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《诗经》、《尚书》、《周礼》、《礼记》等经籍提到的“禷”祭(又作“類”祭),是上古中国一项有着深厚民俗文化背景和深远历史影响的祭仪。不幸其礼早亡,汉儒已经难究其详。影响及今的《尚书》古文家说和郑玄《礼记》注等,将“禷”祭解为祭天之礼。但根据经籍中的记载来看,“禷”祭指的是当国有大事时,向上帝或社稷宗庙祈福禳灾的一种“祷祈”仪式,与祭天之礼并不是一回事。据《说文解字》等书,“類”字本义是一种犬,可能是白犬。“禷”祭应是指特以“類”为牺牲的祭仪。《山海经》等说“類”具有“自为牝牡”的神奇特性,这与该书所记“白犬有牝牡,是生犬戎”的传说非常相似。在先秦文献中,“類”字常用来指出自同一祖先的子孙后代。这些材料表明“類”与古代中国某些族群的祖先神话有着密切的关系。“禷”祭之形成,正植根于此种观念之上。“禷”祭当属于曾广为流行于上古中国北方地区的犬祭礼俗中某种特定的类型,它的消亡可能与周人颇具理性色彩的的礼制改革有关。  相似文献   
1946年5月16日,艾德礼政府公布了解决印度问题的“内阁使团方案”。方案设计了一个中央权力比较微弱而各省享有较大自治权的联邦体制,希望既能维护印度的统一,又能满足穆斯林的自治要求。国大党和穆斯林联盟虽然对方案没有满足自己的意愿而表示不满,但是都先后通过决议,部分地接受方案,以共同制定新的印度宪法。无论印度还是英国和美国的政治领袖都认为这是当时情况下英国政府能提出的最好方案。正确地认识这一方案的性质是非常重要的,因为它直接影响到人们对艾德礼政府的对印政策的评价。  相似文献   
Research literature on writingstorybooks overlooks first graders. This ispuzzling as children enter first grade havingemergent literacy, in reading, writing, andstory composition. It may reflect the belief that at thisage children should learn to read and write(conventionally) as the curriculum demands,while elaborate writing is assumed be taughtand developed in higher grades. This study investigated story writing by Arab(N = 184) and Jewish (N = 321) first graders inIsrael. The children were presented with fourrelated pictures, asked to paste them in thesequence of their choice in a booklet, and thento write a narrative in their first language(Arabic or Hebrew). Writing the storybook wasperceived as a space for literacy development,and was tested in the contextof two instruction methods: Success For All(SFA) and whole-class Active Learning (AL). Theclasses were observed and teachers wereinterviewed on writing instruction.Nineteen categories of writing yieldedthree clusters–factors: book print awareness,writing conventions, and story quality. Thesethen served as measures for writing outcomes. Jewish and Arab children in SFA achieved higherscores than AL students; the Jews were higherthan the Arabs on most categories, but theestimate gain was highest for Arabs in SFA. The effect of SFA was highest for at-riskJewish students and lowest for at-risk Arabstudents. The results are discussed against thelinguistic and cultural background of the twogroups and in respect of their implications forwriting instruction in a bilingual context.  相似文献   
As a teaching method, tutorials are fundamental to university education, and are underpinned by the following goals: to accompany students; to help them establish a clear training pathway; and to promote their academic achievement. Our proposal aims to introduce psychological aspects into the Tutorial Action Plan (TAP) which, while often left unattended, are closely related to academic achievement. Our objective is to identify the relation between the academic commitment of pre-service teachers (preschool education, primary education and double degree students) at the UB and stress and coping skills, academic motivation, achievement and self-efficacy, as well as the opinions of students and tutors on the resources used during TAP and potential improvements to it. This is a transversal prospective exploratory study, applying the following questionnaires: Academic commitment (UWESS-9); Perceived Stress Scale (PSS); Self-efficacy (NGSE); Motivation (MSLQ); and two ad hoc online questionnaires. In conclusion, we hope that the results of this study will help us reformulate the TAP of said degree programmes, improving personalized attention and the quality of the student tutorial system, which is one of the standards used to assess universities.  相似文献   
《金瓶梅》是从《水浒传》中潘金莲的故事敷衍而来的.从学接受的角度来看.《金瓶梅》对《水浒传》是一种接受的关系。这里讨论了《金瓶梅》接受《水浒传》的具体情况.即作选择《水浒传》的原因和《水浒传》对《金瓶梅》的影响。  相似文献   
随着我国高教大众化进程的加快,高等职业教育既迎来了机遇,又面临着挑战,高职院校必须认真贯彻实践“三个代表”重要思想,以科学发展观统领学校改革和发展的全局,紧紧围绕发展第一要务抓党建,以党的先进性建设促进学校的改革发展。  相似文献   

The theme of the Outline of the National Mid- to Long-Term Plan for Education Reform and Development (2010–2020) is building a nation rich in human resources, its primary thread is promoting the scientific development of education, and its soul is reform and innovation. The important concepts and policy innovations of the National Education Plan are expressed through a commitment to priority development for education, people-oriented education, promotion of fairness in education, and improvement of the quality of education to build a lifelong learning system and establish a modern school system, with teacher-based education plans, modernization driven by informatization, pooling of forces both within and outside of education circles, scientific and democratic decision making, and other features.  相似文献   
从内生动力角度分析"双高计划"的价值引领及职业院校的价值追求,分析"双高计划"背景下职业院校的共同价值追求--实现大发展、做出大贡献、打造大品牌。以天津职业大学"双高计划"建设为例,探索实现价值追求的路径:制定长远发展目标,打造人才培养高地,提升学校综合实力,创建学校特色品牌;培养技能人才服务区域发展,加强技术成果转化服务产业转型升级,做好社会培训服务学习型社会,开展对口帮扶支持国家战略;坚定文化自信打造学校品牌,依托优势专业建设专业品牌,建设双师队伍树立教师品牌,制定卓越人才计划培养学生品牌。  相似文献   
总结和梳理近年来特别是"十一五"期间我国出版物流实践发展与理论研究的成绩与不足,结合现实发展的特点,同时面向新闻出版总署的"十二五"规划,研讨当前出版产业和出版集团在物流与供应链方面发展的战略与路径,相关理论研究的突破点和思路,并提出当前我国出版物流与供应链领域"产学研"有机结合,能够进一步促进出版物流实践和理论研究的繁荣与发展,有利于培养适应新时代特别是网络环境下出版物流人才的培养。  相似文献   
The paper explores the effects of rapid increases in gender parity in primary schooling in Bangladesh and Malawi on gender inequities in schools and communities. Based on an analysis of comparative case studies of marginalized communities, we argue that educational initiatives focused on achieving gender parity provide limited evidence that girls’ educational experiences modeled significantly different gender norms than in communities, or that by being educated, girls experienced a transformation of the inequitable gender relations they faced in society. The data illustrate persistent gender discrimination related to educational attainment and learning, and gender-based violence in schools. These patterns of gendered discrimination and violence largely mirrored those that girls and boys experienced in their homes and communities, raising important questions about the transformational capacity of current gender parity and schooling models.  相似文献   
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