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This essay examines Live Nude Girls Unite!, a documentary about female exotic dancers' successful efforts to unionize. The film rhetorically exposes an alternative perspective on the ideological evolution, and contradictions, that represent third-wave feminism by complicating the notion of gender oppression and the responsibilities of coalition politics. Through these women's analyses of their political situation, the film rhetorically addresses complex issues, including the complicated distinctions between victimizer and victim in contemporary gender politics, women's appropriation of sex work and capacity for labor activism, and the dominant culture's attempts to regulate working women's private and public lives.  相似文献   
20世纪90年代以来,陈染、林白、虹影等人为代表的“身体叙事”彰显了越来越明显的女性意识,不自觉地对西方女权主义运动及其相应的文学意象作了历史性的回应。但女性主义文学批评自身不能解决的问题和身体写作本身的局限也决定了这条路并不是康庄大道。  相似文献   
性别意识是人类对男女两性在社会中的关系、地位、价值、权利、责任、使命的一种认识和评价。夏洛蒂.勃朗特的性别意识特点是她的女权主义思想,是对性别意识的无意识流露。这里试图通过环境决定论、人格决定论、性别决定论等几个视角,详细论证《简.爱》中的性别意识。  相似文献   
传播媒体在公正、均衡、持续地反映和表现女性形象方面做得还远远不够,尤其在维吾尔语新闻传播方面,无论是宣传数量和宣传角度、内容,与女性在社会生产中实际发挥的作用都是不相称的。本文主要以讨论新闻报道中的女性形象以及它对社会女性的影响为目的,试图对如何改变这种现象进行探讨。  相似文献   
林纤的女权意识,典型地表现出维新派人士文化观念新旧杂陈的特点.他一方面支持兴女学、倡女权,另一方面又提醒女性在婚恋中要"律之以礼".林纾所说的"礼"固然未可全盘否定,但其中确有一些明显的属于封建礼教的内容.唯其如此,在涉及妇女解放的诸多问题上林纾与五四新文化派之间均形成了明显的差距.  相似文献   
女性主义视角下的《华伦夫人的职业》   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《华伦夫人的职业》是萧伯纳早期创作的一部极其重要的剧作。在《华》剧中,萧伯纳无情地鞭笞了整个资本主义制度和父权主义行径对女性的压迫,表达出对维多利亚时代受压迫女性的无比同情。此外,萧伯纳还深刻地揭示了具有剥削本性和父权本性的资本主义制度是女性受压迫和奴役的基本根源。而萧伯纳提出的这一观点恰恰与半个多世纪后兴起的马克思主义女性主义的观点不谋而合。因此,文章尝试运用马克思主义女性主义的理论,通过萧伯纳在《华》剧中对维多利亚女性遭受的性别压迫和经济压迫的揭露,探讨萧伯纳对于女性遭受的压迫和歧视、以及对妇女卖淫问题的深刻见解,并以此为契机,进一步发掘萧伯纳在剧中体现的早期女权主义观点。接着,本文将深入分析女性受双重压迫的根源——资本主义的生产方式和其追求利润最大化的贪婪本质。最后,本文将试图澄清长久以来人们对于华伦夫人是一个"不道德妇人"的误解,并且得出结论:萧伯纳在一定程度上可被视作"女性主义文学批评之父"。  相似文献   
众所周知,莳萝泡菜尝起来酸,甜,苦,辣。在学习了由凯瑟琳·曼斯菲尔德写的这篇文章之后,我对标题莳萝泡菜的象征意义印象深刻,我认为这和维拉以及男主人公有关,这反映了凯瑟琳·曼斯菲尔德的女性主义思想,可是,我觉得作者对待男主公很不公平,因为维拉离开男主人公的理由很牵强。我会分析我对文章标题象征意义的看法。  相似文献   
The Korean Drama, JewelinthePalace,introduced how Jang-Geum, as a eastern woman, overcame a series of social discrimination, how she surmounted numerous difficulties and dangers, how she got rid of the...  相似文献   
摘要:近代中国女子体育教育史是中国近代思想史、中国近代妇女解放史的缩影。本研究通过文献资料法、历史研究法,得出如下结论:18世纪由西欧启蒙运动兴起的自由女性主义信奉理性、公正、机会均等和选择自由,认为是教育方面的机会不均等造成了两性之间在理性上的差异。自由女性主义体育理论倡导应在体育训练、设施、服务、比赛参与上都做到男女平等。1840年鸦片战争以来,民主自由、天赋人权、男女平等的思想逐渐传入。在经历了洋务运动、戊戌变法、清末新政、辛亥革命、五四运动之后,中国女子体育教育从无到有,蓬勃发展。伴随着自由主义与妇女解放的观念深入人心,体育教育观也从单纯的“强国育种”变成了男女平等,女性解放,成为了一种深入人心的文化形态。  相似文献   
This article suggests that by breaking away from the couples-centric lens normally deployed by historians of intimacy, and instead focusing on the experience of single people, historians gain fresh insight into a key transition point in the late twentieth century history of relationships. Singles, particularly those actively seeking partners, were particularly hard-pressed to digest the implications of a decade of sexual rights campaigns, because, more explicitly than couples, they had to articulate what they wanted out of the opposite sex. In paying close attention to the articulations and experiences of singles, we gain fresh purchase on how the sexual legacies of the 1970s began to be digested, resisted and repurposed. This article makes a case for doing so through Singles, a magazine that brought together the experiences of a cross-section of mostly heterosexual, unmarried Britons at a moment of significant sexual reordering. Examination of the Singles debates around dating and gender suggests that the contemporaneous efforts of ordinary people to process the new sexual languages of the 1970s were more intense and conflicted than the existing historiography has yet allowed, and that much of the sexual antagonism felt by men and women facing each other across the lonely hearts pages stemmed from gendered anxieties about economic standing.  相似文献   
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