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The circulation of mobile professional athletes, a phenomenon whose visibility increased exponentially in the last couple of decades of the twentieth century, poses important questions for postcolonial approaches to the human condition. At first glance, the orientation of entire segments of the population in some countries in the global South to the possibility of migrating to sport careers in the global North seems to reproduce patterns of economic dependence of the world's peripheries on the world's centres, with the latter obtaining resources from the former in non-reciprocal fashion. A more nuanced approach, however, demands that these dynamics be framed in a broader context of multiple power relations that are at once local and global, material and ideational, and rooted in complex histories that have somewhat obscured colonial relations of yesteryears. This approach is illustrated here with materials about migration-oriented football academies in West Africa and the transnational circulation of Pacific Island rugby players.  相似文献   
通过学界对丽辽"关系分期""朝贡分期"与"遣使分期"的认识和使用,从丽辽"关系""朝贡""遣使"的起止时间及阶段划分等三个方面入手,对上述三组概念进行了综合考察。认为"关系"强调的是"事物之间相互作用、相互影响的状态","朝贡"强调的是"宗藩关系",而"遣使"强调的则是"使者派遣"。三组概念既有区别,又有联系。同时对丽辽"关系分期""朝贡分期""遣使分期"提出了新的划分标准与依据。并得出由于丽辽两国在1038年以后,朝贡制度与遣使制度实现了制度化,因此1038年以后的丽辽关系,应为东亚封贡体系之始的结论。  相似文献   
《西游记》第八回中观音为寻取经人,幻化模样后的人间形象是一个满身病疮的,衣衫褴褛的落魄和尚。在人们心目中法相庄严的观音怎么会幻化成这样一副模样?这绝不是信手拈来的自由发挥,而是有着文献依据的。通过一连串相互继连的记载可以考证出其源流。  相似文献   
在苏联卫国战争前,斯大林从所谓国家安全利益考虑,对一些居住在边境地区的少数民族群体采取强制迁移措施,主要迁移到中亚地区,远东地区朝鲜人就是其中之一。迁移过程中,朝鲜移民遭受很大损失,最终在中亚地区站稳脚跟。  相似文献   

Changes in information communication technology across the Asian region have altered our field substantively and methodologically. The rapid growth of digitized communications allows us to find new purchase in examining questions fundamental to our understanding of communication theories, norms, and practices across Asia. While methods such as text mining and user analytics are increasingly popular among computational scholars, here, we focus on online field experiments, an approach to studying communication that has the potential to overcome many existing obstacles to social scientific inquiry but one that has been used relatively rarely in Asia. In this paper, we discuss what online field experiments are and how they differ from traditional experiments as well as online lab and survey experiments. We show how researchers can go about designing and implementing online field experiments, focusing on issues where online field experiments differ from their traditional counterparts – legal and ethical considerations, construct validity, randomization and spillover, and statistical analyses. Finally we discuss how online field experiments can advance our understanding of communication in Asia by helping researchers to gain insight and make causal inferences on attitudes, behaviors, and interactions that were previously unobservable ?.  相似文献   
杨国荣教授发表的“具体的形上学”三书,构建了当代哲学形上学的一个理论相态。这一理论体系既有对传统哲学的继承和阐扬,也体现了哲学家从中西互动史思结合的角度创立哲学形上学的理论自觉。  相似文献   
西辽河上游地区与中原地区史前生业方式比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西辽河上游地区史前时期考古学文化序列自成体系,谱系清晰,考古学文化主要包括小河西文化、兴隆洼文化、富河文化、赵宝沟文化、红山文化和小河沿文化。从地理环境来看,西辽河上游是从半干旱区向干旱区过渡地区,也是对环境变化反应敏感的生态系统过渡带,史前时期受到地理条件、气候环境与外部文化的影响,形成了独特而具典型性的采集、渔猎、农业并存的经济形态。与西辽河上游地区相比,中原地区在新石器时代早期经济生产活动的主体仍然是采集、狩猎,农业仅是辅助性的次要的生产活动;到了新石器时代中期仰韶文化阶段,生业方式以农耕生产为主;到了新石器时代晚期龙山文化阶段,已经处于农业生产阶段,中国北方旱作农业的农作物布局在中原地区已经趋向复杂化。  相似文献   
《西游记》是中国文学史上第一部杰出的赋予浪漫主义色彩的长篇神魔小说,也是我国古典小说中的四大名著之一.中华武术作为小说灵感创作的重要信息来源,在书中展现功夫打斗的场景笔墨尤为浓重.传统文化是武术生存的土壤和发展的根基,中华武术的精髓部分在书中喻以春秋笔法,借助若干个主要人物的英勇事迹附加以神话描写,共同造就了我们今天所看到的中国古代神魔志怪小说的杰出代表——《西游记》.文章立足于对《西游记》主要代表人物之一美猴王孙悟空的解析,以美猴王战斗形象构成为主要线索,进一步解读美猴王人物塑造的武术特色,为发掘和印证中华武术与传统文化之间存在的相关联系提供研究论据,亦为武术文化的创新和发展拓宽新的视野.  相似文献   
通过对中国与日本、韩国和中国台湾棒球的开展状况及发展水平的对比分析,找出中国棒球落后的原因,以期为中国棒球更好的发展提供参考。  相似文献   
施甸遗存的滇西抗战宣传标语,是抗战文化的重要组成部分,是研究滇西抗战的重要实物资料之一。在目前全国尚无较多抗战标语遗存的情况下,尤为珍贵。对施甸遗存抗战宣传标语的产生、概况进行了阐述,对保存现状、存在问题、保护价值进行了分析,并提出相应的保护对策。  相似文献   
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