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当前某些社会消极心态影响了大学生对思想政治的需求;网上思想政治教育信息流量少,形式单一,与其它信息量对比悬殊;网上思想政治教育教师的参与不够,缺乏互动;缺乏一支精干高效的思想政治教育的复合型教师队伍;高校思想政治教育网站知名度不高,资源分散,重复而且单调等。高校思想政治教育进网络有以上五个主要问题。  相似文献   
思想政治理论课教学实效性是思想政治理论课的生命力,提高高职思想政治理论课教学的实效性,应结合思想政治理论课课程特点、高职学生特点,在教学内容、教学方法、实践教学环节和考核方式等方面锐意改革、大胆创新,逐步探索符合高职学生的思想心理特点和文化基础水平的思想政治理论课教育模式。  相似文献   
We examined how self-regulated learning (SRL) and externally-facilitated self-regulated learning (ERL) differentially affected adolescents’ learning about the circulatory system while using hypermedia. A total of 128 middle-school and high school students with little prior knowledge of the topic were randomly assigned to either the SRL or ERL condition. Learners in the SRL condition regulated their own learning, while learners in the ERL condition had access to a human tutor who facilitated their self-regulated learning. We converged product (pretest-posttest shifts in students’ mental models and declarative knowledge measures) with process (think-aloud protocols) data to examine the effectiveness of self- versus externally-facilitated regulated learning. Findings revealed that learners in the ERL condition gained statistically significantly more declarative knowledge and that a greater number of participants in this condition displayed a more advanced mental model on the posttest. Verbal protocol data indicated that learners in the ERL condition regulated their learning by activating prior knowledge, engaging in several monitoring activities, deploying several effective strategies, and engaging in adaptive help-seeking. By contrast, learners in the SRL condition used ineffective strategies and engaged in fewer monitoring activities. Based on these findings, we present design principles for adaptive hypermedia learning environments, engineered to foster students’ self-regulated learning about complex and challenging science topics.
Roger AzevedoEmail:

Roger Azevedo   is an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Memphis. His research interests include the role of self-regulated learning about challenging science topics with open-ended learning environments and using computers as metacognitive tools for enhancing learning. Daniel C. Moos    is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Education at Gustavus Adolphus College. His research interests include the role of prior knowledge and motivation, and self-regulated learning with computer-based learning environments. Jeffrey A. Greene    is an Assistant Professor in the School of Education at University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. His research interests include the epistemic and ontologic cognition, quantitative methods, cognition and learning, and self-regulated learning with computer-based learning environments. Fielding I. Winters    is a doctoral student in the Department of Human Development at the University of Maryland. Her research interests include students’ learning about science with computer-based learning environments. Jennifer G. Cromley    is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychological Studies in Education at Temple University. Her research interests include the reading comprehension, adolescent literacy, applied educational statistics and measurement, and self-regulated learning.  相似文献   
人的创造能力来源于精神,精神是人创造发明的不竭源泉。如果生命中的创造本性被异化为非创造性的东西,那么人就有可能由于精神异化而丧失创造发明能力。生活中有些人之所以终生毫无任何创造发明,正是由于这些人的精神被异化造成的,因此,人只有克服异化、全面占有自己作为人的类本质,才能拥有强大的创造发明能力。  相似文献   
新时期大学生心理素质教育途径探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大学生心理素质教育是大学生全面发展的中介和载体,也是其成长的基石和重要基础。文章通过对处于当今社会变革时期的大学生暴露出的心理问题及成因的分析,有针对性地提出了加强大学生心理素质教育的具体措施,以求对当前大学生心理素质教育有所借鉴。  相似文献   
素质教育是人类以自身的身心素质为对象的再生产和再创造.学生的身心素质潜能,是一个以心理活动为中心的生命活动和社会实践活动相互作用的社会化过程,需要我们敏于从社会心理学、文化生态学、教育卫生学等方面研究,从理论与实践的结合上探索学生身心素质社会化、文化化的教育社会心理机智.近年流行的智商、情商、心商理论,对更新成功观念进而推进素质教育,有着重要的意义.  相似文献   
In a sample of 244 first graders, we identified four subtypes of children based on multi-informant measures of victimization by peers and aggression toward peers: aggressive victims (AV), non-victimized aggressors, non-aggressive victims, and non-aggressive, non-victimized (i.e., normative) children. We examined the differences between the aggressor/victim groups concurrently and two years later in third grade in terms of both mental health symptoms (severity and directionality) and school functioning (academic competence and school engagement). AV showed the worst results for mental health, academic competence, and school engagement concurrently and two years later. The role of first-grade teacher experience and education in predicting third-grade outcomes was also the subject of examination. Significant interactional effects were found between both AV and teacher experience and education. Most notably, the education level of first-grade teachers interacted with AV status to predict school engagement, such that the least engaged students at third grade were AV whose first-grade teachers had no schooling beyond a bachelor’s degree.  相似文献   
唐代仙道小说中常表现出道教关注现实人生、重生恶死的宗教情怀。在封建社会鼎盛时期的唐代,仙道小说中蕴含着人们普遍追求享乐的食色文化心理;食色文化是对唐代士人在仕途、婚姻的现实选择中所作的心理补偿和人生抚慰。  相似文献   
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