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张程龙  谭小勇 《体育科研》2019,(4):34-41,87
《学校体育工作条例》(简称《条例》)自1990年颁布施行后已有近30年的时间,在这期间我国学校体育已经有了长足的发展。尤其在党的十九大后,我国在“新时代,新体育,新治理”的时代背景下,对学校体育法治建设提出了新要求。而《条例》作为指导学校体育工作层次最高、最全面的法律规范,已严重滞后于当前学校体育形势的发展。主要运用文献资料法,对《条例》的修改进行法律审视。对《条例》的制定进行了历史回望,分析了《条例》制定的重要意义;立足于新时代,从经济、法治、学校体育法律体系的构建以及学校体育自身发展形势的角度分析了《条例》修改的必要性;认为由于《条例》未能适时修改,影响了学生、教师权利的保护,《条例》未能建立相关的责任机制也使得《条例》的实施步履维艰。针对上述问题,在宏观的视角下对《条例》的修改提出建议,以期推动《条例》尽快地修改与完善。  相似文献   

Background: How teachers enact policy has been of significant interest to educational scholars. In physical education research, scholars have identified several factors affecting the enactment of policy. These factors include but are not limited to: structural support available for teachers, provision of professional development opportunities, the nature of the policy, and the educational philosophies of the teachers. A recurring conclusion drawn in this scholarship is that official documentation and teachers’ work often diverge, sometimes in profound ways.

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to investigate how physical education teachers in Sweden describe their enactment of policy regarding the concept complex movement, which features in the latest Swedish curriculum.

Methods: Interview data were generated with six specialist physical education teachers. Three questions guided the interviews: What is complex movement? What is not complex movement? And, can you give examples from your teaching of complex movement? Data were analyzed using a discourse analytic framework. Meaning was understood as a production of dialectical relationships between individuals and social practices. Two key concepts were utilized: intertextuality, which refers to the condition whereby all communicative events, not merely utterances, draw on earlier communication events, and interdiscursivity, which refers to discursive practices in which discourse types are combined in new and complex ways.

Results: We identified three discourses regarding the teachers’ enactment of policy: (1) Complex movement as individual difficulty, (2) Complex movement as composite movements, and (3) Complex movement as situational adaptation. Several features were common to all three discourses: they were all related to issues of assessment; they suggested that complex movement is something students should be able to show or perform, and; they left open room for practically any activity done in physical education to be considered complex.

Discussion: Three issues are addressed in the Discussion. The first concerns the intertextual nature of the teachers’ statements and how the statements relate to policy and research. The second concerns the way that knowledge, and specifically movement knowledge, becomes problematic in the teachers’ statements about complex movement. The third concerns more broadly the language used to describe the relationship between policy and practice.

Conclusions: We propose that modest levels of overlap between teachers’ discursive resources, policy, and research is unsurprising. In line with earlier research, we suggest that the notion of ‘enactment’ is a more productive way to describe policy-oriented practice than notions such as ‘implementation’ or ‘translation’, which imply a uni-directional, linear execution of policy.  相似文献   
This paper explores how a cohort of pre-service Health and Physical Education (HPE) teachers from an Australian university describe and construct their understandings of health and the body. Given that the courses that these undergraduates take in their degree programme present different perspectives on health and the body, a relevant question is to what extent these perspectives adequately equip these future HPE teachers to successfully teach the recently released Australian HPE curriculum. The participants in this study were 14 pre-service teachers, 11 females and 3 males, aged between 18 and 26 at the time of the first interview. The data used for this paper were taken from a larger study and were generated through interviews, the analysis of two undergraduate course profiles and an analysis of the new National HPE curriculum. Results reveal that there are some dominant discourses in health-related courses that may have a significant impact on these students. The purpose of HPE, the role of the HPE teacher and the idea of the HPE teacher as role model are also discussed. The results suggest that pre-service teachers face several challenges and dissonances between what they learn during their undergraduate programme and what the Australian HPE curriculum expects them to teach. How pre-service HPE teachers think about and relate to health and the body is important in terms of how they think about their professional practice and the influence they may have on their future pupils.  相似文献   
警体教学是公安院校重要的专业基础课程之一,也是一门综合性很强的应用学科,在目前的课程实施中,主要存在忽视警体理论教育,警体教育缺乏专业管理,存在明显的体育化倾向,缺乏军事化特点,警体教学内容缺乏实战性,忽视课外警体训练等问题,针对存在的问题,本文提出优化警体教学内容,培养警察终身体育的习惯,实施分警种的教学模式,建立发展性的学生评价体系等对策,以期为公安院校警体教学的发展提供借鉴思路。  相似文献   
以湖北省体质综合指数指标体系为基础,利用主成分分析的结果,建立了湖北省各地区分性别分年龄体质综合指数的数学模型,利用2005年湖北省体质监测数据计算出2005年湖北省各地区分性别分年龄体质综合指数,并对体质综合指数的结果进行了分析。  相似文献   
体能训练在径赛项目发展中的作用及存在的问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
体能训练是田径竞赛项目训练中重要的一环,体能训练质量的好坏直接关系到田径整体训练的水平。通过对我国田径径赛项目体能训练在竞赛项目中的作用和存在问题进行了分析,并在此基础上提出一些可行性的对策和建议。  相似文献   
在体育课堂教学中如何量化融入德育内容的构建与实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从以往单纯的体育课教学模式着手进行改革,把德育、常识教育以一定的教学组织内容,并占有相应的课时比重,融入到体育课教学。通过具体的教学实践研究,形成一套完整的体育课教学模式,使德育与常识教育,能够在体育课教学的过程中,得到真正的具体体现,来指导体育课教学。  相似文献   
本文通过调查法,采用行为科学的理论,分析了大学生体育行为产生、行为激励的基本过程及体育行为的现状,提出激励大学生体育行为的9种方法,旨在调动大学生进行体育锻炼的积极性,使他们逐步养成良好的体育行为习惯。  相似文献   
论有效体育教学及其策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
体育课堂教学效率是指向体育教学目标的有效教学时间与实际教学时间的比率,它是实现体育教学目标的价值量度。从影响有效体育教学的各因素看,提高体育课堂教学效率的策略有:体育教学过程的优化策略、注重学生主体参与策略、合理课程设计策略、激励策略、恰当起点行为掌控策略。  相似文献   
探讨提高《沈阳体育学院学报》质量的问题。通过定量分析等方法进行研究,发现载文"体育训练教育学"比例最大、作者主要来自于高等院校、篇均引文量基本正常等情况,认为采取缩短载文时滞等措施可提升期刊学术水平,旨在为刊物成为核心期刊和走国际化发展道路提供参考。  相似文献   
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