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Copper trihydroxychloride [Cu2Cl(OH)3] exists with four polymorphs: atacamite, paratacamite, clinoatacamite, and botallackite. They have all been used as green pigments, usually under the name atacamite. For many years, atacamite was regarded as a pigment mainly used in ancient South America, China, and Egypt. However, the last decades have shown that atacamite has been found in European medieval paintings, and quite often in Sweden. This paper gives a brief overview of the history of atacamite and its polymorphs. Green pigments from medieval murals in 56 Swedish churches were analyzed. The results show that atacamite and malachite are common, while green earth is less frequent and green vivianite rare. In particular, atacamite often occurs in medieval wall paintings on the island of Gotland in the Baltic Sea. The atacamite minerals are rare in Europe and are not found in the Swedish bedrock. Their occurrence in Swedish murals and their origin is discussed. Atacamite may be synthesized by various methods and is in fact often observed on corroded outdoor bronze statues in marine surroundings.  相似文献   
敦煌本《孔子项讬相问书》的成书时代,众说纷纭。本文结合唐代相关的社会文化背景,对文中提供的有关双陆博戏、敦煌寺学等文化信息和该文侮弄孔子的思想主题进行了分析,从而对该文的写定时间,做了大致推断。  相似文献   
敦煌文献词语札记   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
敦煌文献中的许多唐代口语,后世典籍很少记载,但仍保留在一些方言口语中,结合方言词语是解释敦煌文献中疑难词义的重要途径。河南方言与敦煌文献所使用的方言(隋唐时期的西北方言),有着更多的共同性,因此,把二者进行对比研究将会产生积极的意义。  相似文献   
敦煌壁画与凯尔特手抄本分别代表东、西方宗教艺术文化,在东、西方文化的视觉元素方面运用了相似的手法。佛教艺术与基督教艺术在叙事和装饰表达方面既有共通点,也各有侧重。  相似文献   
通过对二战前后陶瓷壁画介入现代建筑环境的重新审视,揭示环境空间的优化作用及对现代人们精神的"抚慰"效应,重点探讨陶瓷壁画设计与现代建筑功能、结构、空间、环境的色彩与光源等的关系及应注意的问题.  相似文献   
<多宝塔碑>、<刘中使帖>、<祭侄文稿>是颜真卿的有代表意义的作品,本文选择敦煌、高昌遗书中部分书写时间均早于颜氏作品的文书、经卷与颜真卿的作品进行比较,又从颜真卿的近佛行为、书法中"俗"的问题以及当时社会尚俗尚实文化思潮三个方面,对颜真卿接受并吸收民间书法的可能性进行了分析与阐述,认为颜真卿曾经借鉴过当时民间的书写风格.  相似文献   
本文对英藏敦煌写本S.9936、S.11363、S.11363V、S.6030和俄藏敦煌写本Дx.06057进行了考辨,认为前三件内容连贯,述石镇宅法,但非《押衙邓存庆镇宅文》的一部分,亦非医学文献;Дx.06057的内容源自《太清金液神气经》和《神仙金汋经》两部道藏道经;S.6030为《策使鬼神通灵诀》,既非医学文献,亦非陵阳子之著作。  相似文献   
李硕 《家教指南》2016,(5):125-131
斯坦因曾在汉长城最西端终点处发现三座城址,后来再未见著录。笔者结合卫星照片与实地踏勘,发现实际有两座城址,位置与斯坦因所记有一定距离。结合附近烽燧出土的汉简,考证其中一座城址可能是西汉宣帝之后的大煎都侯障治所,即敦煌汉简中的大煎都侯障,由此可以对汉长城最西端的防御体系有更深入的了解。  相似文献   
西夏占据敦煌后,在瓜州、沙州建立了完备的行政体系,并委派豪酋大族实行统治。瓜州和沙州位于西夏边陲,军事作用突出,因此,西夏在二州分别设立监军司,负责当地的军事与行政事务。同时在二州分别设立刺史、转运司。沙州单独设立经制司。都统军、副统军、监军使、通判、习判、承旨、都案、案头等自上而下构成了瓜、沙二州的职官体系。  相似文献   
The murals in Dunhuang Grottoes, a famous world cultural heritage site, are precious and unique, so research on mural surface changes and evaluation of the degree of deterioration should be non-destructive. In this study, tracking photographs of a simulated mural surface were processed with MatLab software to obtain a three-dimensional image and Z axis data, and a calculation method for quantitative analysis was also proposed. The feasibility of this approach was confirmed by simulated experiments of mural damage in the laboratory and analysis of real murals in situ. It was also applied to analysis of surface deterioration of an earthen archaeological site before and after rainfall erosion. As a simple and non-destructive approach, it could be used for the analysis of micro changes in murals or for monitoring real time surface changes at cultural heritage sites.  相似文献   
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