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我国现代远程教育在现代教育中发挥着越来越大的作用,但在发展中还存在着一些亟待解决的问题。只有立足现实,将远程教育与继续教育有机地集合起来,达到优势互补,才能使远程教育适应社会发展的需要。  相似文献   
《郭店楚简平议》对《郭店楚墓竹简》(文物出版社 1998年版 )所列楚简《老子》、《儒书》、《语丛》凡 18篇的字、词、句、篇进行了全面研究。认为 ,《老子》甲、乙是表述道家原创者以道治国、“清静为天下定”思想的两册重要典籍 ,《老子》甲所提出的“道” ,是战国道家“建之以常无有 ,主之以太一”的理论依据 ,是道家本体论的发端。《大一生水》(含老子丙 )为晚出 ,似为关尹子所作 ,当是战国早期的作品。传世本《老子》晚于《大一生水》(含老子丙 ) ,将楚简《老子》甲、乙、丙的内容全部溶入 ,“建之以无常有” ,完成了道家学派的本体论的建设 ,于是便以《老子》著称于世。《语丛》比较复杂且佚简较多 ,在编排篇目时仅据简文内容对简序作了部分调整。  相似文献   
This study investigated the instructional preferences of full time adult credential students after they took a live course called Principles of Adult Education at California State University, Long Beach, (CSULB) in the fall semester of 2002. These full time adult credential students had been working on their adult teaching credentials to meet the competencies specified by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing. The course introduced students to Andragogy developed by Malcolm Knowles out of the andragogical model, developed by Lindeman (1926). The study used Principles of Adult Learning Scales (PALS), advanced by Gary Conti in 1983 to measure instructional preferences. Data were collected from 30 (100% of 30) full time adult credential students enrolled in a live course to, determine their instructional preferences of helping adults learn. The results of the study showed in most cases these adult learning professionals taught adult students andragogically: in some cases they taught adult students pedagogically.  相似文献   
吕天成《曲品》之“境”,由于受传统诗学“意境”理论的影响,仍体现为情与景、意与境的统一。但运用于戏曲领域,充分考虑到戏曲的叙事性质,因此,吕氏之“境”,其涵义又包含了一些新的因素。但不能因此就说吕氏之“境”就是一种成熟的戏曲“境界”理论,这从版本学的角度也可以得以充分的说明。  相似文献   
老子其人是道家的鼻祖 ,《老子》一书是道家的元典。儒道互补是中国文化发展的主线 ,对老子的一元论思想加以确立无疑是很有意义的  相似文献   
盛唐著名田园诗人储光羲以朴素自然、清新恬淡的田园诗驰名于诗坛。储光羲在写作风格、写作形式等方面都有对陶渊明田园诗的吸收,并有创新处,形成了其田园诗真朴自然、淡远淳厚的特点。  相似文献   
在文学发展史上,传承因袭是促进文学发展的重要动力。屈原特殊的人生经历和独具魅力的作品,赢得了有汉一代作家的纷纷追慕,形成“屈原情结”。“屈原情结”的形成和发展不仅推动了两汉文学的发展,对后世的诗歌、散文、小说、戏曲等各种文学体裁也产生了非常大的影响。  相似文献   
学界历来对李白诗歌中的庄屈精神多有阐述,而对这种精神的文化背景少有涉及。李白于诗歌中表现出的强烈自我意识、独立的人格以及“舍我其谁”的英雄气质与楚文化精神是一脉相通的,他本人也以“楚狂人”自称,狂言狂行中流露着楚人率真任侠、促急剽悍的性情。这些精神气质与李白早年游楚的经历、家世以及盛唐时期的社会特征有着密不可分的联系。  相似文献   
游国恩著《楚辞概论》在使用传统考据方法的基础上,采用了具有现代意识的新方法即整体研究的方法。传统与现代方法的结合使用,究其原因.既得力于近现代新思维新方法的传入与运用.也缘于作者坚实的古典文学的功底和修养。这种研究方法使得《楚辞概论》“继往开来,独树一帜”,对后来的楚辞研究产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   
Based on the theoretical model of pedagogic discourse proposed by Basil Bernstein, this paper proposes two notions, elaborated ideological orientation and restrictive ideological orientation, to understand the new relationship between the State and intellectuals in China, which is crucial to understanding intellectual practices after the Cultural Revolution in China. The reform has made it possible for the production of discourse in education which is not directly derived from Marxism and Maoism. Such diversification of legitimate positions does not amount to an autonomous discourse in education. This paper chooses the case of an influential journal, Jiaoyu Yanjiu (Educational Research) to illustrate the ways in which the editors of the journal have taken up the role of mediator between the State and authors.  相似文献   
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