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《Educational Philosophy and Theory》2013,45(10):1080-1092
It is common to hear Māori discuss primordial states of Being, yet in colonisation those very central beliefs are forced into weaker utterances. In this process those utterances merely conform to a colonised agenda. ‘Mātauranga’, a tidy term that overwhelmingly refers to an epistemological knowing of the world, colludes nicely with its English equivalent, ‘knowledge’, to further colonise those core contemplations of Being. Its plausibility relies on an orderly regard of things in the world. In education, historical and current practices of schooling pave the way for things in the world so that they amount to mātauranga for Māori, and even the term ‘ako’ will conspire in its own way. Both Novalis and Heidegger have the ability to identify subtly colonising philosophies, and may even propose some theoretical solutions for Māori. 相似文献
首先将老子的“有无相生”分为“有中生无”“无中生有”两个部分,结合朗格的观点,得出两个学说具有相通之处的结论。而后,又将朗格“虚幻的力”单独罗列,因为朗格“虚幻的力”这一观点在舞蹈方面是解开老子学说中“有”与“无”相互转化的关键要素,更加诠释了老子学说与朗格美学思想的契合之处。 相似文献
赵新华 《温州职业技术学院学报》2011,11(3):30-32,40
办学理念,对外彰显办学特色的旗帜,对内统一思想和引领行动的纲领。为保障示范建设的顺利推进,各示范院校都提炼了核心办学理念。通过类比和统计分析发现,各示范院校核心办学理念具有开放性、育人性、服务性、开放性与育人性、开放性与服务性、育人性与服务性六个方面的特征。借鉴示范院校取得的成功经验,高职院校应树立开放的以育人为根本、以服务为己任的办学理念,才能实现学校的可持续发展。 相似文献
张秀芹 《南阳师范学院学报》2006,5(11):66-67
王维《使至塞上》中的“孤烟”并非“烽烟”,亦非炊烟,而是大漠中自然之“烟”——龙卷风;居延、萧关与燕然等古地名,若是实指,不符王维犒军的行程,所以这些古地名是唐人对边塞的泛称而非实指。 相似文献
Finn Thorbjørn Hansen Norman Amundson 《International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance》2009,9(1):31-43
We are approaching career counselling from the perspective of “Being”, which we recognize to be a daunting task. Nevertheless we find it extremely important that the counsellor become aware of and try to think, talk and act from his or her embeddedness in being, and by that help the client to do the same. This process involves an ontological and spiritual approach, and builds upon the Socratic ability to wonder, the meditative way of “undoing” and the artful act of creation. 相似文献
在考试应体现谁的意志的争论中,有四种代表性的观点:国家意志说,用户意志说,个人意志说,人类(社会)意志说。但上述观点并不能很好地概括考试的属性。为此,从国家、社会和个人的关系中,赋予考试内涵以新的阐释,即考试是三者之间意志协调的结果,其属性在于国家、社会和个人意志协调的契约。 相似文献
不落夫家习俗在中国南方许多民族中普遍传承,关于这一习俗的产生原因和性质,学术界一直争论不休。但不落夫家并不是母系制向父系制过渡阶段的产物,而是聘娶婚出现后,聘娶婚与自由择偶婚俗复合所产生的一种特殊习俗,即举行结婚仪式后,须经过较长时间的过渡,夫妇由偶尔同居转为共同生活,女子的居住地由娘家完全转移至夫家,婚姻缔结的全部过程才算完成。 相似文献
柔石的作品《为奴隶的母亲》浓缩了一个身影,这个身影具备双重身份:母亲和奴隶。文中将母亲的含义与奴隶的含义融合到一起,使人看到了两者的等同性与无奈性,这里面其实揭示了两个基本的含义:一是作为母亲的角色,她要做什么,二是在那个时代,母亲的角色被扭曲化,社会的剥削和压迫,社会制度的不公平性,无法发挥出母亲的巨大含义,却被灌输了奴隶的定位,这一系列的经历和演变,充满了作者的控诉与批判。 相似文献
《Educational Philosophy and Theory》2012,44(2):149-158
AbstractThis article draws on a study of infant participation in research, and work in philosophical-empirical inquiry, to illuminate some of the inexhaustible entanglements constituting the collective relational landscape of educational research of particular encounters, which have been called moments of wonder. Working with Merleau-Ponty’s philosophical notions of wild Being and flesh, I look closely at one such ‘moment’, as lived as an entanglement of embodied self, worldly things, and other selves that collectively comes into being whilst opening onto time and space. I see this account as demonstrating the value of learning to see the ‘collective’, wherein individualities are engendered, for developing new understandings of early childhood education (ECE) relational landscapes, specifically in relation to ‘participatory’ research with very young children – and educational research more generally. 相似文献