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高校学生外出租房目前已成为一种普遍现象,探究产生高校学生在外租房现象的原因,找出切实可行的解决措施,将有力的促进高校学生管理工作的有序进行。  相似文献   
中国和日本这两个亚洲大国的关系究竟如何 ,不仅历来为世人所瞩目 ,而且也为学者所重视 ,尽管两国政府在公开场合或外交场合都强调友好是主流 ,但实际上目前仍处于比较艰难的阶段。而日本媒体的舆论导向又为中日关系起到哪些作用 ?著名日本问题专家、新加坡学者卓南生教授 ,围绕以上问题作了精辟的分析。下面是卓氏在北京大学一个公开演讲会的发言 ,读来饶有趣味  相似文献   
今年是《中日和平友好条约》缔结30周年,回顾中日邦交正常化的历史进程,廖承志作为中国政府对日工作的最高负责人,在发展中日友好和推动两国关系在官方和民间两个层次上同时发展发挥了独特的历史作用。同时,中日邦交正常化也是日本对华友好人士长期努力的结果,其中,日本创价学会会长池田大作的贡献尤为突出。池田大作创办创价大学,成立公明党,关键时刻发表了“日中邦交正常化倡言”,为日本朝野指明了实现邦交正常化的正确方向和途径。中日邦交正常化后,廖承志、池田大作依然为中日友好事业奋斗不息。  相似文献   
矛盾规律是自然界、人类社会的普遍规律。从感觉、听觉、力量等几个方面阐述了声乐发声的过程充满了各种矛盾的对抗,如何正确的理解并掌握这一规律,是提高声乐教学水平的基础。  相似文献   
空中闪电危机不仅是英美关系史上的一件大事,也是英国核战略转变的分水岭。之后,英国核战略由独立核威慑转向了依赖美国;战略核力量构成由空基为主转向了海基为主;核保护义务由一国转向了北约盟国。英美核关系也出现了革命性变化。  相似文献   
党政关系问题是中国政治体制的核心问题,也是中国政治发展的热点和难点问题。党政关系不顺已成为影响和制约着我国政治体制改革进一步深入发展的“瓶颈”。建设新型党政关系既是新时期中国政治发展的必然选择,也是加强执政党自身建设的内在逻辑。本文通过对党政关系历史演变的介绍,总结了理顺党政关系的基本原则,并提出了建设新型党政关系的对策,以期对我国社会主义民主政治建设有所帮助。  相似文献   
Four large organizations, two each from the private and public sectors of the Northern Ireland economy, were selected for this study which, first, explored the effects of religion-based workforce difference on intergroup relationships, second, investigated the contribution of organizational sector to communicative differences, and third, gauged the effects of group-based negativity on the flow and distribution of functional information within the organization. Little evidence of intergroup conflict was found although employees expressed a desire for greater quantity and quality of outgroup contact. Significant differences between the private and public bodies emerged in this respect. Contrasts were consistent with general organizational differences typifying the sectors. Findings are discussed in relation to diversity management and the characteristics of organizational sectors.  相似文献   
Research in the American West, China, and Taiwan has shown that officers’ communication accommodative practices (and attributed trust in them) can be more potent predictors of satisfaction with the police than are the sociodemographic characteristics of those judging. With Black and White respondents, this study continues this line of work in Louisiana and South Africa and tests a new model about the relationships among perceived officer accommodation, trust in the police, and reported voluntary compliance from civilians. In addition to an array of differences that emerged between nations and ethnicities, officer accommodativeness indirectly predicted civilian compliance through trust. The hypothesized model was partially supported and culturally-sensitive.  相似文献   
本文试图将逻辑连接词的研究与文体结合起来考虑并进行探讨,按照文体分类收集了大量的英汉语料,利用语料分析软件对四种不同文体中连接词的出现频率、连接词的逻辑关系等进行量化分析处理,之后对分析结果进行解释和说明,从而加深人们对不同语篇连接词使用特点的了解。  相似文献   
公共关系是一项管理活动,网络时代的到来,使得网络公关的概念脱颖而出.本文从公共关系和网络公关的定义入手,指出了图书馆网络公关的含义、特征和三大要素的变化,最后指出了图书馆开展网络公关时的四项措施:媒体选择、网站的设计与维护、电子邮件和提高图书馆工作人员的素质.  相似文献   
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