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依据我国现行法律规范,高校享有对学生的处分权.高校处分权如果行使不当,极易侵犯学生的受教育权,特别是"退学"、"开除学籍"等处分一旦作出,对学生的权益将产生极大的消极影响;但在我国,高校处分权的行使却缺乏有效监督,受处分学生如果不服,只能申请校内救济或向有关教育行政部门申诉,尚不能诉诸司法程序,这对保护学生的受教育权是极为不利的.  相似文献   
高等学校学生处分由于涉及到学生受教育权的剥夺与限制、涉及到学生名誉的损害,对其正当性的置疑已经成为当前社会关注的焦点和学界讨论的热点。在正确认识高等学校学生处分的概念与特征的基础上,以目的、实体与程序三个维度为视角,合理剖析高等学校学生处分的正当性,对高等学校学生处分运行机制的合理建构有着重要的意义。目的正当是高等学校学生处分正当性之前提,实体正当是高等学校学生处分正当性之基础,程序正当是高等学校学生处分正当性之保障。而三者的有机统一构成高等学校学生处分正当性的根源。  相似文献   
A basic human right of all children is protection from physical punishment in all settings. Yet, corporal punishment remains common place within families, at home, at school, and elsewhere. In Thailand, cultural beliefs and values might preserve its use. This research sought to explore the use of corporal punishment in Thai homes. It also aimed to investigate young adult retrospective accounts of parent use of corporal punishment and their associations with psychological attributes and the acceptance of certain myths that might perpetuate its use. Two hundred and fifty young people (Mage = 20.26 years, SD = 1.19) recounted their parent’s disciplining strategies related to when they were 10 years old. They also completed the Personality Assessment Questionnaire (Rohner, 1999), the Corporal Punishment Myth Scale (Kish & Newcombe, 2015) and responded as parents to a number of child misbehavior scenarios. Overall, 80.4% reported some instance of corporal punishment as a 10-year-old with lifetime prevalence at 85.5%. Receiving corporal punishment was related to poorer psychological outcomes as a young adult. Myths about corporal punishment significantly predicted the use of that discipline strategy in the scenarios. The results are discussed in relation to Thai cultural values and beliefs and the need to gather further evidence to support further policy and legislative changes.  相似文献   


The current study examined the independent effects of mothers’ childhood abuse (CA) and intimate partner violence (IPV) on psychopathology and functional impairment in children; and the potential moderating and mediating role of individual and family factors in these relationships. Additionally, this study explored the potential cumulative effects of both maternal CA and IPV on children's outcomes.


The sample included 547 Spanish children and adolescents aged between 8 and 17 years, and their parents, who had accessed mental health services. The assessment was based on structured interviews with the children and their parents. Statistical analyses were carried out through hierarchical multiple, negative-binomial and logistic regressions, and Structural Equation Models.


Children whose mothers experienced CA and those whose mothers suffered physical IPV showed increased DSM-IV disruptive disorders and externalizing behavior problems, respectively. Children who directly observed physical IPV and also suffered physical punishment by parents showed increased internalizing problems. IPV had effects, either direct or indirect by physical punishment, on children's externalizing problems. Cumulative effect analyses indicated that the prevalence of disruptive disorders was highest in children whose mothers had suffered both CA and IPV.


Spanish children whose mothers have suffered CA, IPV or both, are at high risk of serious conduct problems, whereas children exposed to IPV and who were also physically abused are at greater risk of internalizing problems. Physical punishment of children contributes in part to explain externalizing problems of IPV-exposed children. These findings indicate potential targets of assessment and intervention for families seeking help in mental health services.  相似文献   
本文从符合公权力运行内在特征,惩治和预防公权力恶性侵权,激励公民维护个人权益,实现对公民合法权益提供完全充分保障的需要四方面,分析论证了在我国国家赔偿中确立惩罚性赔偿制度的必要性,并且对国家赔偿领域适用惩罚性赔偿,从适用的构成要件、赔偿数额以及诉讼标准三方面提出了立法思考。  相似文献   
理学始于宋代,创始人为周敦颐、张载、二程,至南宋朱熹而集大成。理学提出"理"先于天地而存在,主张"即物而穷理"。后期有陆九渊的心学,提出"宇宙便是吾心"的命题。明代,王守仁进一步发展陆九渊的学说,认为"心外无物",主张"致良知"。宋明理学是中国古代社会后期有思想有见识的中国人在思考和解决现实社会问题与文化问题中所得出的哲学智慧,它深深地影响了中国古代社会后半期的社会发展和文明走势。作为思想史上的重要组成部分,理学对我国传统的法律思想也有着不可忽视的影响。  相似文献   
安抚、批评、惩罚与表扬、奖励等激励方法一样,都是幼儿教育中可用的重要手段,但幼儿毕竟是幼儿,安抚、批评、惩罚必须讲究科学,如安抚孩子不宜进行负诱导,批评孩子不能一"批"了之,慎用惩罚手段,这都是幼儿教育中的一些基本原则。家长和老师要从孩子的生理心理特征出发,按照幼儿教育的规律,避免因安抚、批评、惩罚不当,而造成对孩子的身心伤害。  相似文献   
本文分别从期刊撤稿规范和流程、对作者惩戒措施、研究报告透明度政策等方面深入揭示了国内外生物医学期刊伦理建设现状,并提出国内期刊抵制学术不端行为的防范措施。1)完善撤稿规范和流程,是防范学术不端行为的重要制度保证。2)制订惩戒措施,构建防范学术不端行为的防线。3)增加研究报告透明度,将“把控内容真实性”作为防范学术不端行为的根本:①提高数据、代码、材料透明度,增加对研究结果的信任;②制订图像完整性标准,避免不当操纵;③遵循临床试验报告指南,促进试验结果的完整和透明;④施行临床试验注册相关规范,提高社会公信度;⑤规范利益冲突披露形式,提高研究报告透明度。  相似文献   
死刑制度的存废,必须呼应人民法感情,必且兼顾人权保障与人道关怀。就台湾而言,在立法上,限于重大侵害生命或国家社会安全法益的犯罪,才可保留死刑;同时也可参酌大陆的死缓制度,给死囚最后的观察机会,若其真诚悔改,经严谨公正的程序确认,可以改判无期徒刑或长期自由刑。法院必须坚守刑事诉讼法的无罪推定等相关原则,只有检察官求处死刑的案件,法院除非对于犯罪情节最重大之罪,手段凶残,显然无从教化矫正,否则不得科处死刑,且应修法要求法官评议一致,方可为死刑判决;此外,其他相关的配套,如矫正措施的改良、强化强制辩护制度等,亦不可忽略,以期死刑制度的改革能够真正成功。  相似文献   
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