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Lesson planning and implementation of those plans are complex and cognitively demanding for English Language Teacher trainees preparing for the profession. Many find it difficult to develop a lesson holistically and to maintain alignment across aims, procedural steps, and evaluation when planning and implementing a lesson. We attempted to address this problem by establishing a model of trainees’ action that included their deliberate metacognitive structuring of a lesson both in planning and review phases. Data from a first exploration of student thinking elicited by the model indicate positive shifts in trainees’ holistic thinking and a student-centeredness in the critical perspectives they took in both planning and review.  相似文献   
苏联社会主义模式的精神实质指的就是马克思主义本土化的俄国实现,是马克思主义俄国化进程中形成的一种社会主义实践模式:苏联社会主义模式的形成、发展及其崩溃的历史经验表明.苏联社会主义模式是历史的产物,具有历史形成的必然性和合理性,同时苏联社会主义模式只是马克思主义本土化的个别模式,它的崩溃和失败并不意味着马克思主义和科学社会主义的失败,它的失败只是意味着一种马克思主义本土化模式应该寻求新的实现。  相似文献   
总结多年指导体育教育专业教育实习“说课”教学实践经验 ,阐述体育教育专业教育实习中开展“说课”教研活动的作用和基本内容 ,提出“说课”应注意的主要问题 ,旨在为高师体育教育专业教育实习学生教学能力的提高提供一个新的途径  相似文献   
计算机基础课程的“情境”教学实践与分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文针对当前计算机基础课程教学中面临的突出问题,结合具体教学实例探讨在教学中如何采用以“情境式”的活跃课堂教学方法来激发学生的学习兴趣,实行教师指导下的学生自主性学习。  相似文献   
The study investigated the effects of three types of evaluation on preservice teachers’ performance, knowledge and attitudes related to writing lesson plans that incorporate technology. Subjects were randomly assigned to one of the three treatment conditions: teacher-evaluation, self-evaluation or peer-evaluation. All groups completed three class periods of instruction on writing lesson plans, then each subject submitted his/her draft lesson plan. The drafts were evaluated by assigned evaluators (teacher, self or peer), who provided scores and written feedback on a 15-item rubric. Students then revised their lesson plans into final form. All three treatment groups improved their lesson plans significantly from draft version to final version, with the teacher-evaluation group showing significantly greater improvement and writing significantly better final lesson plans than each of the other two groups. Teacher-evaluation and self-evaluation groups had significantly higher scores on a knowledge-based posttest than the peer-evaluation group. Several suggestions are discussed for making further improvements in the self-evaluation and peer-evaluation processes.  相似文献   
该文从边缘角度解析托尼·班巴拉短篇故事《教训》中所使用方言的类型,并从语音、词汇、语法三个层面分析了该方言的语言学特征,揭示其功能。运用该方言不仅给文章增添浓重的地方色彩,揭示社会价值意义,而且也反应作者的社会追求和艺术追求。  相似文献   
数学练习课对学生数学学习尤为重要,其目的是查缺补漏、提升能力,并在此基础上让学生掌握数学的思维方法,而这一过程需教师高效地组织课堂,提高练习课的有效性。因此,可以通过分析优质的数学练习课,探讨有效开展数学练习课的策略。  相似文献   
高师"政治课教学论"(简称"教学论")课程在师范生培养的课程体系中起着桥梁和纽带作用,是一门实践性很强的课程。在教育学理论指导下培养学生的教育教学技能是"教学论"课程区别于其他课程的显著特征。高师"教学论"教学中,通过构建技能训练框架、建立评估指标体系、分项累加记载成绩三个环节,可以形成师生间职业技能训练的互动机制,提高课程教学效果。  相似文献   
This article focuses on improving the instructional quality of student teachers in elementary education. We developed a coaching approach involving classroom observation and appropriate lesson preparation and feedback templates. Using an untreated control group design with pre-test and posttest (n = 198), we answered the question ‘whether student teachers who learned to teach with the new coaching approach achieved a higher level of pedagogical and didactical teaching skills compared to student teachers who did not receive this approach’. The effect variable used was the observation instrument ICALT. We compared the average scores of the control group and the experimental group on the posttest (ANCOVA). The differences found on the posttest, after controlling for the confounding variables, were significant on all ICALT scales. These effect sizes are medium on the scales; ‘Safe climate’, and ‘Clear instruction’, and large on the scales; ‘Classroom management’, ‘Activating pupils’, ‘Adaptive teaching’, and ‘Teaching learning strategies’.  相似文献   
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