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田径娱乐化教学方法对初中生心境状态和运动能力的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过实验对比的方法,实验前、后运用心境量表(BFS)研究工具和运动能力测试手段,研究田径娱乐化教学方法对初中生心境状态和运动能力的影响. 实验结果表明,采用田径娱乐化教学方法能够改善学生心境状态,提高运动能力.  相似文献   

This paper reports some of the findings of a qualitative study into the physical activity preferences of 23 Australian secondary school boys. The study was originally designed to examine the level of homogeneity amongst boys' physical activity preferences. Semi-structured interviewing techniques and video-taped footage were used to invite boys to discuss their reasons for choosing certain movement forms and rejecting others. However, in the course of the research, the themes of physical injury and pain and a desire for physical contact emerged as central to the boys' experiences and choices. In light of emerging research into the bodily sensations (particularly pleasure) produced by participation in sports, we decided to ask the boys to talk about their own bodies in relation to physical activity and contact sports in particular. Our analysis suggests that actual and potential pain exists as the stated currency which is traded by boys in order to establish acceptable embodied masculine identities. On the other hand, pleasure remained largely unspoken and dangerous territory, both for the boys and for us. This paper discusses the apparent imbalance in the discursive resources boys have to describe pain and pleasure and the implications of this for educators. It also considers the ethical dilemmas for researchers interested in exploring these issues, given current concerns surrounding paedophilia and the bodily safety of children in Australian schools.  相似文献   
“第四代”报告文学作家大都是生于新中国,长于十年动乱,经历过思想解放和体制改革等社会剧变。他们打破了一元化的政治观念和单向度的思维习惯,力求从不同的视角去探照人与社会深层之间的复杂关系,反思其中的历史根源、现实本质及其多重意义。他们以更富有现代意义和创造精神的探索与实践,推进了报告文学的文体嬗变与发展,在强大的叙事张力中,实现其蕴涵深刻的思情价值,并呈现出学理化特征,形成独特的文体风格。  相似文献   
There is no detailed study about the origins of athletics in nineteenth-century Singapore. This research relied primarily on newspaper records, official census reports, club membership and school enrolment to study the origins and degree of participation in athletics in the military, European, Eurasian, Chinese, Malay and Indian communities. It also makes comparison to the diffusion and transmission of athletics within the global and the various local communities. The findings suggest that a ‘foot-race’ was first introduced primarily to the Malay and Chinese community in the annual New Year regatta since 1837. Athletic events were held by the troops at Tanglin Barracks and Fort Canning in 1877 following the practice and tradition of the military colleges and camps in England. The athletic meets were also organised by the European, Eurasian, Straits Chinese, Malay and Tamil sports clubs starting in 1880 thereafter. It was introduced to three English boys' schools since 1887 after the establishment of the Education Department in 1872 and the organisation of Government and aided English schools. There were no physical education or athletic programme in the English girls' schools and in the elementary Malay, Chinese and Anglo-Tamil schools.  相似文献   
河南省体育休闲旅游产业的发展研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
河南旅游产业取得了瞩目的成就,但是河南的体育休闲旅游却没有被摆到应有的位置。河南的体育休闲旅游资源非常丰富,在世界上具有垄断的地位。有关部门应联合起来,尽快把河南体育休闲旅游这个产业做大做强,使其成为河南经济新的增长点。  相似文献   
对高校田径教学改革的分析与对策探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
田径教学改革要走出困境,必须在发展人体基本活动能力的基础上,走出现代田径运动竞赛方法的桎梏,进行大胆改革,使田径运动竞赛的集体性、娱乐性、智力性、健身性得到长足的发展;同时使田径运动不在单纯地通过时间、远(高)度来体现速度快、距离远或高的运动价值,要引入速度感与节奏感、远高度与准确性的运动衡量价值。通过对竞赛方法与竞赛衡量价值的改革,从而改变教学中以技术为主的现状,改变以学为赛为考的现象,通过综合性发展竞赛方法,使学生寓教于乐地学习运动技术。  相似文献   
In 1932, as a prelude to the Los Angeles Olympics, an international gathering of supporters of ‘Sport for All’ held the first International Recreation Congress. The meeting sought to revive the original connection established during the early decades of the Olympic Movement by the Baron Pierre de Coubertin between the elite sporting spectacles he created and his commitment to active mass recreation for modern societies. The International Olympic Committee had a long and complex relationship with ‘Sport for All’ programmes, as revealed in this initial meeting of mass recreation enthusiasts and the subsequent congresses that followed. The International Olympic Committee leaders who inherited Coubertin's mantle used the recreation conclave to push the responsibility of implementing ‘sport for all’ onto other agencies rather than returning the Olympic Movement to the centre of the struggle – as Coubertin desired. While scholars have paid considerable attention to other elements of the 1932 Los Angeles games, the International Recreation Congress has been neglected, even though it created important legacies for the struggles between elite and mass sport during the rest of the twentieth century.  相似文献   
Lim Peng Han 《国际体育史杂志》2018,35(12-13):1217-1237

The Singapore Football Association (SFA) was founded in 1892. In 1904, the YMCA initiated the first football league with 12 teams from military and European clubs and School Old Boys’ teams. The first phase from 1904 to 1913 was restricted to European and Eurasian only. The military teams won six out of the nine tournaments. The second phase of the league began in 1917 and from 1921 to 1941. The Straits Chinese Football Association (SCFA) took part in the league and the rejuvenated SFA included a representative from the SCFA. The Singapore Football League started with two divisions 1921 and participating teams from the SCFA in the same year and the Malaya Football Association (MFA) in 1924. The SCFA won the league for the first time in 1925 and subsequently in 1930, 1937, and 1938. In 1929, the SFA was renamed the Singapore Amateur Football Association (SAFA). The MFA won the League for the first time in 1931, and the first local team to win three years in succession from 1931 to 1933. From 1931 to 1941 the local teams won seven league titles out of 11. By 1940 the League grew with 44 teams in three divisions.  相似文献   
运动休闲产业与旅游产业互动是当前社会经济发展的客观需求,从定量视角解析两者互动耦合程度及发展水平,能够对运动休闲产业的发展作出科学的评判。在深入辨析两者内涵和互动作用机理的基础上,构建了发展规模、品牌集聚效益、经济效益三维评价指标体系及25个二级指标。结果显示,作为我国首个运动休闲示范城市,杭州市运动休闲产业与旅游产业发展整体呈现稳步快速上升态势,而运动休闲产业综合发展水平滞后于同期的旅游产业综合发展水平;各区域间两者耦合协调发展水平存在不均衡性,市辖区和富阳处于耦合协调发展的第一梯队,其次是桐庐和淳安,建德和临安处于相对劣势。最后,根据研究体会指出了后续研究方向。  相似文献   
城市河流岛屿是一种新型的游憩空间,探讨其脆弱生态系统的构成并对其进行游憩生态安全评价具有重要意义。本文以系统生态学理论与压力-状态-响应(PSR)模型为基础,构建了包含岛屿核心区、河流缓冲区、城市影响区三大分系统与压力、状态、响应三大因子的城市河流岛屿游憩生态安全评价指标体系,并以湖南省衡阳市东洲岛为例进行了实证研究。研究结果表明城市河流岛屿游憩生态安全度较低,不同分系统的生态安全差异特征明显:岛屿核心区生态安全度最低,其生态安全问题最为突出,区域内大部分指标是生态安全的重要影响因子;河流缓冲区与城市影响区生态安全度较高,但区域内的一些因素对城市河流岛屿的游憩生态安全具有负向影响效应。  相似文献   
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