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生态文明是对人与自然关系的反思,是对日益严重的生态环境问题的回应。大学生是社会主义现代化建设事业的主力军,构建大学生生态文明意识对于落实科学发展观?构建社会主义和谐社会及大学生的全面发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   
自我感知理论是研究激励问题的重要理论之一。从自我感知理论出发,分析学生对自己学习行为进行归因的方式和内在激励与外在激励的辩证关系,进一步提出该理论对教育工作者在教育活动中的启迪。  相似文献   
DIALANG-欧洲诊断性语言测验系统是面向大众的诊断性评价的先驱。本文对该测验系统的开发背景、开发依据、测验内容、测验特点以及测验过程进行了较为全面的介绍。在此基础上,为推动我国诊断性评价的开展,文章提出了4点建议:1)关注过程,服务学习;2)开发主观题自动阅卷技术,全面考查各语言技能;3)建立我国自己的语言教学和评价标准;4)建立具有中国特色的、可持续性的诊断性评价体系。  相似文献   
朱熹的《大学章句》将大学之道落实为"明明德"的内修外推过程,以"明明德"为根本,贯穿三纲领的始终。八条目与三纲领相对应,明明德也就是修身的内在表现。在实现止于至善的过程中,要按照八条目的近道顺序进行,即达到"明明德于天下"需要按照格物、致知、诚意、正心、修身、齐家、治国、平天下的顺序。  相似文献   
In a flipped classroom, students study instructional material before class and apply this material during class. To provide a statistical synthesis of current research on effects of flipped classrooms, we conducted meta-analyses that included 114 studies which compared flipped and non-flipped classrooms in secondary and postsecondary education. We found a small positive effect on learning outcomes, but no effect was found on student satisfaction regarding the learning environment. In addition, we found considerable heterogeneity between studies. Moderator analyses showed that students in flipped classrooms achieve higher learning outcomes when the face-to-face class time was not reduced compared to non-flipped classrooms, or when quizzes were added in the flipped classrooms. We conclude that a flipping the classroom (FTC) approach is a promising pedagogical approach when appropriately designed. Our results provide insights into effective instructional FTC design characteristics that support an evidence-informed application of FTC.  相似文献   
作为教育家的陈独秀,其职业教育思想独具特色。他认为在社会形态中教育属于上层建筑,中国从来就不大重视职业教育,而欧美各国都注重职业教育。主张“一切教育都建设在社会的需要上面”,讲究“实际应用”,强调理论要联系实际,学习要学以致用,希望教育是平民的而非贵族的。陈独秀的职业教育思想在当今仍有现实意义。  相似文献   
Partnership in higher education emphasises an active role for students in both teaching and learning. This pedagogical culture is likely to make students assessment literate and engage them in deep learning. In this study, Iranian students experiencing learning-by-teaching (LbT) in private language institutes were interviewed to compare their perceptions toward assessment and learning with their counterparts without this experience. Findings show that LbT fosters students’ assessment literacy and deep learning. Results also reveal that by teaching other students, quasi-teachers promote a broader understanding of assessment and grade practices in comparison to other students. Unlike their counterparts, quasi-teachers de-emphasised grades and showed a greater focus on learning. Moreover, explaining the materials to other students provided them with a deeper cognitive process resulting in deeper learning. These results underscore the perceived importance of partnership in higher education.  相似文献   
针对讲听式学习的弊端,合作活动学习作为教育硕士课程的一种新的教学样式得以创生,并形成了学生经验驱动型、学科经验驱动型和教师经验驱动型三种具体类型。经过实践探索,合作活动学习效果显著,具有增强学生的研究意识与能力、促进学生的学习投入以及活跃和拓展学生的思维等优势。  相似文献   
本文主要介绍了智能教学系统中的机器自学习机制,研究如何提高智能教学系统的智能性和通用性等方面的问题。文章采用基于信息论的示例学习,改进了决策树学习算法,并建立了机器学习决策树。  相似文献   
根据Ellis的“输入与互动假设”理论,倡导在英语泛读教学过程中开展“对话性互动”和“变化性互动”,应用“任务型学习”,并结合课堂实践,设计了教学实例,这一实践实现了“以学生为主体,教师为主导”的新教学模式,具有多元性、人文性、合作性和反馈性的特点。  相似文献   
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