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This article excavates some of the core intellectual elements underlying the Xinhai Revolution of 1911 and their historical genealogies. Rather than focusing on the modern nature of the revolution, Mizoguchi locates the revolution within the context of traditional Chinese culture and thought. A central focus of the article is the notion of “self-governance” (zizhi), which played a central role in determining the shape the revolution was to ultimately take. It analyzes the social thought of key figures of the Qing period, showing how in modified guise, core Confucian ethical concepts such as the dichotomy between the private (si) and public (gong) as well as utopian concepts such as datong (great harmony) determined the deep structure of revolutionary thought at the end of the Qing and into the Republican and Communist periods.  相似文献   
论我国农村社会救助制度的目标、原则及模式选择   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
农村社会救助制度是整个农村社会保障制度的重要组成部分,在我国农村社会保障体系建设中应该具有重要的地位.过去20多年时间里,在我国经济建设和社会稳定的战略目标下,农村社会救助体系的建立受到了一定忽略,但在目前"以人为本"、"构建社会主义和谐社会"和"社会主义新农村建设"的新发展目标指导下,农村社会救助制度的发展有了新的机遇.根据我国农村当前的特点,应该注重建立比较完整的、制度协调的农村社会救助体系,尤其是应该尽快建立农村居民最低生活保障制度加五保户制度的农村基本生活救助体系.在现阶段建立我国农村低保制度应该遵从政府承担基本责任的原则、普遍性与特殊困难救助相结合的原则以及制度协调性原则和城乡社会救助一体化等原则.  相似文献   
如何提高援助有效性逐渐成为发展援助领域一个不容忽视的热点问题,中非教育交流与合作关注非洲民生问题,是中非合作的基础领域,对中非关系的长远发展具有重意义。本文基于援助有效性的视角,通过文本分析和实地调研,以中喀教育合作为个案,对中非教育交流与合作进行系统评估,分析其成效,并提出中非教育合作可持续发展的对策与建议。  相似文献   
This article investigates the implementation of the “förstelärare” or “First teacher” reform in Sweden. We draw upon the insights of a superintendent, union official, principal, three First teachers, and two of their colleagues in one school, and recent literature on career development reform. We employ Michael Fullan’s overview of the “right” and “wrong” drivers of educational reform to analyse the extent to which the First Teacher initiative cultivated productive “professional capital.” The research reveals: how broader national policy aims were in clear tension with municipal-wide school development, and school-level development efforts; the perverse effects of a strong focus upon salary on professional conduct; and how an emphasis upon teachers’ roles per se undermined the espoused policy focus on enhancing teaching. The research cautions against the problematic effects of the initiative on more profession-oriented prerogatives, and how more external, “deleterious,” drivers of reform militate against more productive professional capital.  相似文献   

Food and military identity were inextricably linked in the British Army: rations were a thrice daily indicator of the men's separation from their civilian selves. The soldiers were what they ate, but they were also where and how they ate; the grubby rapacity of the barrack dining hall, the absence of civilizing cutlery and the unfamiliar food delineated their new role as clearly as any uniform. Institutional feeding facilitated the erasure of self, an unhelpful attribute in the military world. Men's accounts indicate the conflict between their appetites and what they all too often regarded as oppression in a dietary form.  相似文献   
美国的大学生资助政策历经变迁,已发展成为体系完备、理念多元、效率较高的资助体系。中美两国在资助政策方面有一定的相似性,都是有着多种资助形式的混合资助模式。考察美国资助政策的演变,剖析其特点和发展趋势,对于我国资助政策的进一步完善具有示范意义。  相似文献   
本文采用文献资料法、专家访谈法及问卷调查等方法对上海体育学院本科<运动伤害事故处理与急救>课程教学现状进行了研究.结果显示,学生对开设此课程的认可度较高;课程的内容和教材对于体育专业学生来说难度偏大;操作课程不能满足学生需要;考核形式中缺少操作内容.研究提示<运动伤害事故处理与急救>课程开课意义充分,但应适当调整教材内容,充实运动损伤的部分,操作课程的比例有待于加大,考核形式也应根据授课内容进行适当调整.  相似文献   
社会主义和谐社会应该建立在公平和正叉的基础之上.离婚妇女财产权益得不到充分保障,生活相对贫困,必然影响社会的安定、和谐.建立和完善离婚妇女财产权益保障制度,从法律层面有效防止离婚妇女生活贫困化,是从源头上解决或缓解社会不公平、不安定、不和谐,确保我国社会安全运行和健康发展的重要措施。  相似文献   
摘要:甲午战争和日俄战争是导致近代中日两国历史剧变的两次重要战争,对中日两国社会和学校体育的发展都产生了巨大影响。20世纪90年代以来,日本学术界曾盛行甲午战争“偶发论”,为驳此论,本文采用文献资料法,依据大量日文史料梳理日本学校体育随两次对外侵略战争而发生重大转变的过程,分析两次战争对日本学校体育的重要影响,以及学校体育为战争胜利而发挥的特殊作用,从体育角度证实了甲午战争是日本长期准备并精心谋划的。认为甲午战争和日俄战争是日本近代学校体育的重大转折点,学校体育从此由培养现代化人才的途径转变为为扩军备战服务的工具,并对20世纪日本乃至中国的学校体育都产生了深远影响。学校体育作为甲午、日俄战前日本精心备战的环节之一,为日本两次获胜有效发挥了军事预备教育的作用,但也影响了自身的正常发展,留下了深刻的历史教训。  相似文献   
基于全社会层面的弱势群体知识援助体系建设   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
总结近年来弱势群体知识援助研究的理论,针对公共图书馆知识援助存在的局限性,结合文献信息单位分布的特点,探讨建立全社会层面弱势群体知识援助体系的必要性。初步构建适应现时代弱势群体知识援助的五种模式,即以公共图书馆为主体的知识援助模式,以“农家书屋”工程为主的新闻出版援助模式,以“文化共享工程”为主的文化、财政援助模式,以“三下乡”社会实践活动为主的高校知识援助模式,以志愿者服务和社会捐助为主的民间知识援助模式。提出知识援助体系正常运行的保障措施。  相似文献   
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