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以人民健康为中心,主动健康为导向,发挥全民科学健身在健康促进、慢性病预防和康复等方面的积极作用,把健康关口前移到健康维护和疾病防控,推动形成“体医融合”的疾病管理与健康服务模式,是健康中国行动的目标与任务。国家运动处方库建设是在健康中国战略指引下,在借鉴学习国外运动处方研究、推广和应用先进成果的基础上,通过对我国运动处方内容系统、运动处方师培训系统、运动处方应用系统的构建,通过健康人群、疾病风险人群、慢性疾病人群、功能受损人群、发展性障碍人群运动处方的制定及运动处方推广应用路径的选择,将我国运动处方的研究、推广和应用向着科学、严谨、规范、深入推进,让具有科学性、针对性、有效性、可操作性并适合中国人体质特点的运动处方惠及我国亿万民众,为增强国民体质、增进国民健康,实现健康中国目标做出应有贡献,为世界运动处方的理论与实践提供中国经验与借鉴。  相似文献   
运动作为防治疾病的一味"药",正迅速被越来越多的医生所认可,并走进了大众的日常生活。运动既然是"药",就不该是"多多益善",而应该是"量体裁衣"、个性化定制,也因此需要处方。文章旨在回顾运动处方过去和现在的发展与对未来发展需求的猜测,对这个方兴未艾的领域增进了解,并进行系统介绍。追溯运动处方的研究和发展历史,大致可以分为4个时期3个阶段,从认识到运动对健康的重要性到运动成为防病治病的良药以及运动处方的发展走过了近70年的历程。国外大量科学的研究(尤其是追踪研究)和数据是支持运动处方不断前进的基石。从运动处方科学发展中所学到的智慧将会对中国传统运动处方的建设、中国大众的健康促进作出积极贡献。  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to identify which averaging methods most accurately measures peak cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) parameters [peak O2 uptake (VO2), peak O2pulse and peak respiratory exchange ratio (RER)] in a sample of healthy children and adolescents. In this cross-sectional multicenter study, we recruited 278 healthy children aged 12–17 years. We compared the mean peak value of three CRF parameters using the recommended averaging methods (30-second block average) with alternative averaging methods such as moving averages or shorter smoothing periods. We also assessed averaging methods for accuracy by individually reviewing breath-by-breath scatter plots. The 30-second block average method resulted in a lower mean peak VO2 and in an increased proportion of underestimated peak values. Using a 30-second moving average significantly increased mean peak values which increased accuracy. Similar results were found for peak RER and peak O2pulse. In conclusion, the currently recommended averaging method (30-second block average) increased the risk of misinterpretation of peak CRF values in children. Using a moving average approach decreased misinterpretation and increased accuracy.  相似文献   
运用文献资料法、数理统计法、实验法,研究体育课堂运动干预对女大学生体质健康的影响,为高校的体育教学改革提供一定的理论依据.结果显示:体育课堂的运动干预对女大学生身体素质和身体机能的改善和提高效果明显.  相似文献   
Although the effects of short versus long inter-set rest intervals in resistance training on measures of muscle hypertrophy have been investigated in several studies, the findings are equivocal and the practical implications remain unclear. In an attempt to provide clarity on the topic, we performed a systematic literature search of PubMed/MEDLINE, Scopus, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, and Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro) electronic databases. Six studies were found to have met the inclusion criteria: (a) an experimental trial published in an English-language peer-reviewed journal; (b) the study compared the use of short (≤60?s) to long (>60?s) inter-set rest intervals in a traditional dynamic resistance exercise using both concentric and eccentric muscle actions, with the only difference in resistance training among groups being the inter-set rest interval duration; (c) at least one method of measuring changes in muscle mass was used in the study; (d) the study lasted for a minimum of four weeks, employed a training frequency of ≥2 resistance training days per week, and (e) used human participants without known chronic disease or injury. Current evidence indicates that both short and long inter-set rest intervals may be useful when training for achieving gains in muscle hypertrophy. Novel findings involving trained participants using measures sensitive to detect changes in muscle hypertrophy suggest a possible advantage for the use of long rest intervals to elicit hypertrophic effects. However, due to the paucity of studies with similar designs, further research is needed to provide a clear differentiation between these two approaches.  相似文献   
运动技术的教学和训练离不开对运动技术时空特征的研判。对不同训练水平的教学对象需根据其运动时的技术时空特征采用合适的教学和训练方法才能实现运动技术的最优化。  相似文献   
长期规律的体育运动均可有效地改善其不良的脂质结构,并能延缓因增龄而带来的不良影响,从而使冠心病的危险性显著降低。目前WHO已将体育运动过少列为冠心病的独立危险因素。因为运动训练对血脂水平的改善起到了至关重要的作用。本综述旨在阐明耐力运动和抗阻运动对血脂代谢的影响。  相似文献   
重视运动过程,深入研究动态的技术细节,已经成为准确把握项目运动特征的基础和前提条件。对运动能力的认识不能仅停留在静态的距离或时间上,而应该深入到运动的过程中,捕捉并把握关键指标的动态变化,了解运动的全过程。运动训练应转变训练理念,从传统的大运动量低强度训练转变到大运动量高强度的高负荷训练模式上来,这个训练模式称为“高负荷训练法”。无论是以体能为主导的项群,还是以技能为主导的项群,都需要“以赛代练”,但不能“重赛轻练”。运动员在获得“最高运动成绩”时,并不处于“最佳准备状态”。  相似文献   
采用文献资料法、心理测量法、实验法、逻辑分析法等方法,以健美操和太极拳作为不同锻炼方式,对湘西吉首大学部分大学生就不同锻炼方式对心境的不同影响进行了15周系统的实验研究。实验结果表明:15周健美操锻炼和太极拳锻炼对大学生身体心境及各维度都具有明显改善作用,但健美操锻炼对大学生心境的影响效应不如太极拳效果好,不同锻炼方式对湘西地区大学生的心境产生不同的效益,均可促进心境不同方面的发展。  相似文献   
通过资料收集、问卷调查等方法对上海市闵行区体育舞蹈开展的现状进行调查,获得了上海体育舞蹈参与人员的年龄、训练周期、训练内容等基础信息,了解了体育舞蹈指导老师的知识结构、资格等级、年龄特点等信息,从而为上海体育舞蹈未来的科学、有效发展提出了建议。  相似文献   
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