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本文从话语构建的角度对比分析了东西方历史文本《史记》和《剑桥中国史》对同一历史事件"商鞅变法"的历史叙述异同,指出两者在文本内容和形式上的差异主要表现在立足点、叙述深度和时间指示、结构编排、叙述语选择上。而后本文探讨了对比分析所反映出的历史叙述"曲解故事"的基调和其通过深层话语空间所展现的价值判断立场,特别对客观史实叙述中的主观认知倾向进行了讨论,认为历史叙述的意义并不是普遍意义上理解的客观展现过去的事实,而是通过话语构建的方式传承民族文化中的价值观立场。  相似文献   
文学理论是文化的载体。深受天人合一观念影响的中国古代文论是深情的,与之相比,主客二分、主客二元对立观念影响下的西方文论则显得较为客观,较为无情。这种深情和无情对比主要表现为三个方面:一是善与真的不同,二是情与理的差异,三是文学与哲学的区别。中西文论的不同反映了中西文化的差异。比较中西文论的不同,旨在展开中西文化的对话,求同存异,促进中国现代文论的建设,从而使中国文论屹立于世界民族文化之林。  相似文献   
因为柳宗元《马室女雷五葬志》中有以其姨母为妓于余句,既往的研究都把马雷五之姨当成了柳宗元永州所纳之妾,兹从八方面予以否定。细读《戏题阶前芍药》、《中夜起望西园值月上》,表现了柳宗元对家庭、婚姻的相思、恋爱与焦灼,提醒了他的同僚与朋友,引出当年冬建房、乔迁、纳妾的一气呵成。  相似文献   
以某理工院校建筑规划面积指标控制为实例,验证《08指标》学生公寓、食堂、教室等分项拟定标准科学性。认为:《08指标》学生公寓、食堂建筑规划面积指标分别为8~10 m2/生和1.2 m2/生,能满足使用基本要求,教室建筑规划面积指标2.95 m2/生偏低,生均3.20 m2为宜。基此,文章还对学生公寓、食堂、教室各分项建筑规划提出若干建议。  相似文献   
A focus on the interaction between cognitive schemas and context in situ has been suggested as fundamental in organizational decision making and information interpretation. Past research suggests that the situation and the social interaction that occur during learning at the cognitive level consist of factors that affect the process, but the research lacks a coherent explanation for how those factors affect it. We propose a conceptualization of learning, termed situated learning, which accounts for these factors. By drawing on situated cognition theory, social learning theory, and the theory of mental models, we identify and measure four components of situated learning, that is, thematic focus, cognitive absorption, social structure, and participation. Among the most important lessons for researchers and practitioners is the need to consider learning as a constellation of the four components instead of an indivisible phenomenon. This perspective can enhance our understanding of cognitive processes, such as information interpretation and decision making.  相似文献   
Arthur Sutherland Neill is one of the most debated personalities among the representatives of the classic reform pedagogy, due to his pedagogical concept and its practical realization, and his Summerhill School, equally. He is often mentioned during public debates, where mostly the "three S"--"sex, swearing and smoking", are existing as subject of the debates. While analyzing publications about Summerhill School appearing in Hungarian and German pedagogical special literature and press, a kind of polarized attitude has been realized towards the conceptions and school: Some talk about him admiringly; others criticize him while emphasizing the concept's drawbacks and unique features.  相似文献   
The International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) initiated the Second International Technology in Education Study (SITES)--A longitudinal large-scale international comparative survey on the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in schools. The goal is to understand how ICTs effect teaching and learning in schools. SITES 2006 was the third module in this program to determine how teachers use ICTs, and to find out how school and education system factors influence teachers' pedagogical orientation. SITES 2006 administered three questionnaires: one for school principals, one for technology coordinators, and one for mathematics and science teachers, around 400 schools in each of 23 education systems. The main study took place during 2005-2007. This paper describes the South African educational context, provides an overview of the South African participation, speculates on South Africa's future participation, and provides a comparative glimpse of the use of ICTs in South African mathematics and science classrooms.  相似文献   
善是事物最高价值的体现,艺术之善即艺术最高价值所在。《洛丽塔》体现了纳博科夫关于艺术之善的思考,传达了纳博科夫的艺术观与文学价值理念。本文从艺术之善、道德之善、以及艺术自主性三者之间关联的角度,探讨了《洛丽塔》中纳博科夫关于艺术之善的思考与表达,论证了《洛丽塔》是审美品质与道德内涵的结晶产物,揭示了纳博科夫对自然、社会与艺术之间和谐关联的独到领悟与阐释。  相似文献   
采用主成分分析对新疆各城市的市区城市设施水平进行了综合评价及分析,并且利用主成分得分对各城市进行了排名。同时采用聚类分析方法将新疆各城市的城市设施水平分成了三类。  相似文献   
产业振兴背景下新疆物流业的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
物流业是融合运输、仓储、货代和信息等的复合型服务产业,物流业的调整与振兴对建立现代物流服务体系,以物流服务促进其他产业发展有着重要的作用。通过对《物流业调整和振兴规划》的分析,阐述了新疆应利用自身独特的地缘优势,抓住产业振兴的机遇,建成国家向西开放的加工基地、中转集散地和物流大通道。  相似文献   
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