快速力量的实效性。结果显示,该方法有助于提高田径运动员的快速力量,能有效地提高田径运动员立定跳远和60m跑的成绩,可作为田径运动训练中提高运动员快速力量的一种补充手段。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the effects of acute passive stretching on the electrical and mechanical response of a previously fatigued muscle. Eleven participants underwent maximal tetanic stimulations (50 Hz) of the medial gastrocnemius, before and after a fatiguing protocol and after a bout of passive stretching of the fatigued muscle. During contraction, surface electromyography (EMG), mechanomyography (MMG), and force were recorded. The following parameters were calculated: (1) the EMG root mean square (RMS), mean frequency, and fibre conduction velocity; (2) MMG peak-to-peak and RMS; (3) the peak force, contraction time, half-relaxation time, peak rate of force development (dF/dt) and its acceleration (d2 F/dt 2). Fatigue reduced peak force by 18% (P < 0.05) and affected the other force, EMG, and MMG parameters. After stretching: (1) all EMG parameters recovered to pre-fatigue values; (2) MMG peak-to-peak remained depressed, while RMS recovered to pre-fatigue values; (3) the peak force, peak rate of force development and its acceleration were further reduced by 22, 18, and 51%, respectively, and half-relaxation time by 40% (P < 0.05). In conclusion, acute passive stretching, when applied to a previously fatigued muscle, further depresses the maximum force-generating capacity. Although stretching does not alter the electrical parameters of the fatigued muscle, it does affect the mechanical behaviour of the muscle–tendon unit.  相似文献   
In this study, we investigated a new method of training for maximal strength and flexibility, which included exertion with superimposed vibration (vibratory stimulation, VS) on target muscles. Twenty‐eight male athletes were divided into three groups, and trained three times a week for 3 weeks in one of the following conditions: (A) conventional exercises for strength of the arms and VS stretching exercises for the legs; (B) VS strength exercises for the arms and conventional stretching exercises for the legs; (C) irrelevant training (control group). The vibration was applied at 44 Hz while its amplitude was 3 mm. The effect of training was evaluated by means of isotonic maximal force, heel‐to‐heel length in the two‐leg split across, and flex‐and‐reach test for body flexion. The VS strength training yielded an average increase in isotonic maximal strength of 49.8%, compared with an average gain of 16% with conventional training, while no gain was observed for the control group. The VS flexibility training resulted in an average gain in the legs split of 14.5 cm compared with 4.1 cm for the conventional training and 2 cm for the control groups, respectively. The ANOVA revealed significant pre‐post training effects and an interaction between pre‐post training and ‘treatment’ effects (P< 0.001) for the isotonic maximal force and both flexibility tests. It was concluded that superimposed vibrations applied for short periods allow for increased gains in maximal strength and flexibility.  相似文献   
间歇性低氧刺激对运动能力影响的实验研究   总被引:35,自引:1,他引:35  
李强  高伟  魏宏文 《体育科学》2001,21(3):62-65,70
研究目的观察常压间歇低氧对运动能力的影响并探讨可能的适应机制.研究方法16名羽毛球运动员(14~18岁,男女各半)随机分为低氧组和对照组,低氧组在正常训练以外每天进行1 h左右的间歇低氧刺激,氧浓度控制在9%~14%,每周6 d,连续4周.对照组完成与低氧组相同的运动训练,不吸低氧,两组测试指标相同.结果表明低氧1周后红细胞、网织红细胞显著升高(P《0.05),低氧1周、2周时2,3-二磷酸甘油酸显著高于低氧前水平(P《0.05),4周后低氧组运动能力显著提高,表现在无氧阈心率下降、功率提高、时间推迟;定量负荷后呼吸频率、呼吸商、运动后血乳酸和心率均显著下降(P《0.05);完成最大运动能力实验时,运动至力竭的时间、最大心率、功率和运动后最高血乳酸均显著升高(P《0.05),运动后3 min时心率恢复加快(P《0.05).结果提示,常压间歇低氧可在一定程度上刺激红细胞生成,有利于氧的运输,并有效提高人体的运动能力.  相似文献   
不同方式刺激与运动训练的成骨作用机理研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对低频振动,牵张应力,剪切应力,超声波,光、电刺激,药物刺激的成骨作用及其生物学机制和运动促进的成骨作用研究进展进行文献梳理。结果表明,低频振动,牵张应力,剪切应力,超声波,光、电刺激,药物刺激均可刺激成骨作用的发生和发展。其生物学机制主要通过骨组织感受力学刺激——应力敏感通道和整合素-细胞骨架结构完成。机械负荷可以激活细胞膜上Ca2 通道引起胞外Ca2 内流,并可促进胞内Ca2 释放,从而促进骨的合成代谢作用。力学信号的转导过程包括力学偶联、生化偶联、信号转导和受体细胞应答等4个阶段。细胞因子和激素含量变化对胞内信号转导有重要影响,如OPG、TGF-β、IGF、甲状旁腺素(PTH)、雌激素、PGE2等。运动可促进骨生长发育,但不同运动方式及其运动强度对骨促进作用是不同的;运动对老年骨质疏松症,特别是女性绝经期后因雌激素分泌减少导致骨丢失的防治起重要作用。  相似文献   
文章论述了知识型馆员的需求特征、制度管理的功能以及对知识型馆员管理的不足。同时,论述了激励管理的概念、功能及对知识型馆员运用激励管理的必要性和基本原则。最后提出了激励管理的几个具体措施。  相似文献   
硬石膏资源丰富,但因其结构致密、活性低、胶凝性差,利用率不高.为加大硬石膏的利用途径,对硬石膏进行活性激发并用于制备自流平砂浆是目前研究的热点方向之一.文章阐述了天然硬石膏的活性激发机理,对天然硬石膏活性激发方法及在自流平砂浆中的应用等研究现状进行了分析,以期为硬石膏资源化利用提供参考.  相似文献   
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