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学生是教育的对象,更是教育、教学中可以开发和利用的资源。在历史教学中,学生就是一种重要的课程资源。但是,在实际的教学过程中,人们常常忽视对学生资源的认识、开发与利用。历史教学应利用学生的学习基础,重视学生差异性资源,加强思维训练,以开发学生历史资源,促进学生成才。  相似文献   
创新是人类历史发展的原动力,是人类生存进化的内在客观需要,是经济发展的唯一路径,是人类社会文明与进步的必然选择。在以创新为特征的二十一世纪,我们的生存与发展遇到了严峻的挑战,我们遇到了竞争。我们别无选择——唯一的出路就是创新。  相似文献   
近年来,南充市“两结合”会考历史考试范围包括中国近现代史、世界近现代史共62课,现在离”两结合”会考只有两个多月的时间。如何在较短的时间内取得较为理想的复习效果,需要科学、合理、有效的组织和安排。在这里,把我对初三历史复习经验和大家一起探讨,希望能起到抛砖引玉的作用,提高自己。  相似文献   
创新是一个民族的灵魂,是一个国家兴旺发达的不竭动力。可以说,青少年创新能力发展之日就是民族复兴之时。从这个意义上说,培养具有创新意识、创新精神、创新能力的高素质人才是素质教育肩负的历史使命。那么,在素质教育过程中,怎样培养学生的创新能力呢?  相似文献   
我要和历史老师打个赌,总有一天,我要让他也站在操场上,大喊历史上著名教育家的名字。"我对不起嬴政,对不起刘邦,对不起李世民,对不起赵匡胤……"我站在操场上,对着教学楼大喊。天知道历史老师为什么会想出这个点子,让考试不及格的学  相似文献   
张炜 《小读者》2011,(10):47-47
中国文化源远流长,博大精深,成语是我国文化遗产中一颗璀璨的明珠。其中许多成语来源于历史典故。你知道与下列成语有关的历史人物吗? 一鼓作气(曹刿) 一字千金(吕不韦) 一字之师(郑谷) 一饭千金(韩信) 东山再起(谢安) 图穷匕见(荆轲) 纸上谈兵(赵括) 负荆请罪(廉颇) 卧薪尝胆(勾践) 揭竿而起(陈胜、吴广) 三顾茅庐(刘备) 孺子可教(张良)  相似文献   
考察美国中学历史教学方法与实践,"做历史"是其显著的一个特点。"做历史"(Learning History By Doing History),即通过"做中学"来学习历史。本文通过实例介绍了体验学习、学写小论文、"学做历史学家"等"做历史"的活动方式,分析了其强调培养学生批判性思维能力和学史方法的实质。探讨这些,对于我国当前的历史教育不无启示和借鉴意义。  相似文献   
"微博改变一切",微博改变教育。140个字符的空间,蕴含着无穷的智慧和力量,将你我的心连得更近,贴得更紧。欢迎读者关注《今日教育》新浪微博http://weibo.com/educationtoday。正确的琐碎创造伟大的历史@朱永新:我们非常清楚,新教育每向前迈出一步,都要付出艰辛的努力和巨大的代价,我们是用小马拉大车的方式,牵动  相似文献   
When examined carefully, it is seen that there is not an available and detailed cttrriculum designed for the aim of foreign language teaching with integrated cultural items of the target language in the programs of the schools under authority of the Ministry of Education and Turkish higher education institutions. In recent years, the specialists have an agreement on the issue that foreign language instruction should be carried out by the means of target language's history, literature, geography and also its social characteristics. The idiom "it's raining cats and dogs" can be misinterpreted by a Turkish student without the knowledge of this idiom's story in English history as "Cats and dogs are pouring down from the sky". An important French architectural building "Saint Mary Cathedral, Notre Dame de Paris" can be misunderstood as "Our Parisian Woman" by a student who is unfamiliar with French culture. Both examples show that encountered foreign words and phrases can be misunderstood and mostly these words are perceived and interpreted according to learners' own cultural figures. The aims of this study are to show the significance of culture-based foreign language courses and to make a contribution to the literature by regarding the views of researchers beheving that culture and language are inseparable concepts. In this context, Erzincan University French Language Teaching Department students' opinions on the relation between culture and language learning were received with the application of qualitative structured written response method. Then, document analysis of written comments was evaluated. Consequently, the analysis on the participants' written comments showed that a culture integrated foreign language course can make positive contributions to students' learning, language learning process and learning environment.  相似文献   
作为证监会研究中心主任,祁斌先生对"资本市场十二五规划"的解读无疑让听者为之动容、观者为之叫好——在通过回顾中外资本市场发展历史、剖析当前国际金融局势后,祁斌向人们描绘了一个美好的前景  相似文献   
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